While I may be going out of a limb here, given the polarized nature of our nation these days, I’m guessing there may be something upon which all of us can agree right now:

We’re ready for spring.

Even the ski resorts seem to be celebrating the end of a long, profitable season and sounding ready to shift into other seasons, such as golf.

Of course some of us were ready for spring as soon as the holidays were over (if not before them). Others found at least some joy in the winter season and accepted it until spring showed up on the calendar.

But lately, as a lion-like March made way for a not-much-more lamb-like April, an all-too-rare consensus seemed to coalesce. As the snow continued to fall, everyone seemed to adopt the same exasperated position on the issue: “Enough!”

Well as I write this, the forecast is finally looking (largely) favorable. Perhaps we truly can celebrate spring’s arrival now!

Just in time for Earth Day on Sunday, April 22.

Uh oh. Am I hearing consensus crumbling?

Many people have embraced Earth Day for decades. (2020 will mark its 50th year.) But for others Earth Day connotes campaigns against carbon emissions, eating meat and the use of plastics, causes which they may not support.

Well, let’s see if we can recover some consensus. For there are many ways to commemorate Earth Day, beginning with the simple fact that it is a good way to celebrate spring.

This is our season of renewal. We want to be done with winter’s detritus and, emotionally as well as naturally, spring brushes it all away.

Earth Day offers many opportunities to experience that and to participate in a meaningful way, especially at our state parks, where on Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22, there are spring clean-ups and other special programs planned. You can see what is scheduled by going to events.dcnr.pa.gov.

Spring clean-ups entail light maintenance tasks, such as cleaning up winter debris and litter or performing trail maintenance. But given the beauty and invigoration of the setting, the joy of companionship with like-minded people and the feeling of doing something positive, and you’ll find that you are receiving more than you are giving.

Huntingdon and Latrobe have actual Earth Day events scheduled on Saturday, April 21, each of which offers opportunities for the whole family.

Huntington’s will be in Blair Park and includes talks, tree plantings, hikes and other structured activities. Check out the “Historic Blair Park” Facebook page. The Westmoreland Earth Day gathers a group of organizations at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at St. Vincent College with displays and activities. WestmorelandEarthDay.org.

And the Earth Day organization itself continues to grow, evolve and present ways to celebrate and help our planet; ways that should work for everyone – no matter what their political or environmental persuasions might be.

If you visit EarthDay.org, you’ll see an invitation to commit an “Act of Green.” The organization literally is seeking billions of such acts as ways to encourage us to think about what we personally can do to make our world a bit healthier.

Scan the list of acts and you’ll see quite a variety. Some clearly are political and public. Yet others are quite personal and more meaningful for the individuals committing the acts than for others.

There’s the man who estimates that by quitting smoking he is sparing his children’s lungs and the world from 730,000 cigarette butts. I’m not sure what to make of the man who considered it an act of green to break up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t recycle.

But here’s what I hope we all can agree upon: Earth Day can be a great day to celebrate spring’s arrival. Make it meaningful by commemorating itwithwhatever personal action works for you.