16 November 2009
Dear Sir,
Bankmed Preferred Pharmacy Network
Bankmed is in the process of establishing a Preferred Pharmacy Network to ensure their members have access to consistency with regards to dispensing fees, and to pharmacies that are prepared to assist in better managing member benefits.
The network will be run on a willing pharmacy basis where participating pharmacies can commit to the following:
- Dispensing fees for Bankmed members is capped at Single Exit Price + 26%/R26 for acute and chronic, scheduled and unscheduled products.
- No additional administration and non-scheme surcharges can be billed to Bankmed members.
- Compliance with and implementation of Bankmed member benefit plan limits, as communicated to participating pharmacies, from time to time, including the imposition of co-payments where required.
- Participating pharmacies who wish to perform the Personal Health Assessment need to have clinics that can perform the Bankmed Personal Health Assessment which includes doing the Bankmed Personal Health Assessment online and performing the following clinical measurements:
- Weight
- Height
- Blood pressure
- Total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol
- Random blood sugar
- Participating pharmacies must be willing to display the Bankmed network sticker prominently.
- Bankmed will consistently communicate the list of preferred pharmacies to all members.
- Members are free to obtain their medication from outside the network but then may be liable for administration fees or surcharges.
- Membership of the network will be subject to 90 days notice of termination by either party, except as otherwise provided in the regulations to the Medical Schemes Act.
- To comply with such other lawful and reasonable network rules as may be notified to network pharmacies in writing, from time to time.
Selection of participating pharmacies is based on the pharmacy's willingness to meet the above non-discriminatory and reasonable criteria, which further the objectives of affordability, cost-effectiveness, quality of care and Bankmed member access to pharmacy services.
Willing pharmacies should complete the next page and return to the fax number specified below.
Please donot hesitate to contact the undersigned should you need any further information.
Yours sincerely,
Leighton McDonald
Principal Officer
Application to join the Bankmed Preferred Pharmacy Network
Please provide the details requested below and fax this form to (011) 770 6194, or email it to .
I wish to join the Bankmed Preferred Pharmacy Network, and agree to abide by the conditions specified overleaf: / YES / NOI wish to register to provide Personal Health Assessments to Bankmed members and by registering I certify that my pharmacy is able to comply with the clinical criteria specified overleaf. / YES / NO
Name and Surname of Owner / Responsible Pharmacist:
Pharmacy Group (if applicable):
Pharmacy Name:
Practice Number:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Cell phone Number:
Email address:
Physical Address:
Town Code:
Postal Address:
Town Code:
Name / Signature / Date
Please note:
Network pharmacies found to be in material breach of the network rules will be removed from the network with immediate effect on notice in writing.
Please contact the MediKredit call centre on 0860 WE CARE if you need more information.
Registered as a medical scheme (no. 1279) under The Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998