Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave.Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

To register, please do the following:2017-2018

1)Completely fill out, and submit two forms, either on-line at our website: orby mail:

  • Application
  • Child Record

Once these two forms are received, you are guaranteed a spot on the wait list.

2)Schedule a visit with your child (if you are new to the school)

When a spot becomes available to you, you will be contacted by email and an offer of attendance will be made.

Once you accept the offer of attendance, you need to immediatelysubmit the following itemsfully completed:

  • Child Medical/EmergencyForm –with month and day for each immunization
  • Adult Medicalfor Participating Adult–with month and day for each immunization.
  • Family Agreement
  • Fee Agreement/Photographic Consent
  • Submit Registration Fee of $100 (non-refundable)
  • CPS will provide a Toronto Police Servicesform for new participating parents to mail in with a certified cheque or money order for $20.00 to perform a Criminal Reference Check – a Ministry requirement if you participate.
  • Sign up for a MANDATORY training session- a Ministry requirement to participate.(See choice of dates/times at bottom)

Only once Registration fee and required paperwork are received, are you registered and guaranteed a spot


To complete your registration, when you receive your email confirming your application,immediately submit the following cheques along with all of your remaining forms listed above:

  • September fees, dated for deposit June 1, 2017 (pre-paid to save your space)and a VOID cheque for future withdrawals.
  • June 2017 fees (pre-paid as last month’s fees)plusaone-time Annual Admin Family Fee of $40datedfor deposit Sept.1, 2017.
  • If you choose not to participate,please include theNon-participation fee of $65 per month for Sept and June.
  • For October – May,fees will beby automatic withdrawal by VOID cheque.

EFT/Interac payments are also possible. Please contact the office for information.


  • Submitpayment for your chosen weeksof attendance when you submityour Application form. This chequeshould be

dated for deposit May 1, 2017. Wewill confirm space for your child in the summer camp via email by March 31st for existing parents, and as soon as possible for new families. Fees will not be deposited until we can confirm a spot for your child.

Summer Camp 2017:Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur (2 days a week)Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur (4 days a week)

3 Hr8:30 to 11:30am$70/wk$139/wk

4 ½ Hr8:30 to 1:00pm$95/wk (with lunches)$191/wk (with lunches)

School YearProgram2017 – 2018: Fees have been averaged over ten months Sept – June(Taxes are included in fees listed)

3 Hour Program is the monthly tuition for the Morning or Afternoon without lunch or extended hours

4 Hour Program includes the1 hour lunchprogram with catered hot lunch

*6 Hour Program includes the 1 hour lunch program and extended program

*Please note the program ends at 2:25pm. Due to Ministry regulations, children cannot be here longer than 5 hours and 55 minutes!

Program Morning or AfternoonTues/Thur Mon/Wed/Fri 5 days/wk

3 Hr 8:30 to 11:30 or12:30 to 3:30$287/mo$433/mo$685/mo

4 Hr8:30 to 12:30 or11:30 to 3:30$383/mo$569/mo$858/mo

6 Hr8:30 to 2:25 or 11:30 to 5:25$497/mo$733/mo $1137/mo

EARLY BIRD 8:00 to 8:30am $65/mo $95/mo$150/mo

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB 3:30 to 6:00pm$163/mo$246/mo$399/mo

Your child will be fully registered once we have received all forms and all cheques.You are required to complete a 45 minute

training session before your child starts in the Fall (unless you are paying the $65 a month fee to NOT participate).

Please indicate your session below:

Thurs.June 1st 9:00 am _____ Thurs. June 1st 5:00 pm _____ Tues. June6th 9:00am _____ Tues. June 6th1:00pm ______

Wed. June 7th 9:00 am ______Wed. June 7th 5:30 pm ______Wed. June 14th2:45pm _____

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Application Form 2017/2018

Child’s Last Name ______First Name ______Sex (M/F) ______

Address ______Postal code ______

Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ______Home Phone ______Cell Phone______

Name of Parent/Guardian: ______Email: ______

Name of Parent/Guardian: ______Email: ______

Summer Camp 2017: 8:30 to 11:30am. There is a two week minimum to attend the Summer Camp.

Mon/Wed or Tue/ThurMon/Tue/Wed/Thur

2 days/week4 days/week

3 Hr8:30 to 11:30am$70/wk (without lunch)$139/wk (without lunch)

4 ½ Hr8:30 to 1:00pm$95/wk (with lunch)$191/wk(with lunch)

Please mark choice: Junior room 2 ½ to 3 ½ years old ______Senior room 3 ½ to 5years old ______

Circle choice of days:Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur or 4 days (July 3rd and Aug 7th holidays, open Tue/Th and Wed/Fri those wks)

Weeks of:July 4-7 ______July 10-13 ______July 17-20______July 24-27 ______Jul 31-Aug 4 ______Aug 8-11______

Circle:Tu/Th and/or W/F(holiday) M,W and/or Tu/Th M,W and/or Tu/Th M,W and/or Tu/Th M,W and/or Tu/Th Tu/Th and/or W/F(holiday)

Summer Lunch 11:30to 1:00 ____ Allergies or food restrictions______

School Year Program:As a part time program, our licensing allows a child to attend less than 6 hours each day.We offer a MorningPreschool program for children 2 ½ to 3 years and an Afternoon Preschool forchildren 3 to 5 years.We also offer an After SchoolClub for JK through Grade 3 at the end of the school day from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Our Early Bird program is an option where your child can start at 8:00 am ……just in time to get you to your 9:00 am downtown meeting!

MORNING PRESCHOOL 2 ½ - 3 years of agePlease mark your choices1st, 2nd and 3rd

___3 Hr Morning Preschool:8:30 to 11:30MWF _____ Tue/Thu _____ 5 days _____

___4 Hr Morning preschool: 8:30 to 12:30MWF _____ Tue/Thu _____ 5 days _____

___6 Hr Morning Preschool: 8:30 to 2:25pmMWF _____Tue/Thu _____5 days _____

AFTERNOON PRESCHOOL 3 -5years of agePlease mark your choices1st, 2nd and 3rd

___ 3 Hr Afternoon Program 12:30 to 3:30MWF _____Tue/Thu _____5 days _____

___ 4 Hr Afternoon Program 11:30 to 3:30MWF _____Tue/Thu _____5 days _____

___ 6 Hr Afternoon Program 11:30 to 5:25MWF _____Tue/Thu _____5 days _____


3:30 to 6:00pm Mon _____ Tue _____ Wed _____ Thu _____ Fri _____ Grade Level _____ Teacher______

My child will attend from Wilkinson PS____ Holy Name____ La Mosaique____ Blake _____Other ______

I need 3:20 Escort from Wilkinson to After School Club: Yes ______No ______Room Number:______

I need 3:05 Escort from Blake to After School Club: Yes ____ No _____ Room Number: ______

I need 3:20 Holy Name or La Mosaique Bus Drop off at Chatham/Phin for After School Club: Yes ______No ______

Bus Route Number______Driver’s Name______

Parent Participation Options: Families regularly contribute one adult to participate as a staff team member which allows more involved activities with a one to five, adult to child ratio. You may pay a fee in lieu of participating and provide a monthly box of crackers or 500 g of cheese for snack.I choose to:______participate once every 3 or 4 weeks,OR______pay a Non-Participation fee of $65/mo which pays

forour lunch staff person to do your participation day.

NOTE : You must complete your training session in June before your child starts, or pay the $65 non-participation fee for September.

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Child Record 2017/2018

Last Name ______First Name ______Sex(M/F) ______Language ______

Other Language ______Birth:(dd/mm/yyyy) ______Phone ______

Address______Postal code ______

Main intersection ______License Plate #______

Health Card ______Version ______Expiration______

School (for After School children)______Teacher: ______Class room # ____Phone:______

E-mail ______May we email you updates? Yes ___ No____

E-mail for second parent - optional for updates ______Yes___ No____

Include my child’s name, phone, days attendingPreschoolon list for other families? Yes___ No ____

(This list is used for exchanging participation days, arranging play dates, partiesand general getting in touch with each other.)

Parent/Guardian______Home Phone______

Address ______Cell Phone ______

(if different from child)

Bus. Address ______Work Phone ______

Parent/Guardian ______Home Phone______

Address ______Cell Phone ______

(if different from child)

Bus. Address ______Work Phone______

If possible, please put my child in the same class as:______

Doctor______Doctor’s Phone______

Doctor's address ______Postal code ______

Authorized people who may pick up child in case of illness or when parent is unavailable:

Name______Phone ______


Name ______Phone______

Address ______Relationship______

Does this child have any other medical issues, allergies or restrictions that we should know about? Yes____ or No ____

This form travels with your child outdoors for play, fire drills or emergency evacuation. Additional info may be recorded on child’s medical/emergency form.

Specify allergy or restriction:______


Permission Form for administering special health care, medication and/or Epi- pen needs to be filled out if applicable.

Brothers/Sisters ______Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ______

______Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ______Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ______

How did you find out about our school? Flyer ___ Sign ___ Website ___ Word/mouth ___Other ______

Please mark if interested in parent board or committee work:

Board ____ Fundraising ____ Marketing ____ Parent/School ____ Website ____ Other ______

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Child’s Medical/Emergency Form 2017/2018

Last Name ______First Name ______Sex(M/F) ______

Address ______Postal code ______

Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ______Birth Order ______

Health Number ______Version _____ Expiration _____

Phone ______Cell Number:______

Doctor ______Doctor's Phone ______

Doctor's Address ______Postal code______

Your doctor does not need to sign this form if you have a record of the immunization dates.

We must havecomplete dates

Immunizations: Day Month Year

DPT Polio, Hib (2 mos) ______DPT: Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus

DPT Polio, Hib(4 mos)______Hib: Haemophilus B

DPT Polio, Hib (6 mos)______

MMR(After 1st birthday) ______MMR: Measles, mumps, rubella

DPT Polio, Hib (18 mos)______

DPT Polio, MMR(4-6 years)______

Chicken Pox ______


Communicable diseases:(mark yes or no whether the child has had the illness)

chicken pox ______roseola ______scarlet fever ______measles ______mumps ______rubella ______

hand, foot, mouth ______whooping cough ______fifth disease ______other______


Cultural or life style food restrictions:______


Does this child have any other medical issues that we should know about? Yes _____ No _____

Specify ______



Allergy ______possible____ mild ____ moderate ____ severe ____ epi-pen ____ avoid ___

Allergy ______possible____ mild ____ moderate ____ severe ____ epi-pen ____ avoid ___

Allergy ______possible____ mild ____ moderate ____ severe ____ epi-pen ____ avoid ___

Has child seen an allergist? ______

Asthma (details)______

Ear infections?Yes ____No ____ Ear tubes? _____ Assessed for speech delay? Yes _____No _____

Speech therapy? Yes ______No _____ Premature delivery? Yes_____No _____

Taking medications? Specify: ______

In case of an emergency, I authorize staff members of The Creative Preschool of East Toronto to take

my child ______for emergency medical treatment.

(full name of child)

Date: ______Parent or Guardian: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______Parent or Guardian: ______Signature: ______

If I am unavailable, in an emergency you may release my child to:

Name ______Phone ______

Address ______Relationship to child ______

This form must be complete before your child attends our school as per our licensing requirements.

This record must be updated when your child has new immunizations or changes in medical status.

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Adult Medical Form (participating parents) 2017/2018

Adult's Name: ______

Child:Last Name ______First name ______

Relationship to child: ______Phone: ______Sex (M/F): ______

Address: ______Postal: ______

Doctor: ______Doctor’s Phone: ______

Doctor’s Address: ______Postal code: ______

Your doctor does not need to sign this form if you have a record of the immunization dates.

Do you currently have or are you a carrier of any communicable disease?

No _____ Yes ____ Please Specify: ______


Immunizations: *Tetanus (every 10 years)Year ______within last 10 years.

Give dates: *Tuberculosis (most recent negativeYear ______

skin test or negative chest x-ray)

Childhood diseases (boosters usually relate to employment, pregnancy, school or travel:

Have you had it?Date of last booster:

*MeaslesNo _____ Yes _____(dd/mm/yyyy)______

*MumpsNo _____ Yes _____(dd/mm/yyyy) ______

*RubellaNo _____ Yes _____(dd/mm/yyyy) ______

Chicken PoxNo _____ Yes _____(dd/mm/yyyy) ______

PertussisNo _____ Yes _____(dd/mm/yyyy) ______

*Dates required! If you don’t know your immunization dates, then you need to see your doctor

and have them updated. If both parents are participating, both must have dates on separate forms.

If applicable:

Currently pregnant ______or nursing ______and immunizations are not recommended until ______

Date: ______Form filled out by: ______

This form must be completebefore you may participate in the classroomas per our licensing requirements.

Participating Parents are here as staff and must be immunized in that capacity.


Outdoor Excursion Permission Slip 2017/18 Creative Preschool School Year

I give permission for my child ______to go on local supervised neighbourhood walks to Phin Park, Greenwood Parkette and the subway car transfer yard on a regular basis when the weather permits.


Parent/ guardian signature Date

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Family Agreement with the Creative Preschool 2017/2018

I agree to participate in The Creative Preschool according to the policies and routines outlined in the Parent Handbook and summarized below.

I UNDERSTAND ALL FORMS AND FEES MUST BE UP TO DATE AND SUBMITTED before my child’s application is confirmed.

Parent Participation Obligation:

I understand The Creative Preschool is a parent participation co-operative program and I will provide one adult from my family to participate approximately once every 5 weeks. I understand I must submit an approved Police Reference Check in order to volunteer in the classroom.The form for this will be prepared by CPS for me to complete and mail to Toronto Police Services with a certified cheque or money order for $20.00.I will contribute to snack on my helping day. If I am unable to fulfill my participation obligations, I have the option of paying a Non-Participation Fee of $65 per month plus a monthly snack for the program my child attends. This fee goes toward paying a lunch staff person to take my place.

Behaviour Management:

I agree to participate as a helping adult according to the policies outlined in the Parent Handbook. I agree that no adult, parent or teacher will abuse any individual in any way: verbally, physically or emotionally.As a volunteer parent, I will be monitored and evaluated and held to the same guidelines as the teachers of CPS.

Anaphylaxis and Playground Policy and Procedures:

I agree to provide classroom supervision as part of the teaching team following Anaphylaxis Procedures and Playground Policies and Procedures which are included in the Parent Handbook.

Child Care Supervision Policy for Volunteers and Students:

I agree to participate according to the policies outlined in the Child Care Supervision Policy for Volunteers and Students. Only employees will have direct unsupervised access to children. As a volunteer I will be oriented to my position, supported in my work and supervised and evaluated in the following areas: positive interactions with the children, setting verbal limits rather than physical and learning and modeling acknowledgement of feels and problem solving.


The school closes for all statutory holidays and closes the end of the third week in December andthe end of the third week in June. The school will open in January the same day as the public schools. The school also closes during the public school’s March Break for one week. We are closed for Family Day in February.We have a Winter Party each year(in February). The party is open to all families and extended family of

CPS and is held in the morning. Classes are not in session for that day. Fees are averaged out through the 10 months at CPS and you are not charged extra for any of our holiday days.


  • Children become the school’s responsibility when they enter the classroom and are acknowledged by staff. The children remain the school's responsibility until they leave the designated pick-up area with an authorized adult after a verbal acknowledgement has taken place between the staff and the authorized adult.
  • Carpools are arranged by the parents and are the responsibility of the parents.
  • The Creative Preschool is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Vehicles parked onproperty adjacent to the school are not the responsibility of the school. A parking tag must be visible on your dashboard when using the Eastern Lot.

Child’s Full Name ______

My child is registering for: Summer Program School Year Program

Parent/Guardian ______Relationship to child______

Signature ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian ______Relationship to child ______

Signature ______Date: ______

Phone: 416-465-3865

Located in the lower level of The First Nations School of Toronto 16 Phin Ave. Toronto, OntarioM4J 3T2

Fee Agreement with the Creative Preschool 2017/18


  • I must submit payment for all my weeks of attendance dated for deposit when I submitmy Application form.
  • This summer cheque will be deposited when my application is confirmed for my child.
  • To fully confirm my child’s space, all payments for July and August must be submitted when I receive confirmation of my application.


  • The $100 Registration Fee is non-refundable and non-applicable. The Registration fee for each additional child in a family,

attending the same year is $50.00.

After receiving confirmation of my child’s application, I must immediately submit the all cheques with all forms:

  • September fees, dated for deposit June 1, 2017 (in advance)
  • June 2017 fees, dated for deposit Sept. 1, 2017 (in advance)
  • Annual Family Administration Fee of $40 will be withdrawn 1 time on Sept.1, 2017
  • a “VOID” cheque for monthly automatic withdrawals
  • the date of my training sessionindicated______
  • The Creative Preschool will not deposit these chequesif I withdraw before May 15, 2017.


  • If my child is using diapers, I will pay $5.00 per month to the diaper fund monthly.
  • In lieu of participating once every 5 weeks, I have the option of paying a non-participation fee of $65/month plus a monthly snack

for the program my child attends. This fee pays for a lunch staff person to take my place.

  • Tuition fees are the responsibility of the parents or guardians and fees are based on an annual tuition divided into monthly

payments, no matter if there may be more or fewer days each month.

  • If my child is absent due to illness or family holidays, I am still responsible for fees maintaining my child’s space in the school.
  • Lunches are a monthly order and cannot be cancelled on a daily basis.
  • If I choose to quarantine my child at home to limit the spread of an illness in a public health declared outbreak and the school remains operational, I am still responsible for tuition fees maintaining my child’s space.
  • I am responsible for the full tuition feesfor which I’ve registered. If my child must leave the school prematurely I must give

6 weeks’ notice. The school will make every effort to fill my child’s space as soon as possible. If my child’s space cannot be

filled, I may make a written request to the Board of Directors who will decide if I am liable for the balance of fees. In most cases parents are responsible for 6 weeks’ tuition from the time of notice.

  • There will be a $25 fine for cheques that do not clear and a $5 fee to cover our bank charge.
  • Late fees of $1.00 per minute will be charged if I pick up my child after pick up time.
  • All late fees are to be paid at the time of the occurrence.

Child’s Full Name: ______

Parent/Guardian ______Relationship to child ______

Signature ______Date: ______