On Site, Visual

Application Instructions

Selection Process :

1.  Initial selection: Participants will be selected based on written applications. The list of participants will be announced on Sept. 16.

2.  Final selection: A jury panel will be comprised of four international judges and one Taiwanese judge. Judges will randomly assess the artworks on site throughout October 17 and 18.

3.  Prize-winners will be announced at the exhibition venue on October 18.

Awards :

1.  One First Place award: A three-month artist residency in 2016 at Taipei Artist Village or Treasure Hill Artist Village. The artist residency includes one free room/studio, and participation in the artist village’s programs and events, such as: an open studio, solo exhibition, curator visits, and seminars. (Artist residency requires a separate contract.)

2.  Two Second Place awards: A solo exhibition at Treasure Hill Artist Village. (Dates must be negotiated with organizers. Solo exhibitions include an opening reception, curator visits, marketing resources, and funding for printed marketing materials.)

The organizers will provide :

1.  A 110V power source (Artworks must use less than 100W of electricity.)

2.  One square meter of space (100cm long x 100cm wide x 200cm high)

Participants must comply with these rules :

1.  No holes whatsoever may be nailed, drilled, dug out or hammered in.

2.  No stains or marks may be left behind.

3.  No flame may be lit.

4.  The organizers have the right, with a simple oral command, to interrupt or stop any participant operating against the rules.

5.  Participants may not change the placement of their artworks. The placement of artworks will be arranged solely by the organizers.

How to apply :

1.  Fill out one application form, and submit it via email to: , with the subject heading On Site, Visual application_XXX (participant’s name).

2.  All applications must be made on-line. No applications that violate regulations will be accepted.

On Site, Visual Registration Form

General Information
Name / Passport Name
Exhibit Name / Will be used for promotion
Email Address
Spare Email Address
Mobile Number
On Site Exhibit Work
Work Title / both in Mandarin and English
Work Statement / Within 100 words, both Mandarin and English version are required. Will be used as illustration on the exhibition venue
Exhibit Work Sketch / Any type of expression form is acceptable. Please insert photos or words directly in this form
Past Work
Artist Resume / Intro / within 200 words
Reference Website / not compulsory
Three piece of past works / Please insert photos directly and accompany with text illustrations