Western Illinois University
College of Business and Technology
Accredited by the AACSB-International
Department of Information Management and Decision Sciences
Welcome to DS – 203 (87)
Business Statistics for Managerial Decision Making
Fall 2007
Time /Place:W. 4:00 - 6:30 ST 322
Instructor:Farideh H. Dehkordi-Vakil
431M Stipes Hall
Phone: 298 –2234
FAX: (309)-298-1696
Office hours:12:30 – 2:00 on T, Th. and 2:00 –4:00 on W.
Or by appointment.
Course information:Decision Sciences 203 is a survey of the statistical methods used in business decision-making. Topics discussed include Measures of central tendency and variability, random variables and probability distributions; binomial, normal, and sampling distributions; estimation; tests of hypotheses; linear regression and correlation. Students will analyze simple problems, apply statistical techniques, and interpret the results of the analyses.
Text:1.The Practice of Business Statistics; using data for decisions, David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, William M. Duckworth, Stanley L. Sclove. W.H. Freeman 2003.
2.Excel Manual for the Practice of Business Statistics; using data for decisions, Fred M. Hoppe.
Assignments:Homework is an important part of this course and serves as a tool for mastering the ideas presented in lectures. There will be regular weekly homework assignment and time will be assigned for its discussion at the beginning of the lecture. In addition to this, you will be assigned several sets of problems, which will be collected and graded. These assignments may take the form of problems, and computer application. These written assignments must be completed on time and handed to the instructor in class on the due date. Homework assignment must be submitted on clean white paper and diagrams must be drawn neatly and legibly. Five points will be deducted if these requirements are not met.
Project: Students will work in groups (two to three students per group) to carry out a project involving application of the statistical methods covered in the course to a data set. Projects will be carried out in three phases. Please meet with me at least once while you are working on each phase.
- Project proposal (due 9/25-10-points). This is a detailed description of the data set you have selected. You may
- Collect your own data
- Obtain a data set from the web, from a book, from an instructor in your major field, or from some other source.
- Project interim report (due10/30-20-points). In this report you will formulate a research question and determine an appropriate method of analysis, and use Excel to carry out the analysis. This informal report will indicate that your project is “on track.” It will include results obtained thus far and a brief summary of what they mean and what remains to be done.
- Final project write-up (due12/6-20-points). Each group’s paper will be graded on clarity, neatness, adherence to instructions, accuracy of calculations and appropriateness of statistical methods.
Exams:You will have three midterm exams each worth 50 points. Of these, your best scores will be counted towards your final grade. The Final Examis Comprehensive, worth 100 points. Exams involve a combination of multiple choice and short answer problems. You cannot pass the course without taking the final. The exam dates are as follow:
Exam #1W. September 26
Exam #2W. October 25
Exam # 3W. November 28
Final examFriday. December 14, 8:00 AM
Attendance:Attendance is required and will be recorded each class period. More than six unjustified absences will lower your final grade one letter grade. Students will be responsible for the portion of the material covered in class and for the homework assignments given during their absence. Classroom etiquette requires that you come to class on time and remain until the assigned time for the class to end. If you disrupt the class (for example, arriving late, leaving early) you’ll be marked absent for that session.
Homework50 points
Project50 points
Midterms100 points
Final 100 points
Total300 points
An individual’s percentage will be determined by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible (300). Grades will be assigned according to the following distribution:
270 –300A
240 – 269B
210 – 239C
180 – 209D
0 – 149F
Notes:1)NO MAKE-UP EXAMS without sufficient, legitimate
reason. Students must seek permission prior to missing any scheduled tests.
2)This outline is subject to change with notice.
3)A calculator with the basic statistics functions for computing the mean and variance is required and should be brought to each class.
4)For information on student rights and responsibilities visit
5)For information on withdrawal policies and deadlines visit
I hope you will enjoy this course. I am looking forward to working with you.