Fanning Education Center and Canso Academy
Mathematics for the Workplace 12
Teacher: Mr. Jesse Fraser ()
Content and Time Outline:
Over the last several years, instructors at the Nova Scotia Community Colleges have identified some areas that need improvement in terms of the mathematical knowledge base of the students entering various trades. This course will work toward improving the students’ mathematical knowledge base and most aspects of the course will be directly related to trades such as carpentry, welding, natural resources, environmental technology, electrical, plumbing, power engineering, pipe fitting, steam fitting, interior decorating, metal working, machine technology, marine technology, auto mechanics, electronic technology, refrigeration, and masonry. This course is modular and is project oriented to reflect the type of learning that will occur when the students move on to NSCC. The following content and time outline is an approximation of the material that will be covered during the course.
Module 1: Measurement
Module 2: Mini Project
Module 3: Ratio, Rate and Proportion
Module 4: Major Project
Structure: This course will include many different instructional and learning strategies such as:
- Project based learning
- Teacher Directed Instruction
- Class Discussion and Investigation
- Cooperative Learning (Group Work)
- Student Presentation
- Mental Math Strategies
- Use of Manipulative (Pattern Blocks, Measuring Tapes, Etc.)
- Use of Technology (Computers and Calculators)
Materials: Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) 2008 – 2009 calendar, Calculator (a simple scientific calculator is fine), notepaper, graph paper, binder, pencils, erasers, ruler, measuring tape (at home), and a protractor.
Evaluation and Assessment* :
This is an essential component of teaching and learning in mathematics as well as all trades. It helps to identify whether teaching has been effective, whether the students have grasped the concepts and how to address future student needs. The following is an overview of how students will be evaluated in the classroom. This course will be marked as a regular semester course with 35% of the mark coming from the mid-term mark, 35% from the second-term mark and 30% from the final exam mark. With the exception of the exam, the mark for the course will be calculated as follows:
Notebook / Logbook10%
Weekly Quizzes15%
Class/Group work10%
Module Tests20%
*Above grading scheme is tentative and subject to change.
1)Students are expected to keep an organized, neat notebook and must come to class prepared at all times. All students must keep their notebook up to date and it will be evaluated periodically. A logbook, a small pocket sized notebook, that will be required when recording dimensions or doing calculations during course work or projects. Your logbook will also be evaluated periodically during the course.
2)Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Any assignments passed in after class will be considered late.Late assignments will be graded according to F.E.C.A. policy as found in the student handbook.Homework assignments and due dates are posted on my StraitUp Site on a daily basis. The instructions for reaching my site are at the bottom of the last page of this document.
3)If a class is missed it is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was covered during that class.
4)Friday is test day; any modular tests will be scheduled on Friday. This also includes quizzes which will be given every Friday based on the material covered during the week. If a student misses a modular test or a quiz, they will receive a mark of zero for that test or quiz unless prior notification has been phoned into the office. Missed test day is Tuesday and Thursday after school, tests will not be written during class time unless under special circumstances.
5)Mental calculations have been identified as being very important to success as trades’ person. This skill will be practiced on a daily basis, specifically addition, multiplication, subtraction and division of whole numbers and fractions.
Jesse Fraser
Technology Education and Mathematics
Fanning Education Center and Canso Academy
Note: StraitUp for Parents and Students:
- Go to Google Type in “SRSB” (this will take you to the Strait Regional School Board Site)
- In the upper right hand corner of the SRSB site is an icon for Strait Up for Parents and Students Click here.
- A list of Schools in the Strait regional School board will come up, find Canso Academy.
- This will take you to a list of teachers at our school.
- At the bottom of the page click next
- Look for Jesse Fraser
- This will bring you to my StraitUp site.