IME Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 30, 2011 – Prairie Rose Room, NDSU Memorial Union
Advisory Board Members:Faculty/staff:
Clint Rossland, Sanford Health, ChairJohn Cook
John Hansmann, Tenet HealthcareDavid L. Wells
Mike Kiernan, Case New HollandOm Yadav
Jim Engelstad, Sanford HealthJing Shi
Emmy Vareberg, Vareberg EngineeringCanan Bilen-Green
David N. Long, SJE-RhombusJun Zhang
Brian Poppoff, CapGeminiVal Marinov
Bob Heller, PPT VisionDavid Lehman
Al Henderson, RetiredReza Maleki
Jim Misialek, Integrity/Infinity WindowsSusan Peterson, Recorder
David Steffen, Sioux Manufacturing Corporation
NDSU Students: Shawn Kline, Alex Anderson, Derek Anderson, Tyler Samuelson, Susith Dunukara, Jonathon Thesing, Conor Herron, Michael Schnepf, Shuang Shi, Jingfeng Tan, Seth Johnson, Xing Zhuang, Brandon Miller, Hanzhe Li, Yong Shin Park, Wyatt Knell, Melissa Bartholomay, Katie Whelan, Doug Ackley, Tom Swenson, Rajat Pahwa, Andrew Berglund, Benjamin Johnson, Christian Mocchi, Akash Satija
- Welcome/Introduction – John Cook/Clint Rossland
Introduction of Advisory Board members
- Department Discussion Status/Needs – John Cook
Leadership transition (Spring 2011) – faculty remain productive in spite of challenging climate
Job market improving
- 2+ Exchange Program – Jing Shi
2+ program with two Chinese universities, Nanchang Hangkong and Anhui University of Technology
Students spend two years in foreign universities and transfer to NDSU to finish their BS degrees.
Admission process is selective; specific requirements in English language, GPA above 75/100.
Students pay out-of-state tuition; most students qualify for academic and cultural share scholarship.
NDSU recruited 23 students since the fall of 2009 from Nanchang University; 6 students are graduating in Fall 2011.
NDSU recruited 4 students from Anhui University of Technology for Spring 2011
Challenges – credit transfer program
Two students in the IME Department talked about their experience with the 2+ program at NDSU.
- CEA Highlights – Dr. Gary Smith, Dean, College of Engineering & Architecture
College statistics
- Concerned about 24.7:1 student/faculty ratio—peer institutions are at 17:1
Overall engineering enrollment is up 1%
New President and Provost
Academic Roadmap process—3-5 programs in college will be submitted to the provost for priority in funding (if/when more funding comes available)
Benchmark against other engineering programs—looking to be in top 20% of land grant universities for each department of the college.
- Capstone Overview – Reza Maleki
Undergraduate Capstone posters are displayed in second floor hallway of CIE Building
Two courses: IME 456, Program & Project Management and IME 485, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Facility Design
Students engage in “real world” experiences with business and industry projects.
Reza gave an overview of 2011 Capstone projects; project portfolios are available in a PDF document.
Capstone recognition program
Alternate, multi-disciplinary Capstone (David Wells)
Spring 2012--plan is not to solicit company projects
- Extension Manufacturing Program – David Lehman
Dave’s position was established in May 2009
Original area in Dickinson, ND; office is now located in Bismarck, ND
January 2011 – Partnership with MEP (Kaizen, lean training, etc.)
Meeting to discuss Lean Coop Program
- Advisory Board and Student Interaction/Lunch
Table discussion with 2-3 AB members and 5-6 students
Talked about likes/dislikes about IME experience, classes, instructors, job prospects, etc.
Students had very positive things to say about the department
- IIE Student Chapter Conference Presentation
Regional Conference in Fargo on March 1-4th, 2011
Looking for sponsors to help raise $25,000
Expecting 200-250 students from 12-13 universities
IIE Students going to visit companies in Minneapolis/St. Paul area on Nov. 10-11, 2011.
- Department Opportunities Work Session
Grad program— only thesis-based option available
Program fees use—Dr. Cook is starting a committee to help manage program fees
Moving the department forward—new opportunities to explore
- Supply chain
- Lean/Continuous Improvement
- Distance Learning
- Non-thesis graduate options
Future of Capstone structure
- University Highlights – Dr. J. Bruce Rafert, Provost
Increase strength of the academic programs; NDSU’s core business is the degree program
Student/faculty ratio
Funding model for higher education in ND needs to be updated—Provost is optimistic this can happen
Dean of each college to present 2-3 priorities to him (through Gary Smith) in proposal form (due to Gary, October 6; due to Provost, October 15); will be ranked when funds become available.
Needs of the IME sector nationally to satisfy training needs – provide specific training either online or through a certificate program that would ensure a more stable workforce and be more relevant to the market.
- Dr. Rafert has successfully implemented this model in IME departments at other universities
- IME Dept needs an anchor tenant that will offer tuition reimbursement and use masters program as workforce development tool
- Provost has asked for a business plan to accomplish this in Fargo by March 2012
Establish mini committee that represents IME Department and reports to Provost
Provost believes that with a modest investment, the IME program will yield great results—we need to be ready before the investment comes.
- Advisory Board Business
Chair-Elect selection
- Currently no member serving in this role
- Would assume AB Chair role starting Fall 2013 for two years
Board size and attendance
- Currently about 12-14 members attend regularly
- Members in attendance liked the style of meeting—roundtable discussion
- Decided to selectively invite professionals in industries not currently represented on the board
Alumni Recognition Award
- Board suggested to ask award winners to speak at Capstone Banquet in the Spring
- Wendy Masloski and Matt Vettel were previously selected to receive award
- Revisit outstanding alumni to receive award at Spring AB meeting
Student Capstone Award
- AB Best Presentation award
- Plaque given and displayed each year with photo
- Wrap-Up Session/Action Item Review – Clint Rossland/Advisory Board Members
Chair-elect—would like to have a member volunteer for this position
Mini-committee (Mike Kiernan, Clint Rossland, Dave Long, Emmy Vareberg) to meet with Provost Rafert in future – progress report to be emailed to other advisory board members
Contact potential anchor tenants for masters program
- Case New Holland—Mike Kiernan
- Sanford Health—Clint Rossland, Jim Engelstad
Contact Wendy Masloski and Matt Vettel to receive their award – Clint
Capstone plaque to be designed and purchased – Clint
Invitation to be sent to Kevin Black-Continental Resources (oil industry) and Dennis Steinman-SuperValue (distribution) to join advisory board – Clint
- Next Advisory Board meeting to be held on Friday, April 27th, 2012.
- The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.