Meeting in Winther 3002E

September 13, 2012 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Present: Cindy Anderton, Jennifer Betters Bubon, Jeffrey Cook, Krista Kim, Donald Norman, Brenda O’Beirne (chair), AneneOkocha, David Van Doren

1)Minutes from September 6, 2012 approved as corrected Okocha/Cook motion. Approved unanimously.

2)Announcement of Jeff Cook’s manuscript accepted in Prof Issues in Counseling.

3)Scholarship and Creative Activities reception will be held later this semester. Faculty shouldsubmit publications, presentations, etc. If you go hungry, go early!

4)Course rotation for CMHC program–Discussion of rotation and impact: Summer offerings, electives, heterogeneity of classes, practicum and related courses were all discussed. Brenda will examine the new program and look at projections. Dave and Brenda will talk about how to put this in program of studies form. School and Higher Education will need to be added. Further discussionis needed and faculty members need to examine the impact related to courses they would like (or have been) teaching.

5)Discussion that students will not be able to graduate from the CHMCprogram until 2016.

6)CMHC materials went through COE curriculum process quickly. Brenda will let us know when it is on the Grad Council agenda, so we can attend in support of the changes.

7)Discussion of doctoral intern for 2013-2014. Dave expressed concern about grad students teaching once and done. Discussion about SCH. Brenda mentioned concern of SCH/FTE in general without the intern. Challenges and benefits were discussed. Motion Norman/Anderton to move forward and recruit an intern next academic year. Passed Unanimously.

8)Collegial coverage for classes October 16th and 17th was discussed. Jennifer and Anenewill provide coverage.

9)Clinical updates

  • 9/25 and 9/26 4:15 – 5:15 Internship meeting regarding 2013-2014 Interns Winther3002
  • Discussion related to having research connected to Internship and some resistanceon the part of site supervisors to include this component.
  • Discussed supervision summit related to students’ schedule conflicts.

10)Don provided an ePortfolio update and will be work with Jennifer on this project. Discussed opening previous courses. Faculty expressed willingness to open if that was needed and indicated alternative approaches might work. Jennifer will be getting back to us about their requests. Dates onePortfolio are on the planning document. A discussion related to departmental expectations for philosophy statements is needed.

11)Student concerns were discussed.

12)Updates from Administrative Council –

  • Updates on Mondays will continue to provide important info to all of us.
  • COE Committees will be started within the next month.
  • PDP forms are on the COE website. Request to be absent from campus form will be posted soon.

13)Advisory council meeting November 9th. Need to examine the list of council members and revise as necessary.

14)Reminder that there will be a potluck to welcome Jennifer and Jeff next Thursday at 4:15.

15) CSI Kickoff 4:15 -5:15 on 10/10.

16)October 12th Workshop. Please remind people about this and get the word out.

17)Adjournment Okocha/Anderton Motion. Passed unanimously. 11:35AM

Submitted by David Van Doren