Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive Community Treatment

Minutes for 10/8/15 Advisory Board

In attendance: Jason Morrow (Marion County), Jack Haciak (Advocate), Megan Chaloupka(Central City Concern), Sara Dotson (Polk County), Karen Nielsen (Curry County, ph), Wendy Chavez (Health Systems Division), Tawnya Moore (Jackson County, ph),

OCEACT staff: Emily Reynolds, Ann Delmar
7 attendees on site, 2 on phone.

Emily opened meeting stating she would facilitate October meeting. New staff member Ann Delmar will organize future meetings.

Reviewed Minutes – Jack motioned to approve 7/9/15 Minutes as written, seconded by Jason.

OCEACT Updates

New State Trainer – Ann Delmar
Short Biography in Newsletter noted. Ann stated particular interest in working for Oregon statewide projects where both rural and urban communities are served.Recapped her work in Oregonstating her previous statewide project work at OHSU School of Nurse where she worked with Heidi.

Older Adult Behavioral Health Professionals Program
Reviewed handout provided. OCEACT was invited to participate in panel presentation at Building Partnerships for Older Adult Behavioral Health on October 6. Emily was one of 4 members on the “Using a Preventative Care Lens” panel. Following 10 minute ACT overview presentation Emily was told severalattendees thought ACT services were only available to Medicaid qualifying persons. Emily addressed giving brief overview of other state funds available. Ann noted that BPOABH was funded through a PSU grant awarded to faculty lead Diana White. Current grant was written because Oregon rural communities in aging services had told Diana they wanted connections drawn between agencies focusing on older adult care and those focused on providing MH services. Grant was given to support trainings with this goal. The OABHS/BPOABH may be a good group for ACT collaboration. They have been invited to attend the next Advisory Board meeting.

IMR Training by Susan Gingerich Spring 2016
OCEACT team has contacted Susan Gingerich to provide an IMR (Illness Management and Recovery) training. The training will be open to 10 ACT programs, who will be asked to commit to fully implementing the model and who will be asked to send 3-4 team members to be trained. Prior to the training, these 10 programs will be invited to participate in four planning sessions provided by phone / gotomeeting to discuss model implementation.

OCEACT New Jersey / New York
Heidi and Jeffvisited east coasttechnical assistance centers to explore tools they have developed. One area they are exploring is standardization of transitions from ACT services. NY staff, HelleThorninghas been involved in creating an evaluation tool to determine when an individual may be ready to leave ACT services.

Q4 Newsletter
Reviewed newslettercontent. Emily mentioned this is first year for newsletter. Sheasked for feedback. Discussed frequency – monthly verses quarterly mentioned. Emily noted thatnewsletter was initially created to reduce email fatigue from OCEACT team. Please provide newsletter ideas/feedback anytime by emailing Emily.

OCEACT Statewide Conference Planning
Conference planning for 2016 is underway. Brainstorming:

  • Emily mentioned there has been a request from multiple ACT teams to learn about the Hearing Voices model, which is often participant led.
  • Cognitive remediation was discussed as a possibility. OSECE has been working with the Thinking Skills for Work curriculum.
  • Discussed logistics. In 2014 breakout sessions were 60 minutes were changed in 2015to 90 minutes to allow for deeper conversation. In 2016 we may want to consider ½ day workshops since 90 minutes seemed to short fordigging in deeply and left no time for hands on training. Discussed hosting 3-5 workshop offerings.
  • Discussed varying topics having some workshop focuson subject matters that would most appeal to new ACT programs, others on best practice for established programs.
  • Training on 10 Components of Recovery suggested.
  • Megan suggested an E-IMR review workshop for programs that previously attended the E-IMR training.
  • Discussed safety focus. Everyone agreed there is always a need for new safety training. Latest discharges to ACT services have increasingly come from PSRB in the Portland area, which can be accompanied by increased risk. De-escalation techniques are valuable and perhaps we could explore broader focused training (i.e. safety in all settings). START (Short Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability) tool mentioned. Megan will share resources. She is training herself on materials provided to her by Alexander M. Millkey PSY.D., staff at Salem Hospital. His contact is (971)285-7931• . Megan says she is only using materials for risk management not as ACT admission criteria. Oregon’s PSRB (Psychiatric Security Review Board) may be another good contact for presentation ideas. Phone: 503-229-5596

ACT Team Communication

OCEACT has previously considered setting up a message board on the website. Emily presented SLACK which works likes a message board however provides more interactivity and a search function to help find history of previously discussed topics. SLACK could be organized to share information on topics such as admission criteria conversations, transitions materials/discussions, etc. making it easier for leads and other ACT professionals to learn from one another over historical discussion threads. Noted: Some agencies have many restrictions on downloading software on their work systems.Acceptance of Usage – Terms and Conditions would need to be developed to avoid any HIPPA concerns and to keep exchanges focused on OR ACT topic.Teams would need to decide use at their individual sites too.Suggested that once piloted by OCEACT team, then ACT leads from qualified providers who want to participate could pilot next. If the first and second pilots are successful, then setting up channels, topics, etc. could be determined for greatest value.

DMAP ACT Code Billing Information

NewDMAP (Division of Medical Assistance Programs) billing code policy statementwas provided by Chad Scott in September 11, 2015 memo. Copies were distributed. This memo addressed QUESTION: Can the H0039 be claimed when accompanying an ACT recipient to an appointment with a PCP? This memo and all other memos provided by Chad, to systematically address commonly asked ACT billing questions, are available on the OCEACT website under resources.

Advisory Board Representation/Recruitment

Ann Delmar will be OCEACT staff member coordinating future board meetings. Emily asked attendees if they had ideas for Advisory Board improvements. Discussion Points:

  • Inviting Rebecca Curtis back to the Advisory Board meetings to continue the discussion of hospital and ACT team coordination.
  • Forensic rep to discuss PSRB would be helpful. Wendy recommended Elaine Sweet.
  • Other meeting locations discussed.
  • Making phone attendance meaningful is key, Ann recommended a couple ways she would work to improve experience of phone attendees.


Wendy Chavez is working on a new Request for Grant Proposals for ACT teams. She would like to collect data about individuals served by ACT who are not OHP recipients, as well as individuals who are not currently served by ACT due to not having OHP, but who could benefit from the service. Because some teams do not accept individuals without OHP, these referrals are not always made and therefore cannot be tracked. It was suggested that Wendy contact local CMHPs to inquire about who could benefit from ACT, but has not been referred due to insurance barriers.

OCEACT Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 10/8/2015Page 1