Created by Kerry Moody
Week Beginning: 3.9.2012 / PLC: Magical Me. What makes each of us similar and different? / Week: PLC 1Key Question: Who lives in my house?
Time / Monday / Tuesday - INSET / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development : KM/LSm
See Separate planning –
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting HLTA: : Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act / Ensure all chn are settled from leaving parents. Welcome circle time and introduce chn to choosing board . All adults to support chn using the choosing board for cont prov activities. / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting
HLTA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
CT/ HLTA: Ind Reader/Handwriting
Children: / Children: / Children: / Children:
9.45 / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Warm Up:
Main Teaching Session: / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: (N:30-50g/ N:40-60a)
Explore where the children live, focusing on house door numbers: Invite the children to bring in a photograph of their front door, preferably with the door number on. Laminate the photographs. Show the children one of the spare photographs. Describe the colour of the door in the photograph, and identify the number. Encourage the children to take turns to talk about their door and trace over the door number with their finger. What is the number on the door? Do any doors have the same number? Using the photographs of the children’s doors, plus any spare ones, invite the children to put them in order from 1 to 10. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: 30-50Recites numbers in order to 10. 40-60Recognises numerals 1 to 5, Counts objects to 10
Warm Up: Sing number rhymes with actions. E.g. 1-2-3-4-5, Peter hammers with 1 hammer.
Main Teaching Session:
Hold hand up in a fist & model how to count up to 5 slowly by straightening fingers one at time. Model with both hands, asking the chn to do the same action whilst I count slowly. Repeat, counting backwards from 5 folding fingers down. All count together.
Ask the chn to listen carefully as you count up to 5. Then count up to 4 & ask them to say 5 together at the end. Repeat counting up to 3, chn add 4, 5. Carry on until chn are counting 1 to 5. Repeat, counting from 5 back to 1. Ext count as necessary up t 10. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj: 30-50Recites numbers in order to 10. 40-60Recognises numerals 1 to 5, Counts objects to 10
Warm Up: Sing number rhymes with actions Here is the beehive. Raindrops
Main Teaching Session: Ind chn need 5 counting objects. Call out a no from 1 to 5.Ask chn show you the same no of fingers & then hold up that no of objects. They can check with partner to see if they have the same no. Continue with other no’s from 1 to 5, asking chn to choose the no.Put some counting objects into a bag with diff colours for each no up to 5 (1 red, green etc) Ask chn to watch as they are removed, and talk through thinking (I’ve got 1 green, the next 1 is red that’ 1 of each, then 1 blue and another green. When the bag is empty count how many of each colour. Q Which colour o I have 3 of? most? least? 1 less than?
10:00 / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Warm Up:
Main Teaching Session: / Adult Led Activity
Obj: / Adult Led Activity
Obj: (N:30-50g/ N:40-60a)
LA: Invite the children to match their door to a corresponding number card.
MA: Encourage the children to order numbered doors from 1 to 20. / Adult Led Activity
Obj: (N 30-50d, h, 40-60c, d, , j)
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
Counts up to three or four objects by saying one number name for each item.
Display interactive poster and use spotlight tool to draw attention to specific images:As you explore the poster, encourage counting skills by asking questions such as ‘How many family groups have two, three or four members?’, ‘How many people are there in your family?’. Use small-world figures to represent the people if necessary.
AIA: Laminate the poster and give each child four coloured counters. Take turns to roll a dice and put a counter on a family group with the corresponding number of members.
Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 3: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S
Introduce sitting skills and explain that we are going to do some investigation in to sounds. What sense/part of our body do we need to use?
Demonstrate sitting skills and listen quietly for sounds in the classroom. What can you hear?
Listening Walk pg 9
Go on a walk around school and listen for sounds. What can we hear outside the office? / Carpet session 3: L&S
Revise sitting and listening skills.
Listening Moment
Sit in a circle & use a sand timer and get children to listen to sounds in the classroom. Talk about the sounds you can hear.
Sound lotto interactive game saved under Phase 1 resources. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Revise sitting and listening skills.
Repeat sound lotto game from yesterday.
Involve chn in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated sounds,e.g.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).
11:00 / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
Obj: / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
Obj: / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
Obj: W30-50a, 40-60a, b
Provide paper and pens and ask chn to draw all the people they think of as in their family, whether they live with them or not. Point out that there can be many different types of families – some where Mum and Dad are living together; some where there is just the one parent or carer, which could be Mum, Dad or somebody else; some where there are stepbrothers and stepsisters, and so on. Demonstrate the different types of families to the children, using the small-world figures. / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
Obj: W30-50a, 40-60a, b
Provide paper and pens and ask chn to draw all the people they think of as in their family, whether they live with them or not. Point out that there can be many different types of families – some where Mum and Dad are living together; some where there is just the one parent or carer, which could be Mum, Dad or somebody else; some where there are stepbrothers and stepsisters, and so on. Demonstrate the different types of families to the children, using the small-world figures. / Adult Led Activity
G. Reading/ G. Writing
Obj: W30-50a, 40-60a, b
Provide paper and pens and ask chn to draw all the people they think of as in their family, whether they live with them or not. Point out that there can be many different types of families – some where Mum and Dad are living together; some where there is just the one parent or carer, which could be Mum, Dad or somebody else; some where there are stepbrothers and stepsisters, and so on. Demonstrate the different types of families to the children, using the small-world figures.
CT/HLTA / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:
CT/HLTA / Children:CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:30 / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: / Carpet Session 4: PSED/CLL
Obj:(LA 30-50a, 40-60b; U 30-50d, 40-60d; S 30-50h) (SCSA 30-50e/MR 40-60b)
Sit in a circle. Use small-world figures to talk about families.Ask the children to sit in a circle and put a range of small-world people in the centre.
Explain that this is a family of dolls. Who might the biggest one be? Who else could it be? What about the smallest? Who else might there be in a family. Are all families the same? Discuss how there might be 1 parent, or 2, or more. There might be 1 child or more. There could be an auntie, or a nana. Allocate roles to each doll. Encourage chn to draw on their own experience and invite them to make a ‘family’ using the small-world figures. Talk about how diff families have diff numbers of people in. Not all the people in a family live together. Sometimes dads, mums, aunties, grandparents, etc. don’t live with us but they are part of our families. Be sensitive to the different family environments of chn.
Display interactive poster and use spotlight tool to draw attention to specific images: Explore the images of a single mum and single dad with their children. Invite the children to say what is special about their own mums and dads. Sensitively deal with questions about why the children pictured have only one parent as their main carer. Be prepared to talk about individual circumstances with the children. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj:(LA 30-50a,b,e, 40-60b, ELG; U30-50c, ELG; S 40-60 a, d; Links with SCSA 30-50e, ELG)
Read My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh to the children. Ask them to tell you what their mum, dad or carer does that makes them laugh like the child in the story. Talk about their parents’ or carers’ likes and dislikes, and what makes them happy or sad. Explain to the children that they are going to make a face of their mum, dad or carer using paper plates and collage materials. What expression would they like their paper-plate face to have?
Talk about who the children’s paper-plate face is based on and why they are a special person in their family. Enc the children to talk about their faces with the rest of the group. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: LA30-50a, 40-60a, ELG, S40-60a.
Read My Mum & My Dad – look at some favourite pages – how do the words/phrases relate to chn’s own carers? Who has a superhero mum? Who’s mum is as beautiful as a butterfly?
Tell chn they will each have turn to talk about someone special in their own family. Ask chn to have a particular person in mind as they try to describe this special person to a partner – it can be about their personality (kind & thoughtful) or how they look or feel or describe what they do or how they move. Ask chn to share ONE descriptive word/ sentence with the class. Shared write chn’s ideas on f/c.
11:50-12:00 / PSED/ Singing: Jump and clap with The Funny Family Song ().
Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: / ICT Skills:
See Separate planning
Split class into 3 groups and rotate on a carousel basis:
Group 1: What do we use computers for? Drawing and writing activity.
Group 2: Introduction to the suite. Parts of the computer and their purpose. Use ‘Paint’ program to draw circles for family members. Each circle should represent the age of the person – large for an adult, smaller for chn, tiny for babies. Add facial features & type their name or initials.
Group 3:Display interactive poster and use spotlight tool to draw attention to specific images: Choose one of the images on the poster and make a collage of a similar family using pictures cut from catalogues. Ask the children to talk about the family that they have created.
(MH 30-50h, 40-60g, h)
Family portrait: Show chn an old photograph of a family portrait.Discuss it. Provide chn with black card and white chalk. Ask chn to draw members of their family using the chalks. Show chn how they can smudge the chalk to create shades of grey to help give their picture depth. (EMM 30-50g; BI 40-60a) / Physical Development –
See MTP for activities
We are family: Chn find a space and listen to your instructions on how to travel. At intervals you call a number (e.g. 5). All the chn need to group themselves into a family group of five. Each gives themselves a role as a member of the family. When you call out a role (Nan, cousin, and uncle) the chn in that role move round the hall until the whole group has moved on. Repeat with a different sized family.(MH 30-50a; 40-60a,c; ELG)
Play an action game moving like different family members. Tell the children that you are going to play a game called ‘Mum’s the word’. Show them the following movements for each of the family members. Baby – crawl on all fours; Grandma – walk very slowly; twins – run alongside a partner; sister/stepsister – skip; brother/stepbrother – do star jumps; Dad – jump up and down; Mum – everyone has to freeze. Invite the children to run freely but in the same direction (to avoid bumping into each other). When you call out the name of a family member, everyone has to stop and move like them.LA: Join the children as they play the game, demonstrating the actions. MA: Invite the children to make up different actions for the family members. (MH 30-50a; 40-60a; ELG) / Carpet Session 6:
See MTP Spring 4 RE/ SEAL Plans:
Obj:(SCSA 30-50, 40-60)
CTAIA:Ask chn what Family Times mean to them. Ask them to share experiences of home life with sensitivity to personal situations.
Ask chn to share with the class what they do with their families when they get home from school or at weekends? Bake cakes, do homework, read books, do puzzles, ride scooters or bikes, play computer games, watch TV. Make a list of chn’s favourite pastimes on t/b.
Discuss things chn do as a family or with siblings – bedtime stories, eating together, special occasions, birthdays, etc. Discuss how some parents work nights, weekends or work for periods of time away from home. This makes family times even more special.
Chn draw a picture of their favourite pastime and who they do this with.
1:45 / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers
2:05 / Whole School Assembly
2:30 / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Continue as before break
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Continue as before break
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Golden Time
3:00 – 3:20 / Story and Hometime / Story and Hometime / Story and Hometime
Read Fingers and Toes adding the actions. / Story and Hometime
Read Titch by Pat Hutchins. Discuss how Titch feels small at the beginning but better by the end. / Story and Hometime
Read Peepo! to the children and talk about how life may have been different for older family members when they were chnn.
Continuous/ Enhanced Provision – Classroom/ Central Learning Environment
Malleable Act: / Chn use letter-shaped cutters to make their name out of play dough.
Sand Act:
/ Alphabet & Number moulds
Can you find the numbers/ letters? Can you use the letters to make your name? Can you find the number which shows how old you are?
Can you find the numbers 1 to 9 and put them in order?
Water Act:
/ Alphabet ping pong balls.
Which letters can you catch? Do you know the sound/ phoneme for that letter?
Can you find the right letters to make your name?
Number World Act / Play a game of ‘Family bingo’. See MTP for resourcing. Explain that you are going to pick up the enlarged cards one by one. If they have the picture that you hold up on their board, they should cover it with a counter. The winners are the children who cover all of their pictures with a counter. LA: Limit the game to six cards and let the children play a simple find-and-match game. MA: Invite the children to play a matching pairs game using two copies of the activity sheet.
Music/ Listening Act / Model using the song bag and instruments as appropriate
Writing Act:
/ Write and draw: Using a list pad (several long pieces of paper) chn can make a list of all the members of their extended family and friends. / Cut and stick: Find, cut & stick letters from magazines & newspapers to spell their name & the names of their carers or other family members. / Writing own name – rainbow colours.