1 October 2001ORARNGR 200-1
Appendix B
ACHPAdvisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACM Asbestos-Containing Material
AGIInstallations Office
AGI-ENVEnvironmental Section of the Installations Office
AMDFArmy Master Data File
ARArmy Regulation
ARNGArmy National Guard
AROPT Director of Operations, Plans, and Training
ARRPArmy Radon Reduction Program
BTUBritish Thermal Unit
CAAClean Air Act
CEQCouncil on Environmental Quality
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CRMPCultural Resources Management Plan
CWAClean Water Act
CXCategorical Exclusion
DADepartment of the Army
DEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
DERPDefense Environmental Restoration Program
DODDepartment of Defense
DODAACDOD Activity Address Code
DOLDirector of Logistics
DRMODefense Reutilization and Marketing Office
EAEnvironmental Assessment
ECEmergency Coordinator
ECOEnvironmental Compliance Officer
ECO/NCOEnvironmental Compliance Officer/NCO
ECNCOEnvironmental Compliance NCO
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EMD Oregon Emergency Management Division
EOExecutive Order
EODExplosive Ordinance Disposal
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
EPMEnvironmental Program Manager
EPOCEnvironmental Point of Contact
EPSEnvironmental Protection Specialist
EQCCEnvironmental Quality Control Committee
ESOEnvironmental Science Officer
FEMB Facilities and Environmental Management Board
FFCAFederal Facility Compliance Agreement
FIFRAThe Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
FMOFacilities Management Officer (Director of Installations)
FNSIFinding of No Significant Impact
FRFederal Register
FUDSFormerly Used Defense Sites
FWPCAFederal Water Pollution Control Act
FYFiscal Year
HAZMINHazardous Waste Minimization
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air
HMHazardous Material
HQDAHeadquarters, Department of The Army
HRSHazard Ranking System
HWHazardous Waste
ICPIntegrated Contingency Plan
ICUZInstallation Compatible Use Zone
INRMPIntegrated Natural Resources Management Plan
IRPInstallation Restoration Program
IRTInstallation Response Team
ISCPInstallation Spill Contingency Plan
ITAMIntegrated Training Area Management
LEPCLocal Emergency Planning Committee
LLALowest Living Area
LTALocal Training Area
LTMLong Term Measurement
MACOMMajor Army Command
mg/lMilligrams per Liter
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
NCPNational Contingency Plan
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NESHAPNational Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NGBNational Guard Bureau
NGB-ARENational Guard Bureau, Environmental Resources Directorate
NGB-PANational Guard Bureau, Public Affairs Office
NGRNational Guard Regulation
NOVNotice of Violation
NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPLNational Priorities List
NPSNon-Point Source
NRCNational Response Center
NSNNational Stock Number
O&MOperations and Maintenance
OB/ODOpen Burning or Open Detonation
OERSOregon Emergency Response System
OMDOregon Military Department
ORARNGOregon Army National Guard
ORANGOregon Air National Guard
ORNG-JEC Oregon National Guard, Joint Environmental Council
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
P3Pollution Prevention Plan
PAOPublic Affairs Officer
PA/SIPreliminary Assessment/Site Inspection
PCBPolychlorinated biphenyl
pCi/lPicocuries per Liter
PEProfessional Engineer
PEPPropellant, Explosive, and Pyrotechnic Materials
PLPublic Law
POCPoint of Contact
POLPetroleum, Oils, and Lubricants
POTWPublicly Owned Treatment Works
PPMParts Per Million
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act
RCSRequirements Control Symbol
RECRecord of Environmental Consideration
RIRemedial Investigation
RI/FSRemedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
SARASuperfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act
SDOStaff Duty Officer
SDWAThe Safe Drinking Water Act
SESState Environmental Specialist
SHPOState Historic Preservation Office
SJAStaff Judge Advocate
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SPCCPSpill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan
TAGThe Adjutant General
TBTechnical Bulletin
TB MEDTechnical Bulletin, Medical
TGTechnical Guide
TMTechnical Manual
TSCAToxic Substances Control Act
TSDFTreatment, Storage and Disposal Facility
USUnited States
USACEUS Army Corps of Engineers
USACHPPMUS Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
USAEC US Army Environmental Center
USPFOUS Property and Fiscal Officer
USTUnderground Storage Tank
UXOUnexploded Ordnance
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
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