PACE Rep Meeting
April 14, 2016
2:00 PM
Host:Polly Hulsey
Recorder:Taenia Hudson (for Sharon Whitchurch)
Rep Attendance: Naysa Shepherd, Rosey Alberdi, Pam Luper, Katrina Oksten, Melissa Earl, David Horalek and Taenia Hudson
Exec Attendance:Tamara Harmon
Meeting called to order – 2:05 pm
Approval of Minutes
Tamara called for a motion to approve the February minutes. David seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
David called for a motion to approve the March minutes. Rosey seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Executive Report - Tamara
- General Pace Meeting was a success with about 95 people attending. Thank yous were sent by the Exec Committee to those businesses that supported the event and CSI. Tamara suggested that we in turn support those local businesses.
- Nominations for Executive Committee are now closed.Call placed to the nominees with more than 1 vote for confirmation and approval of the nomination. Balloting will be the 1st week of May. A total of 4 Executive Committee members terms are up at this time to be replaced.
- Bylaw update – Tabled at the Time as when presented to the new HR and Business Office staff, some concerns and questions were raised that were not previously thought about with the request to allow employees from Temp agencies to participate in PACE events. As there is many part time / temp classifications and sub classifications. Tasked to develop a committee to research more thoroughly.
- Pam inquired why? Tamara informed that meeting that it was cost driven with changes from the past when the facility staff cost shared events like the Christmas party which now is not possible. Exec Committee to have discussions with Jeff Harmon and Jeff Fox about PACE’s role and expense in the future, such as being the facilitator for an event but not the main payer.
- Tamara identified a “Huge Communication Gap” that appears to be taking place within PACE, from Executive Committee to Representatives to their respective co-workers and in reverse from general pace members to their Representatives back to Executive Committee. As well as building information regarding roles and duties of Representatives and Committees
- Ideas for communication such as: hand books, information posted on the website and a “welcome wagon” (replacing Mentoring) to reach out to new employee about 3 months after they have start their positions
- Retreat is being planned for the new Executive Committee
PACE Elections
Assistant Lead Representative: Melissa Earl was elected for the position by members present
Lead Representative: Polly will send an email withposition duties to all Representatives with nominations and elections to be completed at the May meeting
Building Happenings:
Fine Arts - Tamara
- Construction has begun at the Taylor building for the new welcome center. However with the construction most of the entry points to areas must be reached by alternative outside doors as the matrix is blocked. Fine Arts are having the end of the year recitals. Foundation just finished the Black and Gold ball with 260 in attendance. This begins the slower timeframe for the Foundation given the opportunity to clean and organize storage units. Tamara asked everyone to like the Foundations Facebook page.
Taylor - Pam
- Admissions is holding an internal CSI Yard Sale for unused office supplies April 20th – 22nd. Survived the FFA group, they were a nice group to work with and really benefits our community. Admissions did a tour of CSI for FFA
Evergreen - Naysa
- Evergreen has asparagus! Just completed STEM for 60 9th graders.
Office on Aging - Taenia
- OOA is holding an Alzheimer’s / Caregiver conference May 12th cost is $12 which includes lunch. OOA has job openings as staff and organization changes have happened recently.
Meyerhoeffer Student Success Center - Rosey
- ESL classes are wrapping up next month. John Hughes and TerriFattig have submitted a grant request for the lobby to have a “facelift” as requested by the students.
Applied Technology – Katrina
- Completed a Safety fest and with little to no media advertising there was 350 registered with 300 in attendance. Many certifications were achieved as well as CPR. Well received event with the only complaint was about the FREE hot dogs served for lunch. Planning to expand the event with media releases next time. Chobani maintenance training is still on going. New 60 hours welder course will be offered soon. Black jack dealer training is done with the table removed quickly from the building.
Innovations Center – Melissa
- Lab construction is almost completed which was to add water and power. Ramping up for the parade by ordering food processing promotional items
Hepworth – Polly Hulsey
- SOAR is online and every student starting must take SOAR after completing the compass and prior to starting classes at CSI the cost is $25.
Library – David
- Jan Goodman a cataloger is retiring after 40 year of working at CSI! The new employee who replaced her position will only have a week to learn with Jan before she leaves.
The meeting was adjourned at3:07pm