Thursday 19th September 2013
10.00 a.m. at Camden Town Unlimited
Present: Sir Brian Fender – Chairman (BF), Judith Adams (JA), SachaAustin (SA), SimonPitkeathley(SP), Michael Polledri (MP), RayWhitehouse (RW), Jon Guest (JG), Richard Rutter (RR), GarethStephens (GS)
Apologies: Ade Aboaba (AA), TerryAriss (TA), Jim Crooks (JC), Debbie Leach (DL),
David Smith (DS), RogerHanbury(RH)
Apologies were received from Ade Aboaba, Terry Ariss, Jim Crooks, Debbie Leach, David Smith and Roger Hanbury.
These were agreed.
(a) Michael Whitbread: The sad death of Michael Whitbread was recorded. Contributions are welcome and should be forwarded to BF.
(b) Progress Report:
· Harlow Disability Access – Following their board meeting, Harlow have confirmed in principle their funding of £75,000. They will require further information on how the money will be spent before it can be released and are keen for some of it to go into a bigger funding bid. This project will be run in partnership with Harlow and includes making a number of locks in the Harlow area accessible for disabled people. A discussion will be held on how to take this forward.
· Access – The key issues involve people seeing the towpath as a corridor. A signage policy needs to be implemented similar to that used by LVRPA and TfL.
· Moorings Policy – A lot of debate has been held on moorings with the extra £500k nationally from CRT being provided to look at the moorings policy with London being the lead on resolving this issue. Two mooring rangers will be employed on an 18 month contract. An interim report needs to be issued as soon as possible. This is an approved project.
· Events – Key factors are community and the type of events. Signature events are something that can be worked on and could set a standard for the type of events we want. Feedback was requested on how we can use the media and the type of partners we would like. SA will involve others once she has established the type of events and opportunities available. SA has developed the Stratford to Stratford performing arts project in partnership with CRT and is also keen to involve the Royal Shakespeare Company. It is also hoped to obtain Arts Council funding. This is an activity that could be supported by Friends and will be adopted as a strategy. Feedback to be given to SA. This would generate one project a year. SA is in contact with an artist who reproduces old photos onto wood and who has asked us to support her in this work. Maps and signage were suggested but a signage strategy would need to be in place before this could be taken forward. It was thought that local companies could also be approached to sponsor this.
· Towpath Policy – The principles are to be agreed. Transport for London (TFL) is leading the policy re cycling through the capital and will be working with the local authorities on this issue. The key is encouraging good behaviour and to ‘share the space and drop the pace’. Ray Whitehouse has agreed to help provide a draft outline towpath policy for our next Partnership meeting. This is an approved project.
· Web and Social Media – The current proposal is that each Partnership will have a revamped web page. This is currently being piloted in the South East Region and a decision on how this will be managed in London is to be decided. There are two concerns: it is not easy to navigate and to find the content. RW will resolve the first issue. With regard to GIS CRT are being asked to resolve the issue to allow volunteers to use this system. RW is piloting GIS use for non CRT employees. This project is approved in principle.
· Community Pay Back – RR and Sam Thomas have had a meeting with Serco and a pilot project in West London has been set up which will be assessed in due course. There are 1.4 million hours available in London through this route.
· Key Partnerships –Prospective partners were discussed.
· Clay Cargo Project – This has been downsized and is now a pilot scheme this year.
· Floating Cinema and Street Art in East London – This has now been completed. / GS / JG / RR
(c) Recruitment: Up to four people will be recruited to cover a number of new areas of experience and expertise.
· A user group meeting will be held on 16th October.
· Since our last meeting a continuous cruiser has abused our complaints process and has been barred from making any further communication. Our complaints procedure will be reviewed.
· Herts County Council has provided funds for towpath improvements.
· Annualised Hours – There has been a significant reduction in overtime since annualised hours was implemented.
· A Council meeting and tour was held at Docklands for the members.
· Volunteering – Improved communication with the Partnership is required on all of the events.
The main elements of the strategy were discussed as follows:
Slough Arm – To complete the connection from the Slough Arm to the Thames as a long term aim.
Three Mills – The opportunity for a productive partnership with RLTMT remains.
Carpenters Road Lock – The restoration of Carpenters Road Lock to open up additional navigation routes within the Queen Elizabeth Park and to the Thames.
Boating and Moorings Policy – To review the current moorings policy in order to resolve outstanding issues.
Pipeline of Projects – To plan and complete a pipeline of projects which meet the aims of the Partnership, and the objectives identified in conjunction with CRT staff, across the different character areas of London Waterways.
Local Identity – To promote a sense of local ownership of the London Waterways through events, imaginative use of the web and social media. This sense of ownership and pride to be enhanced through strategic partnerships, London Waterways Ambassadors and CRT Friends based in London.
Strategy Document – This has been superseded by the engagement prospectus now which will be consulted upon.
Of possible future projects the partnership:
Stonebridge Lock – we should champion this
Responsible Towpath Use – RW will need a champion
Boating Liaison – we will lead some and champion others / ALL
Publication of the Strategy – RR distributed a plan in a format agreed with the South Wales and Severn Waterway Partnership and whose format could be used in the London document. BF will provide the introduction and do our first year. JA will look at the character areas. Workshops will be held at two meetings in November (one in the east and one in the west – exact dates to be decided) after which the final plan will be put together. This will also be presented at the user group. / BF
JG handed round a shortened version of CRT’s annual report.
The advertisement for the London Waterways Partnership additional members is now out.
The next meeting will be held on 21st November at Newlon Housing Trust, Newlon House, 4 Daneland Walk, Hale Village, London, N17 9FE – a two minute walk from Tottenham Hale Station. Map and directions attached.
Future dates for meetings are: 23rd January, 20th March, 22nd May, 17th July from 10.00am to 1.00pm, venues to be confirmed.`
London Waterway Partnership Board Meeting - Minutes 3 19th September, 2013.