Beverage Merchandising, Inc.
Brand: Product:
Size: State:
Start Date: End Date:
Per Unit Savings:
Offer Details:
[Offer description]
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During the time period stated instant savings (the “Scan Back”) are available for customers in the designated state over the age of 21 (“Eligible Customers”) who purchase the designated product during the Promotion Period from participating retail locations.
The Scan Back will provide Eligible Customers with instant savings in the amount designated at point-of-sale at participating retail locations during the Promotion Period.
The Scan Backs are temporary, limited time offers and are available only while supplies last. Unless prohibited or restricted by law, all licensed off-premises retail locations in the designated territory will have the option of offering the Scan Back Promotion.
Scan Backs are temporary promotional pricing programs, which are a form of a volume based rebate credit, based on the participating retailer’s depletions; not purchases of alcoholic liquors. Scan Backs are reflected in a consumer price reduction at the point-sale, and are funded through a temporary rebate credit to the retailer.
Participating retailers will record the number of designated units sold under the terms above. Each participating retailer will receive reimbursement in the amount of the Scan Back multiplied by the number of Redeemed Scan Backs during the Promotion Period, plus reimbursement of the actual handling fees incurred by the participating retailers during the Promotion Period in an amount no greater than that allowed by law.
Beverage Merchandising, Inc., will administer the program for the Scan Back Promotion. After the Promotion Period, Beverage Merchandising, Inc. will work with participating retailers to coordinate reimbursement for the Redeemed Scan Backs, Beverage Merchandising, Inc. will collect performance data and make a best effort to accurately track claims based on the terms designated above. To complete this process, Beverage Merchandising, Inc. will need the following information:
· Promoted retail price of units moved during the promotional weeks reflecting the manufacturer’s Scan Back reduction.
· Number of units sold during the Promotion Period.
Please send this form by any of the three:
Electronically to:
Via Fax to:
Via First Class Mail to:
Beverage Merchandising, Inc.
7750 Archer Road
Justice IL 60458
Beverage Merchandising, also available to answer any questions you might have regarding Scan Back Promotion operations via telephone at (708) 563-0500.
By participating in the Scan Back Promotion, participating retailers agree and authorize Beverage Merchandising, Inc. or its designated representative, upon receiving written notice from Beverage Merchandising, Inc., to audit such sales records as necessary to confirm the accuracy of the information submitted with regard to the Scan Back Promotion. Participating retailers acknowledge and agree that the participating retailer must deliver such billing data and verification of such data within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the Promotion Period to qualify for reimbursement and payment for the Scan Back Promotion.
Beverage Merchandising Inc., accepts this Scan Back Promotion as an equitable offer and does not take any responsibility for the terms of the offer. Beverage Merchandising, Inc., acknowledges the sender as the authorized agent of participating party.
Beverage Merchandising, Inc. has no ownership interest in any retailer or supplier organization. Beverage Merchandising, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw, without penalty, from any activity which we deem to be non-compliant, with any regulatory agency, in any jurisdiction, where our services are being provided.