Teacher Candidate: Lisa Marie AllenDate: 25 January 2007
Cooperating Teacher:Mrs. L. WillCoop. Initials:
Group Size: 19 Allotted Time: 44min Grade Level: 9th
Subject or Topic:Plagiarism/TurnItIn Section: Mr. Smith- History
Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Speaking and Listening
1.6.11- Grade 11
A. Listen to others.
-Synthesize information, ideas and opinions to determine relevancy.
F. Use Media for Learning Purposes
- Use various forms of media to elicit information, to make a student presentation and to complete class assignments and projects.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
1. Students will be able to put their term papers through the TurnItIn website.
II. Instructional Materials
- Computer Lab
- Smart Board
- Student TurnItIn Quick start for students that don’t have term paper with them.
III. Subject Matter
- Prerequisite Knowledge
- The students should have previous experience with computers and also familiar with attachments to the e-mail.
- Material for Class
- Taking their paper that they have sent to themselves and put it in the website for plagiarism scanning.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. How many people have heard of the TurnItIn website?
2. Does anyone know what it does?
B. Development
1. We have only had the website for two years. And what it does is it takes the essay that you submit and it runs it through a program. It runs it through the internet, other papers that have been submitted from this school and others.
2. After you have submitted your paper it comes up with a percentage that tells you how much has been plagiarized, and it goes into detail of where you got the facts from.
3. Mr. Smith has allowed me to go into his account from last years papers to show you what happens when you submit your paper. You will see that all the papers come up and then across from that there is a percentage. It is very unusual to see a paper that has zero. (Click on the paper, using the smart board)
4. You will see as you go through the paper the colors that indicate where you got the material from. (Scroll down on the page)
5. Two things that the site doesn’t pick up are common knowledge and also in text citations.
6. Who can tell me what common knowledge is? It’s something that everyone knows for example “Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492”
7. Who can tell me what in-text citations are? It’s a direct quote, it maybe quoted correctly but in the program it will come up as being plagiarized.
8. Don’t worry if you see that you have a high percentage, it’s not the deciding factor in your grade. The English and History teachers go through and look at where the site has found plagiarism. The program isn’t perfect that is why the teachers go through the site.
9. We are going to set up an account. Has anyone used this before? If so, do you remember your password? Instead of you creating a new account, there is a forgot password button if you would follow those directions to get your password.
10. For everyone else that hasn’t created an account go into New User. The teacher has a user ID and a password that is on the board.
11. Please enter your e-mail address. You will have to create a password and it has to have a letter and a number some people use the letter of their first name and a number. Try to make it a password that you will remember.
12. It will ask you a secret question. Try and pick a question that wont change. I use the name of my first dog, because I know that wont change.
13. You will come to a screen about your paper. Click on the class to open your portfolio.
14. It will show you the assignments that the teacher has created click on that; where it says submit.
15. You will see that your first and last name come up in a box and under that there is a submission title, and in that write Term Paper.
16. To find your paper click on the browse button.
17. Once you have gotten your paper to the top above where your name is and you will see “Submit Paper By” and across from that a button that says submit. Click on that button.
18. It will show you a copy of your paper. Make sure that is what you want to submit and then click yes, submit.
19. After you have turned it in you will get a receipt that the essay has been sent to the teacher. You can click on the portfolio and see your submission. This will show you how much of a percentage of plagiarism the program has found in your paper. Then you can go through and see where the paper has found the sites or papers.
C. Closure
1. Does anyone have any questions about the program or your paper?
V. Evaluation of Students
1. Walk around and check students progress with the database.
2. Correspond with the teacher making sure that they have all handed in their papers through TurnItIn.
VI. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives
1. How did the students listen during the class?
2. Were there any problems with the students as the class was being taught?
B. Personal Reflection
1. For my first lesson in the High School Library how did I feel that it went?
2. What would I change about this lesson if I did it again?
3. What would I do for the next time that I teach a class? What have I learned about teaching in the library?