PRESENT JOB POSITION Associate Professor
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee-247667 (India)
Fax # 91-1332- 285565
Ph. # 91-1332 285081 (O), 285846(R)
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Strategy, Marketing and, Sustainability.
1. Awarded Emerald Literati Club 2004 Highly Commended Award for the paper “Why Large Local Conglomerates may not work in Emerging Markets “published in European Business Review, Vol.15 No. 2, 2003.
2. Highly Commended Award winner of the 2009 Emerald/AIMA Indian Management Research Fund Award for Rahman, Z., Kumar,I., Garg, R, and Agnihotri, A., “Investigating whether microcredit can improve the utilization of private sector health services among Indian women”. {}.
3. Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business, Jun 1-2, 2012, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee.
4. Highly Commended Runners Up for 2012 Emerald/IAM South Asia Management Research Fund Award for Kumar, D., Rahman, Z., Qureshi M.N., and Katiiyar, R.,. “Problems and Prospects of Compost Marketing in Uttarakhand, India”. {}.
5. Won the First position in the team event of 10th Uttrakhand State open Squash Rackets Championship 2013, held at Squash Courts, Dayanand Stadium, Haridwar from Nov 23-24, 2013.
6. Organizing Secretary, International Conference on Research and Sustainable Business, March 8-9, 2014, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee.
1. Member, Selection Committee, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Mandi, 2010, 2011, 2012.
2. Special Invitee, Selection Committees, IIT Mandi, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
3. Member, Expert Committees for preparation of the Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment- Part C: Management with JICA and MUD, GoI assistance.
1. Rural India- Future IT Village, Wisdom Publications, Delhi, 2006, ISBN: 81-89547-17-8.
2. Rural Technologies, Wisdom Publications, Delhi, 2007, ISBN: 81- 89547-28-3.
Rahman, Z., “Service Quality- Gaps in Indian Banking Industry” in Customer Service in Indian Banks, Edited by Murthy, G.G.M., ICFAI University Press {ISBN: 81-314-0542-7}, 2006, pp. 69-83.
Awarded: 8
1. PI for two Short Term Courses on Strategic Management for Middle level managers of Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) at DVC Training Institute, Chandrapura, Bokaro, Jharkhand from Feb 22 to Feb 25 and Feb 27 to March 02, 2006.
2. Co. PI “Technical Feasibility of Diversion of Shahadra Drain”, Chief Conservation Engineer (Water), NOIDA, Rs 2.4 Lakhs. Consultancy Project No. CED-1137/08-09.
3. Co P.I. “Rapid EIA studies for IIE Sitarganj: Modeling, Report and Other Studies”, DGM SIDCUL, Dehradun, Rs. 16 Lakhs, Consultancy Project No. CED-1005 /2010-2011, completed 2011.
4. Co P.I. “Rapid EIA studies for IIE Sitarganj: Environmental Monitoring”, DGM SIDCUL, Dehradun, Rs. 6 Lakhs, Consultancy Project No. CED-1006 /2010-2011, completed 2011.
5. Co PI, “Vetting of Design and DPR of 12, 15, &20 MLD STP’s”, Greater Noida”, Consultancy Project No. CED-1148/11-12, ongoing.
6. Co. PI, “Evaluation of Plan scheme “R&D programme in Water Sector” of MoWR during XI Plan period in respect of Central Water Commission, New Delhi.
7. Coordinator, Short Term Course on How to conduct research in Business organized in CEC, IIT Roorkee, from April 25-27, 2013.
8. Coordinator, Short Term Course on Seven Habits of an Effective Marketing Professional organized in CEC, IIT Roorkee, from Nov 30-Dec 01, 2013.
1. Management of Traditional Handloom Cluster in and around Roorkee, Rs. 3.5 Lakhs, April 2012 to March 2014, MHRD.
2. Study of environmental awareness and practices among the employees of the companies in select Industrial Estate in Uttarakhand, Rs 10 Lakhs, May 2014-May 2016, ICSSR.
1. Editorial review board of “Management Decision” {Emerald}.
2. Editorial Review Board of “Services Industries Journal” {Taylor and Francis}
3. Editorial review board of “International Journal of Applied Industrial
Engineering", {Information Resource Management Association}.
4. Editorial Advisory Board of “Emerging Markets Case Studies”, {Emerald}.
5. Editorial Review Board of “Journal of Hospital Administration”, {Sciedu}.
6. International Journal for Healthcare Quality Assurance {Emerald}
7. Journal of Financial Services Marketing {Henry Stewart Publications};
8. International Journal of Information Management {Science Direct}
9. Clinical Governance: An International Journal {Emerald}
10. The TQM Journal {Emerald}
11. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management {Emerald}
12. Benchmarking: An International Journal {Emerald}
13. International Journal of Bank Marketing {Emerald}
14. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management {Emerald}
15. Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Life Member of Indian Society for Training and Development
1. Kumar, V., Rahman, Z., “Stakeholder Identification and Classification: A Sustainable Marketing Perspective”, Management Research Review {Emerald}, 2016, Vol. 39, Iss.1, pp.
2. Kaushik, A.K., Rahman, Z., “Are Street Vendors really Innovative towards Self-service Technology?”, Information Technology for Development {Forthcoming}, 2015, Vol.21, Iss.4, pp.
3. Kumar, V., Rahman, Z., “Zero-B: Introducing Green Innovation in Water Purifiers”, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases {Forthcoming}, 2015, Vol.4, Iss.2, pp.
4. Kumar, D., Rahman, Z., “Sustainability adoption through buyer supplier relationship across supply chain: A literature review and conceptual framework”, International Strategic Management Review {Forthcoming}, 2015, Vol.3, Iss.2, pp.
5. Joshi, Y., Rahman, Z., “Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour and Future Research Directions”, International Strategic Management Review {Forthcoming}, 2015, Vol.3, Iss.2, pp.
6. Agrawal, A. K., Rahman, Z., “Roles and Resource Contributions of Customers in Value Co-creation”, International Strategic Management Review {Sciencedirect}, 2015, Vol.3, Iss.2, pp.
7. Kaushik, A. K., Rahman, Z., "An Alternate Model of Self-Service Retail Technology Adoption", Journal of Services Marketing {Emerald}, 2015, Vol.29, Iss.7, pp. (Forthcoming).
8. Kamboj, S, Rahman, Z., "Marketing capabilities and Firm Performance: Literature Review and Future Research Agenda", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management {Emerald}, 2015, Vol. 64, No.3, pp.
9. Khan, I, Rahman, Z., " Brand experience formation mechanism and its possible outcomes: A theoretical framework", The Marketing Review {Westburn}, 2015, Vol. 15, Iss.2, pp.
10. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. “An Interpretive Structural Modeling for Sustainable
Healthcare Quality Dimensions in Hospital Services”, International Journal of Qualitative
Research in Services {Inderscience}, 2015, Vol.2, Iss.1, pp.
11. Goyal, P., Rahman, Z., “Corporate Sustainability Performance and Firm Performance association: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management {Inderscience}, 2015, Vol. 5, Iss.1, pp.(Forthcoming)
12. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. “Identification and Prioritization of barriers to Total Quality Management implementation in Service Industry: an Analytic Hierarchy Process approach”, The TQM Journal {Emerald}, 2015, Vol.27, Iss.2, pp. (Forthcoming).
13. Fatma, M., Rahman, Z., “Consumer Perspectives on CSR Literature Review and Future Research Agenda”, Management Research Review {Emerald}, 2015, Vol.38, No.2, pp. 195-216
14. Goyal, P., Rahman, Z., and Kazmi, A.A., “Identification and Prioritization of Corporate Sustainability Practices using Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Journal of Modelling in Management {Emerald}, 2015, Vol. 10, Iss.1, pp.23-49
15. Kaushik, A. K. and Rahman, Z., "Innovation Adoption across Self-service Banking Technologies in India", International Journal of Bank Marketing {Emerald}, 2015, Vol.33, Iss.2, pp. 96-121.
16. Talib, F., Azam, M. and Rahman, Z. “An Interpretive Structural Modeling for Sustainable
Healthcare Quality Dimensions in Hospital Services", International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research {Inderscience}, 2014, Vol. Iss. pp. (Forthcoming).
17. Fatma, M; Rahman, Z. and Khan, I., “Multiitem based scale to measure CSR in the banking industry”, International Strategic Management Review {Sciencedirect}, 2014, Vol.1, Iss.2, pp. 9-20.
18. Goyal, P., Rahman, Z., and Kazmi, A.A., “Corporate Sustainability Performance Assessment: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach”, International Journal of Intercultural Information Management {Inderscience}, 2014, Vol. 4, Iss.1, pp. 1-14.
19. Kaushik, A. K., Rahman, Z., "Perspectives & Dimensions of Consumer Innovativeness: A Literature Review & Future Agenda", Journal of International Consumer Marketing {T&F}, 2015, Vol. 27, Iss. 3, pp. 239-263.
20. Garg, R., Rahman, Z., and Qureshi, M.N.,” Measuring Customer Experience in Banks: Scale development and validation””, Journal of Modelling in Management {Emerald}, 2014, Vol.9, Iss 1, pp. 87-117.
21. Fatma, M., Rahman, Z., “Building Corporate identity using corporate social responsibility: a website based study of Indian banks”, Social Responsibility Journal {Emerald}, 2014, Vol.10, No.4. pp.591-601.
22. Kumar, D., Rahman, Z., “Modelling relationship marketing strategies for sustainability adoption”, International Journal of Intercultural Information Management {Inderscience}, , 2013, Vol. 3, No.4, pp.277-291.
23. Kumar, V., Rahman, Z., and Kazmi, A.A., “Sustainability Marketing Strategy: an Analysis of Recent Literature”, Global Business Review {Sage}, 2013, Vol. 14, Iss.4, pp.601-625.
24. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., "Survey on the usage of total quality management tools and techniques in Indian service industries”, International Journal of Quality and Innovation {Inderscience}, 2013, Vol. 2, No.2, pp.105-119.
25. Goyal, P., Rahman, Z., and Kazmi, A.A., “Corporate Sustainability Performance and Firm Performance Research Literature Review and Future Research Agenda”, Management Decision {Emerald}, 2013, Vol. 51, Iss.3, pp.361-379.
26. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., "An empirical investigation of relationship between total quality management practices and quality performance in Indian service companies”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management {Emerald}, 2013, Vol. 30, No.3, pp.280-318.
27. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Akhtar, A., “An instrument for measuring the key practices of total quality management in ICT industry: an empirical study in India”, Service Business: An International Journal {Springer}, 2013, Vol. 7, No.2, pp. 275-306.
28. Azam, M, Rahman, Z. and Talib, F., and Singh K.J., “A critical study of quality parameters in health care establishment”, International Journal of Healthcare Quality Assurance {Emerald}, 2012, Vol. 25, Iss.5, pp. 387-402.
29. Azam, M, Rahman, Z. and Talib, F., “Core quality and associated supportive quality parameters: a conceptual quality frame work in healthcare establishment”, International Journal of Business Excellence {Inderscience}, 2012, Vol.5 Vol.3, pp. 238-277.
30. Talib, F.,Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “Total quality management in service sector: a literature review”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research , {Inderscience}, 2012, Vol.6, No.3,pp. 259-301.
20. Talib, F., Rahman, Z.,”Total quality management practices in manufacturing and service industries: a comparative study”, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management {Inderscience}, 2012, Vol.4, No.3, pp.155-176.
21. Garg, R., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., and Kumar, I., “"Identifying and ranking critical success factors of customer experience in banks: An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach”, Journal of Modelling in Management {Emerald}, 2012, Vol.7, Iss.2, pp. 201-220.
22. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “Prioritising the practices of total quality management: an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis for the service industries”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, {Taylor & Francis}, 2011, Vol.22 No.12 pp.1331-1351.
23. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “Assessing the awareness of total quality management in Indian service industries: an empirical investigation” Asian Journal on Quality {Emerald}, 2011, Vol.12 No.3, pp. 228-243.
24. Garg, R., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., and Kumar, I., “Customer Experience: a critical literature review and research agenda”, International Journal of Services Sciences {Inderscience}, 2011, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 146-173.
25. Talib, F., Azam, M. and Rahman, Z., “Best Practices of Total Quality Management Implementation in a Healthcare Setting," Health Marketing Quarterly {Routledge}, 2011, Volume 28, No. 3, pp. 232-252.
26. Garg, R., Rahman, Z., Kumar, I., and Qureshi, M.N., “Identifying and Modelling the factors of customer experience towards customers’ satisfaction”, International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management {Inderscience}, 2011, Vol.1, Iss. 4. pp. 359-381.
27. Talib, F., Rahman, Z., Qureshi, M.N., and Siddiqui, J., “Total Quality Management and Service Quality: An Exploratory Study of Quality Management Practices and Barriers in Service Industry”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management {Inderscience}, Vol.10, No.1, 2011,pp.94-118.
28. Talib, F., Rahman, Z., and Qureshi, M.N., “Analysis of interaction among the barriers to total quality management implementation using interpretive structural modeling approach”, Benchmarking: An International Journal {Emerald}, 2011, Vol. 18, Iss. 4, pp. 563-587
29. Talib, F., Rahman, Z., and Qureshi, M.N., “A Study of Total Quality Management and Supply Chain Management practices”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management {Emerald}, Vol. 60, Iss 3, 2011, pp. 268-288.
30. Mishra, R.K., Rahman, Z., “Nonparametric approach to rank global petroleum business opportunities” Journal of Applied Statistics {Routledge}, Vol.38, No.3, 2011, pp. 631-646.
31. Talib, F. Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “An interpretive structural modeling approach for modeling the practices of total quality management in service sector”, International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management {Inderscience}, 2011, Vol. 1, No.3, pp. 223-250.
32. Talib, F. and Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “The relationship between total quality management and quality performance in the service industry: a theoretical model”, International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, pp. 113-128.
33. Garg, R., Rahman, Z., and Kumar, I., “Evaluating a Model for Analyzing methods used for Measuring Customer Experience”, Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management {Palgrave}, Vol. 17, No.2, 2010, pp. 78-90.
34. Talib, F., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “Pareto Analysis of Total Quality Management factors critical to success of service industries”, International Journal of Quality Research, Vol. 4, No.2, 2010, pp.155-168.
35. Talib, F. and Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M.N., “Studying the impact of total quality management in service industries”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management {Inderscience}, Vol. 6, No, 2, 2010, pp. 249-268.
36. Talib, F., Rahman, Z., “Critical Success Factors of TQM in Service Organizations: A proposed Model “, Services Marketing Quarterly {Routledge}, Volume 31, Number 3 2010, pp. 363-380.
37. Rahman, Z., Qureshi, M.N., “Fuzzy Approach to Measuring Healthcare Service Quality”, International Journal of Behavioural & Healthcare Research {Inderscience}, Vol. 1, Iss 2, 2009, pp.105-124.