Slide / Info
2 / Learning Outcomes
3 / “Watch me” clip is British National Anthem you can play as students enter class / begin first task.
Students to work in small groups on what they think living in Britain means to them (a3 sheet – mid map style) – class discussion.
4 / Ask students what they think some British VALUES are; next slide will have the following on;
  • Tolerance
  • Equality
  • Democracy
  • Free speech
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Freedom
Class discussion if they had these (if not then write down if not) does everyone agree?
6 / Freedom of speech – class vote, stand up YES, sit down NO – class discussion on why they chose either.
7 / CASE STUDY: groups given case study of Abu Hamza al Masri – students to read through highlighting key points on whether they are in favour of Free Speech or against – using evidence to justify their point.
8 / Group discussion – freedom of speech or not? Use info from case study to explain / justify points. Class discussion.
9 / Same question as slide 5 – have things changed? Why? Why not?
10 / Link to last PSHE – get students to think – pair – share on what they can remember, what is radicalisation?
12 / Paris attacks stimulus – picture on slide of peace sign with Eiffel tower – class discussion on Paris attacks and what the students know / think
14 / Mandela quote and question on students knowledge of other extremist groups from past / today.
15 / Class discussion on images – prior knowledge (Nazism / ISIS / Britain First / KKK) – message is that there are extremist groups in all societies
16 / How do extremist groups influence and radicalise people? Link back to last PSHE of social media and targeting certain individuals
17 / In groups students decide on who they think is most at risk of being radicalised – need to justify and say why
18 / Relay that although it is important as a society to spot signs of radicalisation happening, that we must not stereotype. Watch video of young Muslim girl
19 / WHO is vulnerable to becoming radicalised?
WHY would some people become radicalised? – key points appear under afterwards
20 / TASK – students to create a script / play for an ad campaign highlighting the dangers of being radicalised… all info on slide.
21 -22 / Slides to reinforce that extremism and radicalisation is just a tiny minority – 2 examples of where Muslims have helped people / condemned attacks
23 / Learning outcomes revisited

British Values PSHE – 4th December

Information support for slides