Third Announcement


The Summit Organizing Committee is made up of members representing countries or organizations in





North America and

South America

Visit for complete list of members

The Summit will take place from noon October 1st through October 4th, 2017 in Montréal, Canada

Please join us!

The Program of Events*

October 1 – DAY 1

The GMUS-3 will begin with a buffet lunch and words of welcome from governmental representatives. This will be followed by updates on activities since the 2012 GMUS-2, where presentations will cover progress of the GMUS-2 5-Year WorkPlan and other key initiatives.

Speakers will share experiences from capacity building projects, onthe evolution of minor use programs and activities in technical and cooperative areas,which may aid capacity development and support to emerging minor use programsand an update of ongoing globalminor use activities and collaborationsthrough Codex and OECD.

During Day 2 and 3,after initial plenary sessions, participants will be asked to discuss key issues and develop possible solutions relating to each of the key areas in breakout sessions. The outcomes from the breakout sessions will be collated into a new work plan.

October 2 – DAY 2

Two themes will be the focus of activities and discussion by participants.

The morning theme,A Regional look at the Regulatory Landscape, will look at topics such as International Harmonization, One submission approach, and Use of Data – Crop Groups, extrapolation and field data exchangeability.

The afternoon’s theme, Plant Protection Industry Perspective,will look at addressing challenges and enabling opportunities to facilitate product development and regulatory submissions. Presentations will include perspectives from the Chemical industry and the Biocontrol and Biopesticides industry.

Each session will include formal presentations followed by breakout session discussions, where participants can add their input and experiences.

October 3 – DAY 3

Morning discussions will focus ona third theme,A Regional look at Grower Challenges and Engagement. Presentations will look at the challenges that impact growers in accessing tools and what factors could facilitate grower outcomes and support into the future. Followed by a breakout session discussion, where participants can add their input and experiences.

The second half of the day will be comprised of presentations and refinement of breakout group recommendations,with the goal toidentify key actions and develop a new Work Plan that will guide future cooperation and coordination of Minor Use activities following GMUS-3.

October 4 – DAY 4

This day will start with a recap of Summit conclusions and recommendations, and a presentation and final agreement of the new Work Plan.The remainder of the day will be devoted to the Second Global Minor Use Priority Setting Workshop with the goal of discussing current priorities and establishingnew Minor Use priorities for future work. In advance of the workshop, participants and other interestedparties have been sent a survey to provide priority needs for their region or country.

October 5 – FIELD TOUR

An optional field tour will be offered after the GMUS-3 on Thursday, October 5. It will be a great

opportunity to experience, see, learn and taste Quebec crop specialties.

We will start in the morning with a visit of farms on muck soils in the South area of Montreal. You will learn about the production of many vegetable crops such as lettuce, onion, leek and leafy brassica. The visit will focus on the crop protection technics including on farm use of weather stations to aid in forecasting diseases; insect scouting; and introduction of sterile male for the control of onion maggot for example.

In the afternoon we will visit the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Research and Development Centre, where trials are conducted to generate data for minor use pesticide label expansions. We will also visit a non-government research station (Institut de Rechercheet de DéveloppementenAgroenvironnement) dedicated mostly for pome fruit protection. Evaluation of new pesticides, production under netting, scouting, production management to reduce the use of pesticides, etc. will be discussed. We will complete the Tour by tasting different apple varieties and if times permit, some apple cider.

The Tour will start early in the morning at 7:30 a.m. and we will be back to the hotel at 4:30 p.m.

Register todayfor the event and for the optional Field Tour on October 5thand play a part in bringing healthy crops to the world.

*Please note: plans are still evolving for program content to reflect the needs of all countries and stakeholders. Visit for the most up to date information about the Summit.

1-4October 2017• Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montréal, Quebec, Canada