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Frequently Asked Questions
MyMathLab®Frequently Asked Questions for Students
What is MyMathLab®?
Pearson’s MyMathLab® is an online resource that generates homework assignments and test questions from the text. The assignments and tests are graded by the MyMathLab® software. Extra assistance and videos explaining concepts are available for certain problems.
Why use MyMathLab®?
MyMathLab® has been integrated into parts of University of Phoenix’s mathematics curriculum because of its capacity to support student learning. The instant feedback, quality videos and animated tutorials, worked examples, and endlesslyregenerating, unique content provide students with an encouraging and targeted learning environment. Requiring the use of MyMathLab® has been demonstrated to raise student achievement and retention (Speckler, 2009).
Speckler, M. D. (2009). Making the grade, V.3: A compendium of data–driven case studies on theeffectiveness of MyMathLab® and MathXL. Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Retrieved from
Do I need to install any software to use MyMathLab®?
Yes. You must install the MathXL™ player and media plug-ins. The first time you access MyMathLab®, you will be prompted to install MathXL™. Click the Installation Wizardunder the Support tab link to begin downloading.
Is MyMathLab® compatible with an Apple® Macintosh® computer?
Will I be automatically logged out of MyMathLab® after periods of inactivity?
The system will log you out of homework assignments, quizzes, or examinations after 3 hours of inactivity. You may also be logged out if you use the backbutton on your internet browser. MyMathLab® saves your work when you are logged out, so you will not have to redo the problems you already completed.
Are there time limits on assignments or tests?
There are no time limits on the assignments or quizzes unless indicated by your facilitator;however,you must complete each assessment by the due date. There is a 3 hour time limit on your Final Examination.
What happens if I need to exit a quiz or a test in the middle of it?
You can return to a quiz or test at any time before the due date. If you need access to the quiz after the due date, contact your instructor. To exit the test, simply close your browser.
Note. Click the Submit button when your test is complete and ready to be graded. A warning message will appear indicating that you have incomplete test items if you click Submit prematurely.
What if I accidentally click the submit button on my quiz or test?
Prior to submitting yourexam, you are asked if you are sure you want to submit the exam for a grade. If you accidentally submitted your test, contact your facilitator.
When I am taking a test or quiz, can I skip questions and return to them later?
As long as you return to the skipped questions before you press the submit button, you may answer them. You may not return to a quiz after you submit it.
If questions have multiple parts, will I receive partial credit if a part of the problem correct?
Yes. You will receive partial credit in these instances.
Does using MyMathLab® count toward attendance?
No.MyMathLab® is separate from the classroom discussion. You must post participate in the class discussions to meet attendance.
Are the questions in the textbook the same as the questions in MyMathLab®?
No. Questions in the textbookare similar to those in MyMathLab® but often have different numbers.
Is my assignment different from those of other students in my class?
You may have similar questions with different numbers. However, the difficulty level and skills addressed will be the same as those of other students.
I do not see any available assignments, quizzes, or tests on MyMathLab®. Why is that?
Your Week One assignment will be available 1 week prior to your course start date. Subsequent assignment availability is determined by your instructor.
MyMathLab® says, “There are no assignments due today.” Is this accurate?
The syllabus posted by your instructor governs due dates—review this syllabus for all due dates.
I did very well on my homework assignments but I did poorly on my tests. Why did this happen?
On your homework, you can attempt a problem multiple times and receive instant feedback. Many study features are also available on the homework assignments that are not available on the tests.
After completing the assigned readings and homework, take the sample test in the study plan. This may provide you with a good idea of how you might do on the test. If the test identifies some problem areas, continue to work on the skills in your study plan.
What are study plans?
The study plan is an optional feature in MyMathLab®. The study plan is generated when you complete a quiz, test, or sample test. The study plan correlates the questions you missed with the sections of the text that you should review. A purple pushpin icon indicates topics you should study. To review these sections, click the green practice button.
Note. The study plan is only generated if you complete a quiz, test, or self-test.Completing the individual assignments will not generate a study plan.Thestudy plan is not a requirement for this course, but you are encouraged to review the topics indicated by the study plan.
Will I receive credit for completing work on the study plan?
No, but by working on the study plan you increase your chances of success in the course by gaining a better understanding of the mathematical concepts.
How are quizzes and tests different from homework and my study plan?
When you are completing your homework or study plan, you have access to extra features that can help you solve problems. The extra features include the following:
- Online sections of the textbook
- Animated help
- Step-by-step instructions
- Video explanations
- Similar exercises
Quizzes and tests do not have these additional features.
Can I return to my homework for extra practice after the due date?
You may review your homework and quizzes by using the Results button on the course menu. Be aware that accessing your assignment through the Homework and Tests buttonmay alter your score. If you change your homework past the due date, late penalties may apply. Use the study plan if you need extra practice, and review your work using the Results button.
Can I submit late work using MyMathLab®?
Refer to your instructor’s policies for details on submitting late assignments.Unless a grade of Incomplete has been granted, assignments submitted after the last day of class must not be accepted.
Is the score that I see in MyMathLab® my grade for the course?
No.The score in MyMathLab® reflects only the assignments completed using MyMathLab®. This score does not include answers to discussion questions, participation, assignments, and other exercises submitted in the classroom. Please refer to your weekly feedback for your course grade.
Can I access MyMathLab® after a course has ended?
No. Students cannot access MyMathLab®after a course has ended.
If I experience technical difficulties, who should I call?
Call University of Phoenix Student Technical Support at 1-877-832-4867.