Seminar | Deceased Estates 2014

Finding solutions when wills do not comply with formalities

About this seminar

“Validating the invalid” –when a Will Is not properly executed.

“Invalidating the apparently valid”– where allegations are made as to fraud, undue influence, mental incapacity, etc.

Day 1

  • Analysis of particular sections of the Wills Act
  • Study interesting case law

Day 2

  • Interactive Workshop
  • Discussion and debate


Ceris Field (BA LLB (UCT) – admitted 1987) is an attorney, notary and conveyancer specialising in wills, estates and trusts. Ceris lectures on drafting of wills and the administration process involved in deceased estates throughout South Africa. She has been a presenter with LEAD for 14 years.

Category / Standard Rate Per Person
Practising attorneys / R 2,240.00
Candidate attorneys / support staff / R 2,120.00
Practising attorneys from firms located further than 150 km from the closest venue / R 1,900.00
Non-practising attorneys / Others / R 4,480.00
Where and when (time: 9:00-16:30)

Johannesburg: 24, 25 November 2014

Pretoria: 27, 28 November 2014

  1. LEAD will confirm the venue when you register.
  2. Limited seats are available at all centres and registrations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who should attend?

Practising attorneys, candidate attorneys and people involved in the administration of deceased estates.

Cancellation of seminar

If you need to cancel your registration, please e-mail at least 48 hours before the seminar starts to avoid being liable for the full rate. All refunds must be claimed in writing not more than 15 business days after cancellation. LEAD reserves the right to cancel a seminar should the number of delegates not justify the costs involved. Registered delegates will be given reasonable notice of cancellation.

Registration queries: e-mail Annelie Dagnin on or phone her on +27 (0)12 441 4669.
Seminar queries: e-mail or phone on +27 (012) 441-4613 / 4644 / 4608
LEAD switchboard: Tel +27 (0)12 441 4600. Website:

PTO for editable form

Registration Form
Deceased Estates 2014 / Forward your completed form to ‘LEAD Registrations
E-mail: or fax: +27 (0) 86 676 4453
Please complete a separate form for each delegate.
  1. Save the form on your computer and the type your details directly onto the form to replace .
  2. Where a blockappears, please select the correct block to look like this .
  3. Save and email the form to together with proof of payment.
  4. Credit card payments: Print out the form and sign where indicated. Scan and email; or fax to the above details.

Date and town/city of attendance
Johannesburg: 24, 25 November 2014
Pretoria: 27, 28 November 2014 / Please wait for your venue confirmation from LEAD before you make your flight and accommodation booking.
Fee per delegate
Category / Standard Rates
Practising attorneys / R 2,240.00
Candidate attorneys / support staff / R 2,120.00
Practising attorneys from firms located further than 150 km from the closest venue / R 1,900.00
Non-practising attorneys / Others / R 4,480.00
Your details
Surname: / First name:
ID number: / Gender: F M / Your position:
Firm/company: / City/Town: / Title:
Tel-w: () / Fax: ()
Cell: / Email:
Postal address: / Postal code:
Docex address: / Race (for reporting):
Payment options(Registration will be confirmed only if the payment details or proof of payment has been received.)
Payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) (preferred):
Account Name: Law Society of South Africa
Account: 6200 9641 079 | Reference: Cell No / Ref: ’DEC’ / Amount: R
LEAD Bank: FNB Pretoria
Branch Code: 251445
Payment by Credit Card: Card type: MasterCard Visa
Card number: Card expiry date: Card holder’s name:
Signature: Date:
Payment by cheque: (NB: payable to ‘Law Society of South Africa’) Amount: R
Special Dietary Requirements (if any): / Disability: No Yes Nature of disability:
Registrations close 48 hours prior to the seminar. No further registrations will be accepted thereafter.
Registration queries: e-mail Annelie Dagnin on or phone her on +27 (0)12 441 4669.
Seminar queries: e-mail . Contact numbers: +27 (012) 441-4613 / 4644 / 4608
LEAD switchboard: Tel +27 (0)12 441 4600. Website:

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