Apigee Developer Portal Specification

The Apigee Developer Portal is a highly customizable content management system (CMS). This document is to provide details some of most common customization options for Apigee Developer Portal.

Look and Feel

The Developer Portal theme is highly configurable, but a good starting point to modify the current template with custom logos and color pallette.

Useful resources

Please send us the following items, or any other resources you may have to style the look and feel of the site:

● A style guide or an example page or website, we can match Developer Portal to your current style.

● A site logo for the top left of the site, and a favicon if available. If the logo is 71 pixels wide by 26 pixels high, the logo can be placed directly into the theme without manipulation of the CSS stylesheets.

● The homepage image of the developer in a circle w/green circles expanding out can be replaced with any 255 pixel wide and 271 pixels high image without any CSS manipulation.


Home Page

The home page is completely customizable, but the fastest way to configure the page is described in this section.

Home Page Header

The Dev Portal homepage defaults with a top section that contains two buttons as shown below. The text and where these links can be changed to anything you like. Also, the “Welcome to the Developer Portal” message can be changed to display something different.

Homepage Bottom Blocks

The bottom of the homepage contains three blocks:

● Recent Blog Posts

● Forum Discussions

● Hot Topics

These sections will disappear if you disable the forum or the blog modules. Each of these sections can be replaced with static HTML such as information or links to your featured APIs, or can be replaced with more dynamic content such as a rotating list of customer logos.

Main Menu

The main menu comes default with items such as “Blog” and “Forum”. You can quickly create new menu items that link anywhere in your site, such as a “Documentation” menu link for your API reference documentation. It is recommended to add the following links:

● “Documentation” link to your documentation

● “My Apps” link for users to quickly view their application keys.

● “API Console” link if you are creating an Apigee Console TOGO interactive console.


The default footer of the site is found on every page:

● Terms of Use: Link on the bottom of the page. There is a checkbox during registration that is required during registration acknowledge the user has read and agrees to the terms of use. Please send us the content for the terms of use to add to the site.

Privacy Policy: Please send us your privacy policy for addition to the site.

● Contact: This link on the footer can be set to go to a page on the Dev Portal, or we can create a “contact us” web form that can send an email to an email address.

● Social Icons: These footer icons need to be linked to your Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook pages.


The Developer Portal comes with the following modules enabled. Please let us know if any of these features should be disabled. Note that these features can be easily turned back on in the future:

● Forums: Contains two default topics: Feature Requests & General discussion

● Blog: With comments enabled by default

● FAQ: Filled with placeholder text

Admin Notification: Send an email notification to a specific user and/or role if a new user is created on the site

Users & Permissions

The Dev Portal authentication and authorization system is highly configurable. Roles and the permissions of each role can be customized via the administrator user interface. For example, you can add a “content administrator” role for persons in your company that need to add content, but do not need to have permissions to configure the system settings. It is currently configured with the following default roles:

anonymous user: anyone who is not logged in

authenticated user: users who are logged in- this is the default role that users of the site will get when created

Drupal Administrator: Persons with full administrative privileges


The registration process can be setup in multiple ways:

1. Allow visitors to register: Allow anyone that comes to the site to register an account via the registration page

2. Allow visitors to register but need administrator approval: Allow anyone that comes to the site to register an account via the registration page, but an administrator needs to approve the user before the account is active.

3. Only administrators can create new accounts: Only administrators can create new accounts via the admin interface.

Optional registration options:

● Should an e-mail verification be required when a visitor creates an account?

● Should a Captcha field be added to the registration process?

User Fields

Every user in the system has a set of fields already configured, but new fields can also be added to users. The following fields are part of the user registration process by default (asterisk means the field is required):

● First Name *

● Last Name *

● Username *

● E-mail address *

● Password *

● I agree to the Terms of Use *

User field options:

● Do you want any other fields added to the user registration form? If so, what type of field (text field, dropdown, etc.), and should it be mandatory?

API Applications and Keys

One of the common needs of the Apigee Developer Portal is to let a developer manage his API application keys. Once a user logs in, he is able to manage his apps by clicking on the “My Apps” dropdown by their email address as shown below:

The “My Apps” page as shown below lets a developer create, add, and delete apps. By creating an app, the developer is given a key and secret that can then be used to access your application.

The add app button allows a user to create a new application. The products shown in the dropdown will be any public products you create in the management server. You may need fields added to this app creation page depending on your API.


Domain Name

The default domain name for the developer portal is:


A different hostname name can be used. Do you have a hostname you would like to use? Would you like to use https?


The system sends out emails as to validate users who register, notify admins, etc. If you want a different email address, you will need to configure the SMTP settings on the server to point to your SMTP server.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an easy way to get insights on who is visiting your site. If you have a Google Analytics account, you can enable a module and configure it to capture analytics data.

Other Customizations

This document is just a start of the type of customizations that are possible - since the Apigee Developer Portal is built on top of Drupal, there are hundreds of modules you can add to your site to add new features and customizations.

If there isn’t a module that already handles your needs, creating custom modules is also a common option.