2018Cobb/Paulding Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Registration and Application Instructions: For Non-CCSD Elementary Students

Dear Student,

As a private, charter, or home-school student residing in Cobb or Paulding, we congratulate you on advancing to the Cobb-Paulding Regional Science Fair. In order to compete in this year’s Regional Science Fair please complete each of the following tasks:

1)You must register on-line for the fair by going to and completing the on-line registration form. In order to do so, you will need to know the title of your project, a parent/guardians Email, your teacher’s email and a few details about yourproject. If you are home-schooled, you can list a parent’s name as your science teacher’s name. If needed, seek the help of your science teacher in order to complete the form. Thedeadline for on-line registration is Monday, January 29th, 2018.

2)Display and Safety Regulations are available in the Exhibitor handbook (pages 6-8) ( Your display and your project must follow these regulations. You do NOT need to worry about any of the forms mentioned on these pages.

3)Application forms must be emailed or received in the Cobb County Central Office Suite 260by Monday, January 29th at 12:00 pm including:

a. Acknowledgement form (next page)

b. A $20.00 registration fee per project (make check to CCSD).

A confirmation/information email for each participating student will be sent to the parent email addresses listedon the application by Friday, February 2nd. It will include the details and directions for the science fair. Please mail or email your completed application packets to the following address or have your sponsoring teacher/parent send it to:

Christian Cali, Science Supervisor

514 Glover Street

Suite 260

Marietta, Ga 30060

Thank you for your hard work in planning and presenting this research project. We look forward to seeing you on February 10th.

Cobb-Paulding Regional Science Fair

Elementary Acknowledgement Form for Non-CCSD Students

Name of Student:______

Project Name:______

School Name:______

Name of Parent/Guardian:______

Parent’s Email Address:______

Please acknowledge the following:

We reside in Cobb or Paulding County.

We registered our project online at

On the day of the fair, we will register on-site and set up the project between 8:15 and 9:00 am.

We have read the Project and Display guidelines and understand that if the project or display violates one of these rules it will be disqualified.

We understand that my child does not need to be present the whole day, but there will be an optional interview time that will be assigned during which my child can choose to be present.

We will remove the project by 3:45 pm and understand that if it is not removed it will be disposed of.

Application fee: A $20 application fee is require for each project. Please make checks out to CCSD.


Student Signature Parent Signature

Mail or e-mail this form and application fee to:

Christian Cali, Science Supervisor

514 Glover Street,

Suite 260

Marietta, Ga 30060