Board of Commissioners

Wilkinson County

PO Box 161

Irwinton, GA 31042

(478) 946-2236

FAX (478) 946 3767


January 19, 2010

5:00 PM

The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners met in a Regular Session at 5:00 PM on January 19, 2010 at their office in the Courthouse. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Dennis Holder, Commissioner J. M. Howell, Commissioner Alfred Gibson, Commissioner C L Brooks and Commissioner John Williams

The following staff was present: County Manager David Franks, County Attorney Jon Helton and Sr. Account Tech I Deborah Shank.

The following visitors were present: Jonathan Snow, Marty Dominy, Becky Langford, Jimmy Wood, Daniel Anderson and Donna Asbell.


Chairman Holder asked Commissioner Williams to lead us in the Invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Holder.


Chairman Holder asked if there were any revision to the minutes of the January 5th, 2010 Commission meeting. Chairman Holder asked if there were any revisions to the minutes none were noted. Motion was made by Commissioner Brooks to accept the minutes as reported second by Commissioner Gibson. Motion carried none were opposed.

Recognition of Visitors

Old Business:


New Business

a.  BASF request for Tax Refund:

BASF has requested a tax refund for their 2007 taxes in the amount of $490,306.00. Motion was made by Commissioner Brooks to deny the request. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Howell, motion carried there were none opposed.

b.  Sellars Construction Company, LLC Request for Tax Refund:

Sellars Construction Company has requested a tax refund in the amount of $17,433.25 on their 2008 tax return. Motion was made by Commissioner Williams and seconded by Commissioner Gibson to deny Sellars request for a tax refund. Motion carried there were none opposed.

c.  Renewal Beer and Wine License for Blanton’s Place, 8050 Hwy 96 East:

d.  Renewal Beer and Wine K & J Food Mart, 2433 Hwy 57:

Motion was made by Commissioner Brooks to combine approval of both renewals into one motion. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Gibson motion carried there were none opposed.

e.  Beer and Wine License for D J’s, 17731 Hwy 57:

New application for Beer and Wine license by Jimmy Wood for on premises consumption for D J’s located at 17731 Hwy 57, Toomsboro, GA. All fees and conditions have been met by Mr. Wood. Motion was made by Commissioner Brooks and seconded by Commissioner Howell to approve Mr. Wood’s license. Motion carried there were none opposed.

f.  Beer and Wine License for Chocolate City, 12381 Hwy 57, Irwinton:

This request has been tabled until February 2nd Commission meeting.

g.  Prison Van:

Purchase of new prison van. Motion was made by Commissioner Williams to purchase a new Prison Van from State Contract in the amount of $22,944.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Howell. Motion carried there were none opposed.

County Managers Report

a Public Works Shop building will be delivered week of 1/20/10. Equipment will be installed shortly after building installation.

Visitors Comments


Adjourn - Motion by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Howell to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried none opposed.

Notice to Visitors

The Board of Commissioners welcomes you to our meeting. We ask that you do not talk during the meeting to allow us to hear all discussion between Commissioners. If you would like to be placed on the agenda, please contact the Board of Commissioners Office at 946-2236 no later than the Thursday prior to meeting.