Here we go again! 2013 is here and it promises to be oneturbulentyear filled with challenges, obstacles galore and many opportunities. It really depends on how you view the world.
Some people look at 2013 as a year of opportunity and innovation;others are despairing over all the new regulations, taxes,and cultural changes that are taking place in the healthcare industry. They find themselves puzzled and lost and are still trying to comprehendhow the Accountable Care Act is going to affecttheir institutionsand their own personal careers. What this all comes down to is attitude! Some people seem to have a great attitude no matter what befalls them while others don't seem to be able to cope with change. They see the dark side of things and their pessimism causes them to become increasingly stressedout andfreeze up! Ihave always believedthat a positive attitude can easily seta person'saltitude and that is as true today as it was years ago when I first started my career in healthcare. Right now, for those that love the challenge of leadership, healthcare is the place to be! No question about it. The problem is that leadership requires the courage to make sacrificeswithout any guarantees. It's all in the attitude that one has and it's allin the way one views the world.
During times of turbulence and uncertainty, individuals with natural leadership skillsoften come forward and lead the way.Those that guide their colleagues do not necessarily have fancy titles, but they possess instincts that make them understand that those around them need tutoring and direction when timesget tough.This is no time to wallow in despair! This time requires leaders who have a strong sense of mission and can spread their enthusiasm to others around them. On top of that, they have to be able to anticipate the future. They seize opportunities while otherscower in the shadows afraid oftaking chances.In this world we live intoday, risks have to be taken by those brave souls that have the courage andthe character to do so.My view is that the healthcare industry is filled with talented and brilliant leaders toiling away on a daily basis to make their institutions the best they can be.Inspirational leadersalways convey a sense of excitement about the future. Theyinvite their colleagues on an excitingadventure thatis filled with challenges.By sticking to principle and adhering toa well developed strategic plan, what is thought to be impossible becomesreality.
Look at the consolidation that is taking place all across the country. Hospitals of differing religions and size are joining forces to delivermore efficient and less costly healthcare to the communities they serve. More and more physicians are leaving their practices and becoming employees of hospitals and hospitals are coming together to not only streamline their efficiencies and systems,but to become more financially efficient andviable. On the medical side of things, surgeons are developing new procedures and techniques that will enable wounded and maimed veterans to return to normal and functioning lives. All of these new proceduresand techniques are now being used by surgeons all over the country for the benefit of civilians as well. The pharmaceutical industry continues to develop new drugs to conquer heretofore fatal diseases like certain cancers.So my point is thisis an absolutely fascinating time to be in healthcare!However,ifyoudevelop a negative attitude about all that is happening and changing, you will probably end up losing big time!Healthcare isin the midst of incredible reformthat is producing cultural changesunlike any that we have seen before;but that doesn't mean you have to be a spectator and watch from the sidelines! Competitors and survivors get on the field of play to make things happen; losers sit around and complain!
Finally, people in healthcare are a special group! They have chosen healthcareas a careerbecause they want to help others and I don't think there is any greater cause than improving the lives ofyour fellow citizens!In thischanging world--with all its violence and uncertainty--healthcare will alwaysbe a place of hope and comfort. One person told me recently that healthcare isabout healing broken hearts and broken bones. That's not a bad description of why those in this industry should be extremely proud of what they do every day. I congratulate all of you and wish you aHappy and Joyous New Year!