Information Sessionson the occasion of an opening of the Second Call for Proposals of the Cross-border Program Serbia – Montenegro under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance

Invitation Letter

Dear Madam/Sir,

We are inviting you to attend Information sessions on the ocassion of launching the Second Call for Proposals under the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro. The Information sessionswill be organized by Joint Technical Secretariat for Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro with support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro and the European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, in :

Žabljak – Municipality Hall on September 12, 2011;

Plav – Culture Centreon September 13, 2011;

Kraljevo– Municipality Hallon September 16, 2011;

Užice– Municipality Hall on September 19, 2011.

The Republic of Serbia as potential candidate countryand Montenegro as candidate country have access to European Union funds through Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). This Instrument provides legal basis for financial assistance to candidate countries and potential candidate countries in their efforts to improve political, economic and institutional reforms with purpose of joining the European Union. Cross-border Programme Serbia-Montenegro is financed from Component II of the IPA and helps improve cross-border cooperation between two beneficiary countries.

The purpose of the Information Sessionsis presentation of the Second Call for Proposals – Guidelines for Applicants and Application Package, as well as to provide instructions for completing the documents.

We would kindly ask you to confirm your presence sending e-mail, with specifyingplace where you would attend Info Session on: , or by fax on the numbers of Joint technical secretariat in Prijepolje: +381 33 712-370, or Antenna office in Bijelo Polje: +382 50 431-282, until7th September 2011 at the latest.

Please find enclosed theAgenda of Information sessions.


Denis Slatina

Head of Joint Technical Secretariat,

Cross-border Programme Serbia - Montenegro

Joint Technical Secretariat, 36Valterova st., 31300 Prijepolje, +381 33 712-370

AntennaBijeloPolje, TradeCentre, Slobode nn, 84000 Bijelo Polje, Montenegro +382 50 431-282

E-mail: Web: