Southern Wiltshire Neighbourhood Policing Team - Alderbury & Laverstock Beat

Local crime reports

The list below provides a summary of recent local crimes from 1st to 30th November 2011. It is not possible to list all the crimes due to confidentially issues (e.g. if the crime was violent or for domestic disputes).

Alderbury / 01/11 - Criminal Damage - Garden gate damaged, seemingly by the wooden panelling being kicked.
03/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Sheds entered, hedge trimmer and surveillance camera stolen.
05/11 - Burglary - Entry gained to a licensed premises and cash stolen from the till.
11/11 - Criminal Damage - Damage caused to wire and wooden fencing with an unknown instrument.
19/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Sheds entered and tools stolen from within.
30/11 - Theft From Motor Vehicle - Insecure vehicle entered and a tax disc stolen from within.
Clarendon / 20/11 - Theft - Mobile phone stolen while left unattended. Phone retrieved later.
23/11 - Theft - Cash stolen from an unattended handbag.
Farley / 14/11 - Theft - Various metals stolen from a farm yard.
Firsdown / No reportable incidents
Ford / No reportable incidents
Grimsteads / 03/11 - Burglary - Rear door smashed and entry gained to the property, high value jewellery stolen.
Landford / 01/11 - Theft - Royal Mail post box stolen.
01/11 - Theft - Business compound entered, a trailer and industrial items stolen.
04/11 - Theft - Wheelie bin stolen from outside property.
13/11 - Theft from Motor Vehicle - 300ltrs of diesel stolen from a lorry parked within business yard.
16/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Workshop entered causing damage to a door, nothing stolen.
22/11 - Theft - Attempt made to steal the ATM machine at the services. Considerable damage caused.
22/11 - Criminal Damage - Damage caused to padlocks and chains in an attempt to gain entry to a field.
Laverstock / 11/11 - Theft - Quantity of cable stolen from a water treatment plant.
16/11 - Theft - Unattended, secure cycle stolen from a bike shed.
17/11 - Theft - Quantity of cable stolen from a water treatment plant.
17/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to an outbuilding, two copper tanks stolen from within.
18/11 - Theft from Motor Vehicle - Vehicle window smashed, search made but nothing stolen.
Old Sarum / 12/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to a restaurant whereby spirits and lager were stolen.
12/11 - Theft - 30ltrs of aviation fuel stolen from an aircraft.
16/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Business premises entered, and IT equipment and cash stolen.
18/11 - Theft - 30ltrs of aviation fuel stolen from an aircraft.
19/11 - Theft - A total of 75ltrs of aviation fuel stolen from two aircraft.
29/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to a restaurant whereby bottles of spirits were stolen.
Pitton / 12/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to a garage, a lawn mower and electrical tools stolen.
West Dean / No reportable incidents
Whiteparish / 01/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to a garage, a hedge trimmer and chainsaw stolen.
09/11 - Theft - Chicken coop entered and 6 chickens stolen from within.
11/11 - Drug Offences - Herbal cannabis and plants discovered within a property. Male cautioned.
Winterslow / 06/11 - Burglary - Entry gained and an untidy search of property made. Clothing and paperwork stolen.
07/11 - Non-Dwelling Burglary - Entry gained to a shed, 2 golf bags and contents stolen.
12/11 - Burglary - Entry gained via a rear window and untidy search made. Laptops and a phone stolen.
15/11 - Theft - Iron bar gates and a bath tub stolen.
22/11 - Burglary - Entry gained via patio doors, a Playstation, games and a camera have been stolen.

PC1594Henry Clissold and PCSO 6099 Kim Weston – you can contact us by telephone on 101 or email –