Introduction to Mapping & GIS Fall 2005

Final Project (counts for Final exam)

Due Wednesday, 6:30 pm December 14 (final exam period)


The final project is designed for you to demonstrate what you have learned this semester regarding map design, cartographic communication and ArcMap user skills. You will produce a professional quality map and a written documentation of your map design process. In your write-up you will describe all the elements that went into your design including the “science” (projection, scale, grids, coordinate systems, etc.) and the “art” (color, texture, shading, figure/ground, visual hierarchy, readability, audience, viewing conditions, etc). You will describe who your expected audience is, the format and medium of your map and the location in which you expect your map to be found.


- to design a map from concept to completion


-  to demonstrate skills in design process

-  to demonstrate basic users skill of ArcMap

-  to demonstrate knowledge of mapping and cartographic design principles


33% = peer evaluation

33% = cartographic quality

33% = written report


1)  Written documentation of the design process and decision process that went into the map (3-5 pages). You can use the following “Issues to Consider” outline as a guide for what topics to cover in your written paper.

2)  Hard Copy Production of map in its stated format (large wall map, letter size, journal size, internet graphic … etc.)

3)  5-7 minute presentation to the class about your design based on your write-up, the process you went through in developing the design considering the stated goal of the map. Your presentation can be PowerPoint if you wish and you want to convey the “evolution” of your design process from concept through draft through final product.


You must do some background research on your chosen topic to be knowledgeable with your subject and audience.

Issues to consider:

·  medium of the map

·  goal of the map

o  convey information

o  persuade / convince

·  audience (rely on your research about the topic)

o  age

o  education

o  perceptual problems

o  audience knowledge of map subject

o  familiarity with map reading

o  familiarity of mapped area

·  environment in which it will be viewed

o  lighting

o  distance from viewer

o  length of viewing time

·  level of abstraction

·  appropriate map elements

·  visual hierarchy

·  appropriate projection

·  necessary ancillary information

·  appropriate use of color

·  appropriate classing

·  appropriate symbolization

·  visual balance

·  avoiding too much information (map noise)

Suggested Presentation Outline:

1)  Overview of the map purpose

2)  Overview of the design process that you went through

3)  Goals identified to accomplish purpose

4)  Mapping techniques/elements utilized to accomplish goals

5)  Display and description of final map

6)  Question and answers from audience

Topics for Intro to Mapping & GIS Final Project

·  Map to be used a part of a major project/paper in another class (example senior seminar). This MUST be approved by the instructor and you MUST have access to data.

·  Map of New Jersey Shopping Malls for average NJ Mall Shopper

·  Bird Watching Map of South Jersey for Bird Watchers

·  Camp Site Map of South Jersey for Occasional Campers

·  Schools and School District Map for Gloucester County

·  Tourist Walking Map of Glassboro and Pitman for Visiting Family Members of Rowan Students

·  Pizza Delivery Map for greater Glassboro area

·  General Purpose Map for New Rowan Students to Help them have the Most Positive 1st Year Experience

·  Map of some environmental parameter in NJ (wetlands, toxic sites, etc.) for a black & white scientific journal.

·  Soils Map of Gloucester County for Engineers

·  Map of US Counties Showing the Change in Population from the 1990 to 2000 Census to be used in a college Geography class.

·  Other topics, must be approved by instructor (must have reasonable access to any needed data)