Chapter 26: The Plant Kingdom: Seedless Plants
1. What organisms are considered the closest ancestor to plants?
2. What are 3 adaptations to life on land?
3. List the 7 characteristics of the plant kingdom:
4. What is meant by the alternation of generations? Include the terms gametophyte and sporophyte.
5. What are the 4 major plant groups? Give a general characteristic for each one.
6. Describe the general features for the bryophytes (mosses and other nonvascular plants).
7. Describe the characteristics for phylum Bryophyta - mosses.
8. List the steps of the moss lifecycle. Make sure to include specific terms. Which is the dominant generation?
9. Why are mosses important, ecologically and commercially?
10. Describe the traits of phylum Hepaticophyta – liverworts.
11. Describe the traits of phylum Anthocerotophyta – hornworts.
12. Ferns – seedless vascular plants – Pterophyta. What adaptations does this group have that bryophytes do not? What are their basic characteristics?
13. List the steps for the lifecycle of a fern. Use specific terms. What is the dominant generation?
14. Describe the features for the whisk ferns – Phylum Psilotophyta.
15. Describe the features for horsetails – Phylum Sphenophyta.
16. Describe the features for club mosses – Phylum Lycophyta.
17. Define the following:
- Homospory –
- Heterospory –
- Microsporangia –
- Megasporangia –