Life Services Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
The EAP is a confidential counseling, assessment and referral program designed to help you manage your life. Just as health insurance is designed to address your physical well being, your EAP is designed to address your emotional and mental health, as well as manage your work/life issues to achieve a healthy balance.
What kinds of problems are covered by the EAP?
All types of emotional issues are addressed such as stress, family matters, marital, anxiety, depression, panic, anger, parenting problems, grief, alcohol and drugs, gambling addiction, eating disorders, etc. Optional services available may include Legal and Financial consultation services and the WorkLife Benefit which provides assistance with elder care, childcare, adoption, education, and all other WorkLife matters.
What can I expect to happen in counseling?
During the first visit with the EAP counselor, he or she will discuss the issues you're concerned about. At the end of the session, the counselor will make a recommendation about the most appropriate steps to be taken to address the situation. Each EAP session usually requires approximately 50 minutes of time. If the counselor feels the problem can be resolved within the number of additional contracted EAP sessions per your plan, you will continue to be seen by LifeServices' counselor until the problem is resolved. If it is determined that more extensive treatment is needed, the counselor will refer you to a professional in the community that specializes in the area specific to your need.
What are the qualifications of the counselors?
All LifeServices EAP counselors are licensed/certified in the mental health field and have no less that three years post-masters experience.
What family members can use the EAP services?
An employee's immediate family members (spouse, children, non-custody children, non-married partner, etc.) living within the same household may use the EAP. Dependents attending a college or university within the United States may also utilize services by dialing 1-800-822-4847. They will be scheduled with a counselor in their area.
What hours can I call the EAP?
You can contact LifeServices 24 hours per day, seven days per week. To schedule a routine appointment, please call 1-800-822-4847 during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST). Should you have an emergency anytime (day or night, weekday or weekend) please call 1-800-822-4847 immediately. A counselor will answer the phone to assist you.
What about the cost of the EAP?
There is no charge to you for the evaluation, short-term EAP counseling, and referral services provided by LifeServices. If the EAP counselor determines more extensive counseling is needed, the counselor will help you choose a professional in your area that will best serve your needs and assist with coordinating the referral. Whenever possible, the referral will be made to a professional covered by your insurance plan to help minimize out of pocket expenses.
Is this service confidential?
Yes. LifeServices recognizes that confidentiality is instrumental in the success of the EAP and must be carefully protected. They do not disclose an employee or family member's participation to anyone. Employees and family members using the EAP are protected by confidentiality regulations that forbid case discussion with anyone without the employee's written permission. Counselors are legally required to maintain the confidentiality of client information. Confidential requirements are subject to State mandatory reporting issues.