ATTENTION PRESENTERS: If you have missed the deadline for proposals for the CDS conference, you are still able to present your research or ideas as part of a poster presentation. Details regarding this type of presentation are below.
All presenters must submit a poster presentation submittal form prior to December 31, 2007 to be included in the poster sessions.
Creating a Poster for the CDS Conference
- A poster is where the researcher directly presents their research results as a visual display, which is positioned on poster board. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief narrative paper, intermixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats.
- Although one can present figures and tables, papers that do not have these, can also be usefully presented as posters. By writing concisely and with a few areas of focus, the presentation can intellectually communicate your research and help synthesize your main ideas and research directions. Frequently a poster can serve as a beginning for a longer journal article.
- During designated times throughout the conference, the researcher will stand by his or her poster display as conference attendees walk around and interact with the poster authors. There will also be a poster session as part of the Opening Reception of the conference, which will be formatted as a variation of a World Café type of engaging conversational session.
1. Each poster should include the title of the presentation, the institution where the work was completed, and the author names at the top center of the poster.
2. Materials must be easily read at a distance of 4 feet (1.5 m). A point size of 16-18 (5-6 mm) or larger is recommended for body text. Ordinary typewritten copy or carelessly prepared handwritten copy is unacceptable. Type material on a BULLETIN (large size) typewriter or use a normal size typewriter/printer, double space and photographically enlarge to 11" x 14". You do not want to place more than this size for each poster piece, or it will be difficult to attach to the display boards.
3. An abstract placed in the upper left side of the poster is suggested.
4. Discussants should be capable of responding to questions concerning all aspects of the presentation.
5. Handouts relative to poster presentations are popular and encouraged.
NOTE: All posters should be constructed on either free-standing poster board or form board/form core board that will sit on an easel. One easel will be provided for each poster session. Additional easels will be available if needed. It is against hotel policy for anything to be tacked, taped or pinned to the walls of the hotel. If you have additional set-up questions, contact Peggy Blankenship at .
Community Development Society
June 22-25, 2008
40th Annual Conference
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA
Poster Presentation Submittal Form
Name of Presenter:
Poster Presentation Abstract (250 words or less):
□ Yes, please include this abstract for consideration as a poster presentation during the designated poster sessions at the CDS Annual Conference.
□ Yes, please add this abstract to the waitlist for presentation during the concurrent sessions at the CDS Annual Conference.
Note: All presenters must register for the CDS conference at a minimum of at least a single day registration. Sorry, no exceptions.
Return this form to:
17 South High Street, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43215
Fax: 614-221-1989