Hidden ValleyElementary School

School Leadership Team

February 21, 2012

2:00 PM, Media Center


Present: Ms. DeHerrera, Ms. Council, Ms. S. Johnson, Mr. Hayes, Ms. Hews, Ms. Blick, Ms. Demmin, Ms. Alston, Ms. Salters, Ms. Flynt, Ms. Crawford, Ms. Zdrojewski, Mr. Brizz, Ms. Ramet, Ms. Allison, Ms. Carter (parent)

  1. Reading of Minutes—the minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted.

II. Hidden Valley Status Report—An updated State of the School Report was summarized by Ms. Greene and passed out to SLT members.

III. Curriculum and Instruction

  • The SLT expressed an interest in having Dr. Chance Lewis come to speak to the group.
  • Stipends will be paid for selected to staff to spend some time unpacking the common core this summer. More details to follow.
  • A goal must be added to the School Improvement Plan to address the school’s vision for the implementation of technology. Mr. Hayes suggested looking at interactive classrooms through the use of technology as a possibility. A team (Ramet, Council, Brizz, Hayes) is writing a grant that would provide nooks for all 2nd through 5th grade students. Grade level representatives should develop a technology goal with their PLCs and email it to Ms. Greene.
  • Scheduling

Pluses of this year’s schedule: it is nice for most grade levels to have specials every day, 90 minute plannings, double enrichment blocks in some grade levels, availability to meet with departments as well as the whole grade level team for the teams that are departmentalized, and specials proceed in grade level order.

Deltas of this year’s schedule: tardy students present a problem for K students first thing in the morning, A week/B week gets confusing, many Mondays have been holidays or workdays, some grade levels would like more remediation/enrichment time, there were some challenges with the assistants’ schedule, some special area teachers have 6 classes without a break (bathroom or otherwise), special area teachers don’t have a planning period every day, the 3rd grade departmentalization beginning in the middle of the year was difficult for the support staff.

Suggestions:Would we want to move to a 6 or 7 day rotation instead of the current 5 day rotation? This would eliminate A week and B week as well as the problem of missing the same special area class as frequently.

IV. Team Leaders Reports and Updates

None at this meeting.

IV. Student Intervention Services/ Family Involvement

  • March 15, 2012 Parent University to provide information regarding the EOGs
  • March 5-16th Pennies for Patients
  • SLT members discussed possible incentives for student attendance

V. Parent and Staff Input, Questions and

Closing Remarks


Dates to Remember

  • Next SLT Meeting: March 20, 2012
  • Black History Month Celebrations: February 22, 2012
  • Read Across America Celebration: February 22-March 2, 2012

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15PM.