Cold Ashby Playing Fields Association
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2015
Present: Mike Berry (later), Tony Wycherley, Rod Bailey, Rose Dempsey, Colin Ritchie, Claire McElfatrick, Neil Harpham, Terry Smith, Roger Miller.Apologies: Fay Brown, Fiona Taylor, Alex Taylor, Chris Murphy, Rod Bailey.
Matters Arising and Confirmation of Minutes: None. Minutes agreed.
Chairman’s Report
Moved to British Gas for electricity on direct debit. Bowls & CAPFA now with BG. Final Eon bill to pay but it seems to be estimated. Needs actual reading to close a/c. CR to pursue.
Charity Commission return completed. MB to check trustee list as changes made.
Secretary’s Report
Grant of £580 received from the Parish Council for playground mower fuel & maintenance.
Treasurer’s Report
Welford Hockey invoices all paid.
Film night raised £85.
CM to be reimbursed for petrol he bought.
Payments to be authorised:
New noticeboard (MB) - £24.99
Blu Tac (MB) - £1.49
Two pavilion keys (CR) - £8.00 petty cash (previously agreed)
Smiths Fire invoice - £84 + £42 = £126 (New 2kg extinguisher to replace obsolete. Service 1 x water extinguisher).
Anglian Water bill. Bowls - £30.62 / Pavilion £11.54 (credit hence lower cost)
Playing field signs – email invoice £186 inc VAT.
Film night food and wine (RS) - £16.30.
Current a/c - £6382.13, High Interest a/c - £5495.83, Project a/c 2937.44
Income April / £ / Expenditure April / £
Multiplay hire / 432.00 / Lottery / 35.00
Pavilion hire / 27.00 / Grounds / 20.00
Fund raising / 96.00 / Fundraising / 27.53
Misc / 1.00
TOTAL / 555.00 / TOTAL / 83.53
Some good matches.
Won a home game. Couple of away games played.
Request from Clipston to use pitch on Saturdays next season. Probably need refs changing facility. Agreed to meet and discuss their needs. RM to contact them and involve MB.
MB also to find out what Crick need for their Sunday matches.
Lock stolen. To be replaced. Subscription info on the web. RS to send the flyer to CMcE for Facebook and distribute via the CAPFA email list.
RS to pass subscription funds to CR for banking.
RM asked about cost to replace surrounding boards – FOSSE ballpark quote is £12K. RSto get formal quote for boarding from Fosse Contracts and two other companies.
Children’s Play Area and Mowing Rota
Supplier suggested use of weedkiller for weeds protruding through lining matrix. Not satisfied with the problem or response. MB to contact Bob the supplier again.
MB sourced rechargeable strimmer with blade. All in favour of purchasing from project fund.
RB was commencing weekly checks on equipment. MB to check what’s happening.
Sports Field
Committee agreed locations for two new playing field signs. MB to affix.
NH reported he is liaising with ProHealth who help businesses engage with charities and volunteer groups. He’s emailed Nottingham local office regarding someone to visit and provide assessment of water run-off on multiplay area. An application would need to be made to go ahead. NH to report back in due course.
Pavilion and Fire Safety Checks
Invoice from BeeTee in advance of annual maintenance visit on 6/7 between 9.00am and 1.00pm. Agreed to pay after the visit - £97.38. RM to check if he can be around that day.
Fund Raising and Lottery
Film night 17 guests - £85 takings + similar takings at bar. Next film – ‘The Theory of Everything’ 16th June.
Need to sell lottery tickets strategically ie each committee member might take a block of parish dwellings. Some parishioners said they weren’t approached to buy tickets last year.
Playground bin not emptied. NH emailed clerk to PC. TW had asked Clerk to follow up. A key is needed, which the council operative should carry. There is spare in store room.
Two keys in store room for new external noticeboard.
RM to give Chris Murphy pavilion key.
RS to ask W Benney to run bar Thursday 8pm until RM arrives.
NH reported that since the Parish vote in favour of the sale of land there had been some correspondence with which sub-committee was dealing. One requires further response. To pursue the land sale CAPFA will need to instruct solicitors – Hewitsons holds the CAPFA deeds and NH knows the background to the issue. CAPFA to consider any reasons why not to pursue this route.
TW reported the light was out in the gents toilet.
RD asked for invoice for pavilion hire 25/4. CR to raise invoice for £42.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 23rd June 2015 7.30pm
The Pavilion, Stanford Road. All Welcome
Ongoing items for next meetings
Periodic Items / Recurring ItemsBench/seat for children’s play area / Jan/Feb bi-annual – Mower service (2016)
Potential use of table tennis table / Feb – Review charges and fees
Solar heating / March - prepare request for PC precept for play area
New major projects to consider: / April – Calculate Bowls rent based on RPI (due 1/10)
a)Pavilion refurb: seating/redecoration/
manual glasswasher/hand-dryers/lighting/bigger film screen / May annu May - contact Hollowell re volunteering
b) Right to Build Funding for community facility / June – Review Eon electricity contract (due August)
Working party to explore marine ply for panels
in need of maintenance / July
•Film licence renewal
•Fireworks order for max (20%) discount
•Insurance (premium due 1st Oct)
•Consider change of elec supply (due to renew in Sep)
October – firework plans + RA for Insurer 14 days prior. Order more glowing teeth (and other stuff)
Signed: Dated:
CAPFA registered charity 282455. Committee members: Mike Berry (Chair) Roger Miller (Vice Chair) Ruth Sleigh (Secretary) Colin Ritchie (Treasurer) Rod Bailey, Fay Brown, Rose Dempsey, Neil Harpham, Chris Murphy, Alex Taylor, Fiona Taylor, Tony Wycherley, Terry Smith