Pro-Watch Software Suite
Architect and Engineering
January 9, 2002
Revision 3.4
Part 1 – GENERAL
SUMMARY: The intent of this document is to specify the minimum criteria for the design, supply, installation, and activation of the Security Management System, which shall be a modular and networkable access control system. The system shall be capable of handling large proprietary corporations with multiple remote sites, alarm monitoring, video imaging and badging, paging, and a CCTV switching that allows for easy expansion or modification of inputs and remote control stations.
- Section Includes:
- Access control and video badging PC server (host computer)
- Additional operator workstations and system printers
- Operating system and applicable software
- Design and input of system database
- Control panel systems
- Card readers and cards
- CCTV control equipment
- Video image/ID badging system
- Paging system
- Related Sections:
- Section 13700 – Security Access and Surveillance
- Section 13850 – Detection and Alarm
- Section 14280 – Elevator Equipment and Controls
- Allowances: To Be Determined
- Unit Prices: To Be Determined
- Alternates: To Be Determined
Pro-Watch Software Suite
A & E Specification
January 9, 2002
1Version 3.4
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
- FCC Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices
- FCC Part 68 – Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network
B.Underwriters Laboratories (UL):
- UL294 – Access Control System Units
- UL1076 – Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
C.National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
- NFPA70 – National Electrical Code
D.Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)
- RS-232C – Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communications Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange.
- RS-485 – Electrical Characteristics of Generators and Receivers for use in Balanced Digital Multi-Point Systems.
A.No Substitutes: The exact make and model number identified in this specification shall be provided without exception.
B.Or Equal: Any item may be substituted for the specified item provided that in every technical sense, the substituted item provides the same or better capability and functionality.
C.Or Approved Equal: the Owner may offer A substitute for the specified item for approval. The proposed substitution must, in every technical sense, provide the same or better capability and functionality as the specified item. Such requests for approval shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of PART 1 – SUBMITTALS, Prior Approvals, and must be obtained within the time frames outlined.
D.Company: Used to describe an access control group (cardholders and privileges).
A.The Security Management System shall integrate Access Control, Alarm Monitoring, CCTV, Video Badging, and Database Management. A modular and networkable architecture shall allow maximum versatility for tailoring secure and dependable access and alarm monitoring solutions for medium and large facilities. The system shall include the following capabilities:
Pro-Watch Software Suite
A & E Specification
January 9, 2002
1Version 3.4
- Direct wire operation, local area network (LAN) (Ethernet), or wide area network (WAN) operation or remote operation via modem. When configured for dial-up, any one port can support multi dial-up locations.
- A flexible and modular design shall provide ease of installation, robustness, reliability, and expansion.
- Distributed architecture shall allow controllers to operate independently of the host. The architecture shall place key access decisions, event/action processing, and alarm monitoring functions within the controllers, eliminating degraded mode operation.
- Communication between the server/workstations, controllers, and other hardware shall be via Pro-Watch NT software.
- Proprietary software programs and control logic information used to coordinate and drive system hardware shall be stored in read-only memory (PROM).
- Upgrades to the hardware and software shall occur seamlessly without the loss of database, configurations, or historical report data.
- Firmware updates and revisions shall be downloaded to the system via modem or system communication.
- Both supervised and non-supervised alarm point monitoring shall be provided. Upon recognition of an alarm, the system shall be capable of switching CCTV cameras that are associated with the alarm point.
- Manual or automatic arming or disarming alarm points shall be performed by time of day and day of week.
- Database partitioning shall provide the option to restrict access to sensitive information by user ID.
A.General: Submittals shall be made in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Submittal Procedures Section.
B.Shop Drawings and Schematics: These shall depict the system in final “as-built” configuration. The following items shall be provided:
- Connection diagrams for all interfacing equipment.
- List of connected equipment.
- Locations for all major equipment components installed under this specification.
C.Product Data: The following shall be provided:
- Technical data sheets.
- A complete set of user guides, installation manuals, and operation manuals.
D.Quality Assurance Submittals: The following shall be provided:
- Checkout report: The Contractor shall provide the owner with a checkout report for each piece of equipment. The report shall include:
a.Complete list of each device
b.The date it was tested and by whom
c.The date it was re-tested and by whom (if required)
d.Final test report indicating that every device was tested successfully.
- Manufacturer’s instructions: The Contractor shall deliver a set of System Operation and Maintenance manuals to the Owner.
- Notice of completion: When the final acceptance has been satisfactorily completed, the Owner shall issue a notice of completion to the Contractor.
- Systems shall meet the requirements of UL294 and UL1076.
- General: Delivery, storage, and handling of the system components shall be in accordance with the Division 1 Product Requirements Sections.
- Ordering: The manufacturer’s ordering instructions and lead-time requirements shall be followed in order to avoid construction delays.
- Delivery: The system components shall be delivered in the manufacturer’s original, unopened, and undamaged containers with intact identification labels.
- Storage and Protection: The system components shall be stored and protected from exposure to harmful weather conditions and at temperature conditions as recommended by the manufacturer.
1.0.9.SEQUENCING – Reserved
1.0.10.SCHEDULING – Reserved
- General: The warranty period shall be for one (1) year period commencing with the invoice date from the manufacturer.
- Personnel: Warranty service shall be performed a technician who is trained and certified by the manufacturer.
- Scope: The system supplier shall maintain a stock of replacement parts sufficient to provide responsive same-day or next-day service with a minimum of system “down” time.
- Preventive Maintenance Agreement During Warranty: As a separate price item, the Contractor shall provide preventive maintenance during the warranty period. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to:
- Labor and materials, at no additional cost, to repair the system components.
- Labor and materials, at no additional cost, to provide tests and adjustments to system components.
- Regular inspections.
- Preventive Maintenance Agreement: As a separate price item and at the Owner's request, the contractor shall provide a complete Maintenance Agreement for a period of three (3) years after the conclusion of the warranty period. The Maintenance Agreement shall include, but not be limited to:
- Labor and materials, at no additional cost, to repair any system components.
- Labor and materials, at no additional cost, to provide tests and adjustment to system components.
- Regular inspections.
- Equipment Repair: Equipment repair shall be accomplished on-site via module replacement.
- Operator training shall be conducted for a minimum session length of TBD hours at the customer's site.
- Factory-trained personnel shall perform training.
- Training shall include, but not be limited to, system operation and system diagnostics.
- Pre-installation: database collection, design, and entry.
- Post-installation: system operation including manual commands, database backup, system diagnostics, and history repeating.
The Security Management System, hereinafter referred to as the System, shall be a modular and networkable access control system. The system shall be capable of controlling multiple remote sites, alarm monitoring, video imaging, video badging, paging, and CCTV switching and control that allows for easy expansion or modification of inputs and remote control stations. The system control at a central computer location shall be under the control of a single software program and shall provide full integration of all components. It shall be alterable at any time depending upon facility requirements. System reconfiguration shall be accomplished on-line through system programming. The system shall include the following:
- Multi-user/Network capabilities: The system shall support multiple operator workstations via local area network/wide area network (LAN/WAN). The system shall be capable of supporting up to 1,000 workstations and shall support concurrent users (i.e., different stations to perform different tasks such as adding cards, making badges, monitoring alarms, running databases, controlling entrances, and alarm shunting, etc.) The system shall also provide database access to multiple users but not allow the users to update records within the database. The following requirements shall also apply:
- Server Class PC: The Central or Server class PC shall be used for monitoring alarms and communicating with remote controllers. The Server Class PC shall be installed in the quantity and locationas indicated by the Owner. The Server Class PC shall be, at a minimum:
A)Pentium II Desktop Class computer with the following features:
1)Minimum 500 MHz speed
2)Minimum 256 MB RAM
3)3.5” Removable Diskette
4)9 GB (minimum) SCSI Hard Drive
5)16X CD-ROM Drive
6)SVGA Color Monitor 17” screen (1024 x 768 minimum)
7)Standard keyboard and two-button mouse
8)Minimum of two parallel printer ports and Windows printer drivers
9)Windows NT supported asynchronous serial communications board
10)Two- (2) RS-232C serial communication ports
11)2MB Video Memory
B)Operating System shall be Windows NT Server, version 4.0 or Windows 2000.
C)UPS shall be provided. It shall be sized to support the PC, monitor, and attached peripherals, including modems, multiplexors, and printers.
- Operator Workstation Class PC: Operator workstations are optional computers that provide management of access and alarms from additional local and remote locations. Workstations shall have full editing capabilities and shall be capable of monitoring alarms and running database and history reports. Operator workstations shall be installed in the quantity and locations as specified by the Owner. Industry standard local or wide area network configurations shall connect workstations to the Server PC. The operator workstation class PC shall be, at a minimum:
A)Pentium II Desktop Class computer with the following features:
1)Minimum 400 MHz speed
2)Minimum 128 MB RAM
3)3.5” Removable Diskette
4)2.1 GB (minimum) Hard Drive
5)16X CD-ROM Drive
6)SVGA Color Monitor 17” screen (1024 x 768 minimum)
7)Standard keyboard and two-button mouse
8)Minimum of two parallel printer ports and Windows printer drivers
9)Windows NT supported asynchronous serial communications board
10)Two (2) RS-232 serial communication ports
11)2MB Video Memory
B)Operating System shall be Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 or Windows 2000.
C)UPS shall be provided. It shall be sized to support the PC, monitor, and attached peripherals, including modems, multiplexors, and printers.
- Server and Workstation Communication: Communication between the Server and Workstation PCs shall be via LAN connection.
- Optional Computer Hardware: The computers shall be capable of supporting additional optional hardware including:
- Windows NT/2000 supported multi-serial communication board(s).
- 16-Port Multiplexor: A multiplexor shall be installed in each Server PC. The multiplexor shall provide RS232 serial ports for direct or dial-up communication to Controllers.
- System Software:
- System Operations: The following requirements shall apply:
- Password: Operators shall be required to log on by entering a password
- Information Access: The system shall be capable of limiting operator access to sensitive information. Operators shall have proper authorization to edit the information.
- Database Partitioning: The system shall be capable of limiting an operator’s access to one, or multiple partitions. Information which can be separated into partitions shall include: Alarm Pages, Areas, Badge Profiles, Badge Ranges, Badge Statuses, Badge Types, Blob Types, Brass Keys, Card Formats, Users, User Classes, Clearance Codes, Companies, Dial Up Schedules, Event Types, Event Triggers, Event Procedures, Groups, Holidays, Keyboard Accelerators, Maps, Modem Pools, Alarm Pathways, Routing Groups, Status Groups, Time Zones, Workstations, Device Types, Hardware Classes, Hardware Templates, Logical Devices, Panels, Channels, Sites, CCTV Camera Views, CCTV Monitor Views, Reports, and Badge Records..
Each item shall be capable of being assigned, or available to, multiple partitions.
d.Status Groups: The system shall support a real-time system status monitor that graphically depicts all logical devices. The Status Groups window shall be a split window with Logical Device icons displayed in the upper portion and the Device Types associated with a selected Logical Device displayed in the lower portion. The Status Groups shall be available in the Hardware Configuration view and the alarm monitor view.
Upper view: The icons representing each logical device within this view shall change based upon the status of that logical device. Different icons shall be available to indicate:
(1)Normal State
(2)Indeterminate State
(3)Reader Off-Normal State
(4)Input Off-Normal State
(5)Output Off-Normal State
(6)Reader and Input Off-Normal State
(7)Reader and Output Off-Normal State
(8)Input and Output Off-Normal State
(9)Total Alarm State
Lower view: Individual Devices Types (readers, inputs, outputs which are further defined as door position switches, request-to-exit devices, enunciators, etc.) which make up the selected logical device, shall be displayed in the lower view. This lower view shall include an icon for each device type and indicate the category (input point, output point, reader) and the status of the individual device types that make up the logical device (normal, energized, locked, unlocked, in-alarm) Note that when a reader device type is not in an off-normal status, the reader mode is displayed (card-only, PIN-only, Card and PIN, Card or PIN)
Status Group Filter: The Status Groups window shall be filterable to show only Logical Devices which are currently in an off-normal condition based on the following:
1)Reader Filters
e)Facility Code
f)Timed Override
2)Input Filters
c)Held Open
d)Forced Open
e)Open Circuit
f)Short Circuit
g)Exit Warning
h)Hardware Masked
i)Software Masked
3)Output Filters
c)Hardware Masked
d)Software Masked
e.Database Audit Log: The system shall be capable of creating an audit log in the history file following any change made to the system database by an operator. Each database item shall be selectable to audit the “add”, “update” or “delete” activities of related to that item. The system shall record:
1)The date and time of the activity,
2)The type of activity(add, update, or delete)
3)The user who performed the activity
4)The workstation at which the activity took place
5)What information was modified
6)What the old value was
7)What the new value was
f.Operator Log: The system shall be capable of creating an Action log in the history file following actions performed by an operator. The system shall record:
1)The date and time of the activity,
2)The user who performed the activity
3)The workstation at which the activity took place
4)What activity was performed
5)What database item the activity was performed on
6)What database group the item belongs to
g.Alarm Routing: The system shall be capable of defining routing groups that determine what information can be accessed by a user or class of users. Routing of alarms shall be separated via the following classifications:
1)The communication channels on which the alarm originates
2)The type of alarms that is generated
3)The workstations to which the alarm should be routed.
h.Anti-Passback: The system shall support the use of an optional anti-Passback mode, in which cardholders are required to follow a proper in/out sequence. Cards must be used at a designated “in” reader then at a designated “out” reader before the card can be properly used at the “in” reader again. Both hard and soft anti-Passback options shall be available. Hard anti-Passback shall not allow a cardholder access when anti-Passback rules are not followed. Soft anti-Passback shall allow a cardholder access when anti-Passback rules are not followed but shall create an alarm. The system shall support both global and local anti-Passback.
1)Local: This feature is not host dependant and allows anti-Passback areas to be configured within the readers that are configured on a single intelligent controller.
2)Global: This feature shall be host dependent and allow anti-Passback areas to be configured across communication.
C.System Programming: The software shall be Windows driven with a browser and viewer bar, on-line “help” information. The programming shall be user friendly and capable of being accomplished by personnel with minimal computer experience.