The Society of the Faith (Incorporated)
Registered in England as a limited company number 214216
Registered with the Charity Commission number 232821
Secretary and TreasurerPrincipalVice-Principal
Mrs Margery RobertsDr Julian Litten FSAThe Revd Canon Robert Gage
Faith Press books held by the Society
Last updated July 2017 and including new titles ( eg Canterbury Press) sponsored by the Society
Key to abbreviations
Cloth covercl
Dust jacketdj
J J von Allmen
Pauline Teaching on Marriage
1963 pb
Mosa Anderson
St Ninian
Light of the Celtic North
1964 hb dj
The New Order of Proper Prefaces, set forth in the reply of the Convocation to the Royal Letters of Business
April 1920 ph illus
Centenary Prayer Book
Foreword by Viscount Halifax
10th impression May 1950 hb illus
Prayers for Silence
1957 hb
The Booklet Library 27: A Plainsong Mass
Illustrated T Noyes Lewis ph
The Booklet Library 48:The Three Hours’ Devotion
Illustrated T Noyes Lewis ph
Devotional Booklets 12: Vespers of Our Lady
Illustrated T Noyes Lewis ph
Peter F Anson
Building up the Waste Places
1973 hb
J A Baker
Travels in Oudomovia
1976 pb
M Basilea Schlenk
Lo, He Comes
1965 pb
A H Baverstock
The Supreme Adventure: The Life of the Theological Virtues
1915 pb
Annus Eucharisticus
Illustrated by T Noyes Lewis
1930 hb dj
H J T Bennetts
Devotions to the Holy Spirit
Undated pb
Joost de Blank
Saints at Sixty Miles an Hour
1956 reprint of 1st ed 1955 pb
The Return of the Sacred
Archbishop’s Lent Book
1968 pb illus
Andrew Boutflower
Personal Reminiscences of Manchester Cathedral
Second edition 1916 hb illus
Manchester Faith Press
Michael Bruce (Editor)
Contributions by Eric Mascall and others
Barriers to Unity
1959 hb dj
A C Buchanan
Father Cyril of the Angels
1931 pb dj
W Bucknall
Introits, Graduals and other Propers for the Year
1930 pb
P B Bull
The Way of Conversion
1929 cl pb dj
W M Bull
My Lenten Vigil
Illustrated by T Noyes Lewis
c1930 hb dj
How to keep Lent with Jesus
Illustrated by T Noyes Lewis
c1930 hb dj
J V Bullard
Standing Orders of the Church of England
1934 hb
Gift of John Creasey
Ivor Bulmer Thomas (Editor)
St Paul: Teacher and Traveller
1975 pb
C Callinicos
Greek Church History
1931 pb dj
James Carpenter
1960 hb dj
I Caudwell
The Care of God’s House: How to Prepare the Church and its Contents for Worship
3rd ed 1949 hb dj illus
Graham Christie
Everyday Stories for the Sunday Gospels
Reprint February 1948 hb
Joyce Coombs
Judgement on Hatcham
1969 hb dj
Heroes of the Catholic Revival, 1: John Keble
1970 ph
George Anthony Denison
1984 pb
Church Literature Association
The Society of SS Peter and Paul
Thomas Corbishley
One Body, One Spirit
1973 pb
Foreword by Archbishop of Canterbury
G G Coulton
Papal Infallibility
1932 hb dj
P Cowley
Receiving the Sunday Gospel
1957 pb
Patrick Cowley
Its liturgical significance
1960 pb
J L C Dart
An ABC Guide to the Faith and Practice of the Church
1946 hb dj and reprint March 1947 hb
M Deanesly
St Charles Booklet Library: 3: The Church, Catholic and Apostolic
1969 ph
M Donovan
The Faith of a Catholic
C 1920 hb dj
J A Douglas
The Redemption of Saint Sophia
3rd edition 1919 pb illus A Henderson
The Home of Mother Church
1914 hb illus T Noyes Lewis
The Home of Mother Church
2nd edition 1923 hb illus T Noyes Lewis
The Young Christian’s Progress
1922 hb
illus T Noyes Lewis
Hans Driesch
The Possibility of Metaphysics
Undated (c 1924) hb dj
C W Dugmore
The Influence of the Synagogue upon the Divine Office
1964 hb dj
E I M Dunlop
A Sunday School Quiz
(1950) 1st reprint 1954 pb
E K Ellis
The Knowledge and Love of God
1963 pb
Lord Elton
Edward King and Our Times
1958 hb dj
Pierre-Yves Emery
The Communion of Saints
1966 hb dj
W Erith
St Charles Booklet Library: 18: S Charles, King and Martyr
1969 ph 2 copies
A Farrer
Said or Sung
1960 hb dj 2 copies
Said or Sung
2nd edition 1964 pb
The Triple Victory
1965 pb 3 copies
J Ferley
The Holy Catholic Church: The Divine Community
1945 pb dj
E J G Forse
Ceremonial Curiosities and Queer Sights in Foreign Churches
1938 hb
Robert Gage Editor
All Manner of Workmanship
Papers from a Symposium on Faith Craft
Contributors: Elain Harwood, James Bettley, Michael Yelton, Stephen Keeble
2015 hb
Spire Books, sponsored by the Society of the Faith
Paula Gooder
The Meaning is in the Waiting
2008 pb
The Canterbury Press, sponsored by SoF
Jonathan Graham
The Office of a Wall
Archbishop’s Lent Book
1966 pb
Rowan Greer
Theodore of Mopsuestia
1961 hb dj
John Gunstone
The Liturgy of Penance (Studies in Christian Worship VII)
1966 pb
The Feast of Pentecost (Studies in Christian Worship VIII)
1967 pb
Greater Things than These
1974 pb
Lift High the Cross
2010 Canterbury Press pb
George W Hart
That I May Know How Frail I Am
Reprint 1934 pb
F A Hibbert
Miracle Play of the Christmass: A Christmas Miracle Play,
with music arr A Rawlinson Wood. Illus T Noyes Lewis
c1925 hb additional loose-leaf stage directions and set designs
Roger Hodgson
1973 pb
A Hoey
Go Quickly and Tell: A Handbook about Missions
1959 pb
D Hole
The Church and the Stage: The Early History of the Actors’ Church Union
1934 pb
Gordon Huelin
Saint Willibrord and his Society
1960 pb
The Cross in English Life and Devotion
1972 pb illus
Father Hugh
Nineteenth Century Pamphlets at Pusey House
1961 hb dj
The Burning-Glass
1962 pb
Anselm Hughes
The Rivers of the Flood
1961 hb dj
H V Hughes and E Goldsmith
The Plainsong Evening Psalter
1930 pb inc chants
Ileana, Princess of Rumania
The Symbol of Faith
1959 pb
P J Jagger
A History of the Parish and People Movement
1978 pb
Ronald Jasper
Arthur Cayley Headlam
1960 hb dj
St John Chrysostom
The Divine Liturgy: Greek text with a rendering in English
3rd edition 1951 hb
F B Jones
St Charles Booklet Library: 5: Why Anglican Catholics?
1969 ph
H Kelly
No Pious Person
1960 hb dj
With original letter of 1927 by Kelly and photograph
E Lorna Krendall
A City not Forsaken
1962 pb
B J Kidd
The Churches of Eastern Christendom
J A Lamb
The Psalms in Christian Worship
1962 hb
J A Lamb
The Archbishop of York
1967 pb gift of Martin Woods
J A Lamb
The Archbishop of Canterbury
1971 pb gift of Martin Woods
C B Law
The Vernie Stories: True and Original Stories in Direct Illustration of the Gospels for the Church’s Year
1920 pb cover illus by T Noyes Lewis
G Leonard
The Gospel is for Everyone
1971 pb illus
C Linnell
Some East Anglian Clergy
1961 hb dj illus
Mother Lisa
The Blessed Sacrament in the Way of the Cross
1928 pb
C E S Littlejohn
Missa Sancti Niniani
1931 full music score
Julian W S Litten
The Mystery of Marquis D’Oisy
2015 pb illus
Shaun Tyas/The Society of the Faith
H V Lupton
The Pilgrim’s Road to Bethlehem: A Nativity Play
1930 pb
W Edward Lush
Symbols of the Catechism
July 1930 hb illus
C S Mann
The New English New Testament
An Introduction
1961 hb dj
The New English New Testament
1961 hb dj
W W S March
Ground of the Heart
1963 pb
E (Eric) L Mascall
Lambeth 1958 and Christian Unity
1958 pb
Pi in the High
1959 hb illus Barbara Jones
2nd impression 1961 hb
Illus Barbara Jones
Grace and Glory
1961 pb
Up and Down in Adria
1963 pb
A F Matthew (trans)
The Teaching of the Abyssinian Church
October 1936 hb
Introduction by J A Douglas
Eric Mathieson
Jimmy and the Six Weird Witches
1964 pb
Tommy and the Marvellous Magicians
1965 pb
Religion of Cliché
1974 pb
D Maxwell
Adventures among Churches
1928 hb
More Adventures among Churches
1929 hb dj
C May
Before the Cross and After
1966 pb
E Morison
St Charles Booklet Library: 15: Meditation
1969 ph
Desmond Morse-Boycott
A Tapestry of Toil
1970 hb dj illus
A Pilgrimage of Song
1972 hb dj illus
Nicholas Mosley
The Life of Raymond Raynes
1961 hb
C E B Neate
A Priest in the Making: A Guide to Priesthood
(1944) 2nd reprint 1957 pb
J Nias
Flame from an Oxford Cloister: The Life and Writings of P N Waggett SSJE
1961 hb dj illus
S Nicholson
The Parish Psalter, pointed for chanting
1933 reprint of 1928 ed hb
The Parish Psalter with Chants
1940 reprint of 1932 ed hb
The Parish Psalter with Chants
1956 reprint of 1932 ed hb
Communion Service, suitable for Congregational Singing
Full music score
G R Oakley
Through the Ages
January 1929 pb
Our Mother’s Voice
Reprint May 1934 pb
G Oldroyd
Missa Ave Jesu
1926 music score
S L Ollard
A Short History of the Oxford Movement
Faith Press Reprints Series
1963 pb
Mgr C Papadopoulos
The Validity of Anglican Ordinations
1931 hb dj
T H Passmore
The New and Living Way
1928 pb
C W Pearce
Church Music Monographs: The Priest’s Part of the Anglican Liturgy
1922 hb
A L Peck
Anglicanism and Episcopacy
1958 hb dj
R Petitpierre
Poems of Jesus. Vol1: God’s Mighty Work
1965 pb
St Charles Booklet Library: 16: Prayer to God
1969 ph
C E Pocknee
St Charles Booklet Library: 1: Priesthood of All Believers
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 2: Baptism and Confirmation
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 4: Holy Scripture and Tradition
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 7: What do we mean by Intercommunion
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 9 The BCP Yesterday and Today
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 12: Apostolic Succession and Ordination
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 13: True and False Ecumenism
1969 ph
H Popple
Missa Surrexit Christus
1926 full music score
The Prince of Peace: A Drama of the Holy Nativity in a Prologue and Two Acts
October 1931 pb
E L M Pritchard
Missa Sancta Werburgae
1934 full music score
D Pyle-Bridges
St Charles Booklet Library: 6: Vestments
1969 ph
St Charles Booklet Library: 19: Sacramentals
1969 ph
A M Ramsey and others
The Dialogue of East and West in Christendom
1963 pb
R Raynes
Darkness no Darkness
1958 hb dj
Thoughts of a Religious
1959 hb dj
The Faith
1961 pb
Robert Reiss
The Testing of Vocation
Foreword by the Bishop of Lincoln
2013 pb
Church House Publishing/The Society of the Faith
A Religious
Chaplet Manual 7. Things That Are: II. Lent to Whitsunday
1923 ph illus by W Lawson
A Firm Foundation: the religious teaching of children at home
1920 hb
A Religious of CSMV
These Last Days
1959 hb dj
The Word of God (Studies in Christian Worship III)
1964 pb
W Richards
Altar Linen: Its Care and Use
1932 cloth dj illus by D G Kirkman
Margery Roberts (text) and Nicholas Elder (illustrations)
Church Linen, Vestments and Textiles
Foreword by the Bishop of Southwark
Pb illus 2015
The Canterbury Press/The Society of the Faith
Rolanda Ronald (Editor)
The World His Stage
1972 pb
K N Ross
Is Religion a Racket?
1961 pb
A F J Salter
St Charles Booklet Library : 17: Anglicans and the Holy See
1969 ph
P Saunders
Carols for Children
1933 hb
George Seaver
John Allen Fitzgerald Archbishop
1963 hb dj photographs
H E Sheen
Foundations of the Faith
1935 pb dj cover illus T Noyes Lewis
The Unveiling of the Collects
2nd edition 1936 pb
The Way of the Epistles
1937 pb
Teaching the Epistles
1961 pb
A H Simmons
St Charles Booklet Library: 11: Priesthood in the Church of England
Glyn Simon and others
1961 hb dj
C Smith
St Charles Booklet Library: 8: The Rosary
1969 ph
E M Smith (editor)
Mother Church Library: 1: Heroes of the Church: St Margaret
1912 ph
Mother Church Library: 2: Heroes of the Church: St George
1912 ph
Mother Church Library: 5: Heroes of the Church: St Agnes
1912 ph
Mother Church Library:6: Heroes of the Church: St Christopher
1913 ph
A Sofrony
The Unrestored Image: Staretz Silouan (1866-1938)
1958 hb dj
H Statham
Missa Sanctae Trinitatis
1932 full music score
M J Stephenson
St Charles Booklet Library: 10: The Seven Sacraments
1969 ph
Mervyn Stockwood
Cambridge Sermons
1959 pb
Dudley Symon
Roman and Uncondemned
1959 hb dj
Meditations at the Crib
1929 pb
Meditations for Lent
January 1930 pb
R Tatlock
Proving, Preaching and Teaching (Studies in Christian Faith & Practice VIII)
1963 pb
An English Benedictional (Studies in Christian Worship II)
1964 pb
K C Thompson
Received up into Glory (Studies in Christian Faith & Practice XI)
1964 pb
Max Thurian and others
The Eucharistic Liturgy of Taizé
Reprint 1971 pb trans John Arnold
B Timotheieff & V Theokritoff (editors)
The All Night Vigil of the Russian Orthodox Church
1924 pb
Walter H De Voil
Old Catholic Eucharistic Worship
With notes, and translations of the Dutch, German, and Swiss rites
1936 hb illus with one photograph
Dieter Voll
Catholic Evangelicalism
1963 hb
trans Veronica Ruffer
A H Walker
God with Us: Then and Now
3rd ed 1936 pb
J W C Wand
The Second Reform
1953 hb dj
Doctors and Councils
1962 hb dj
F L Wheeler
The Unfolding year
1958 hb dj
E C Whitaker
The Baptismal Liturgy (Studies in Christian Worship V)
1965 pb
R S Wilkinson
Worship in a Changing Church (Studies in Christian Worship V1)
1965 pb
An Adult Confirmation Candidate’s Handbook
1967 reprint of 1965(?) edition pb
Joseph Williamson
Josephine Butler – The Forgotten Saint
1977 pb
G G Willis
St Charles Booklet Library: 14: The Church’s Year
1969 ph
C Wood
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
1927 full music score
Edward Wood
Whosoever Will Quicunque Vult
1961 hb dj
Ruby W Yates
A Garland for Ashes
1960 hb dj
Michael Yelton
Anglican Papalism
2005 hb dj illus photographs
Canterbury Press/Society of the Faith
Michael Yelton
Martin Travers His Life and Work
2016 hb illus photographs
Spire Books/The Society of the Faith
Copyright Spire Books, the Society of the Faith and Michael Yelton
No specific author
People’s Eucharist and Children’s Service Book
Undated 16th edition pb
Gift of John Creasey
The Jubilee Book of the Benedictines
Of Nashdom 1914-1964
1964 hb photographs
The English Catholic Prayer Book (gift of John Hendy)
Sold by the Faith Press but not published by it
Undated leatherette
Anglican Religious Life 20112-2013
2011 pb
2013 pb
Canterbury Press/Society of the Faith
Collection of Faith Press stamp albums
(presented by Martin Woods 2015)
Owned by Swaby family 1907- 1910
All books bearing ‘rubber stamp’ of ‘S Lawrence Church Tilney’
1907: three Eldermote albums, with light brown and cream board covers and ‘Society of the Faith’ in an oval on the back and fly-leaf, together with ‘Leighton Buzzard Rutherford & Co, Printers, Bridge Street’, completed by:
Clara Swaby, containing a few stamps from Easter-tide onwards;
Arthur Swaby, containing a few stamps from Easter-tide onwards;
Hilda Swaby, an incomplete set of stamps from Easter onwards.
1907-1908: two Childermote albums, as follows:
Hilda Swaby, with blue and white board cover and bearing ‘The Faith Press, Leighton Buzzard, England’ on flyleaf and ‘Society of the Faith’ in oval on the back. Good collection of stamps. One is plain yellow, with the words ‘Reasonably let or hindered’.
Unnamed, cover and flyleaf as above. Very incomplete collection of stamps and several ‘Reasonably let or hindered’ type.
1908-1909: two Childermote stamp albums, as follows:
Hilda Swaby, blue paper cover on dark red board, with the symbol of the Trinity on the back and flyleaf. The flyleaf also has ‘Registered no 491178’ and ‘Faith Press, Leighton Buzzard, England. The stamp collection is almost complete. One day in Lent has stamp ‘Reasonably let or hindered’.
Arthur Swaby, green paper cover on dark blue board; other details as above. Good but incomplete stamp collection.
1909-10: two Eldermote stamp albums very different in appearance and with different style of stamps, as follows:
Hilda Swaby, light red paper cover on green board, bearing the symbol of the Trinity on the back and flyleaf. The flyleaf also has ‘Registered No 491178’ and ‘Leighton Buzzard, England, Faith Press’.
The stamp collection is almost complete.
Unnamed (apparently), faded dark red cover (picture hard to make out). Flyleaf has the symbol of the Trinity and ‘Registered No 491178’, ‘Faith Press. Leighton Buzzard, England’.
Almost complete set of stamps. The artwork very different from the above.
Arthur Swaby lost his life in France in 1918, in the First World War.