Tirley Parish Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting
Held on Tuesday 21st March 2017
Present: Cllr Anne Turner, Cllr Tim Adey, Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Laurence King
The Clerk & RFO, Borough and County Councillor Awford.
There were no public in attendance.
1. Apologies for Absence: None.
2. Declaration of Interests: Cllr King declared an interest in item 8.
3. MINUTES of the Meeting held on 24th January 2017 had been circulated. RESOLVED: That the Chairman sign the Minutes as being a true and accurate record. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
4. Matters arising from the Minutes: The action list was reviewed;
Any outstanding items will be carried forward.
5. Co-option of Councillor: Leaflets were distributed. No applications have been received. Further leaflets will be distributed.
6. Reports
6.1 Invited speakers: Police reports are only sent twice a year.
Cllr Awford said a meeting with a Police Crime Commissioner representative was held at the Borough Council today and parish reports were raised.
The Borough Council’s tax increase was £5 on Band D property. The County Council’s budget includes £30,000 highways local. The lengthsman scheme is continuing this year.
The waste fleet has been renewed at the Borough Council and some refuse rounds are being changed. The proposed Boundary changes don’t affect this area. Twigworth has been added back as a development site into the JCS.
Pete Tong has been appointed to replace David Steels. Borough Councillors have concerns regarding planning consistency and a new planning lead has been appointed.
The chicken farm application at Hasfield is still yet to be taken to planning committee and there is another potential development at Maisemore.
A question was raised regarding the number of potholes on A417. Cllr Awford confirmed these are in his plans for repair.
It was raised that the road between the Church and the Old Vicarage needs to be inspected due to possible structural issues and there is a large pothole that needs addressing due to safety issues. Cllr Awford agreed to follow these up.
6.2 Representatives: None.
6.3 Neighbourhood Watch update: The Clerk was asked to send an email before each meeting asking for any updates.
7. Roads/other public rights of way and public utilities
7.1 Community Speed Campaign/Speeding issues – next steps: No response has been received with regards to the speed data. A Police presence is needed. The Clerk was asked to contact Gemma Wasley to enquire when the speed check will take place. Cllr Awford also agreed to follow this up.
8. Flooding
8.1 Update on flood measures:
In response to a complaint from a resident at Haw Bridge, the IDB are proposing to install a pipe across Mr Warner’s field access to the main rhine with a non-return valve to help the access road drain quicker during flood events. The Council have been asked to make a contribution towards the works and take on the future maintenance.
The IDB are also carrying out maintenance works on the other side of road, to remove trees causing a blockage of the outlet.
The IDB have confirmed that the works will have communal benefit, which is why they are covering the cost of the works.
Councillors queried if there was any balance left from the main flood scheme, which could be used to make a contribution to the IDB.
A discussion took place regarding whether to accept maintenance liability.
A discussion also took place regarding the Borough Council flood scheme. The Borough Council feel the snagging has been completed. Some maintenance is still due.
(Cllr King did not participate in the voting)
Resolved: The Parish Council will take on the maintenance in line with the other outfall. If there is no money left in the flood budget at Borough Council, the Parish Council will fund a contribution of £250. Record of Voting: All in favour.
8.2 Pumping Station: Mr West raised concerns with Cllr King and was given details to contact the Borough Council. There has been no progress in making the area more aesthetically pleasing.
8.3 Potential installation of flood warning sign on B4213: Road liable to flooding signs are preferred by the Parish Council. Stickers could be attached to the back of the drop signs. The County Council would like drop signs installed, but this requires someone to physically drop the sign. Cllr Adey and Cllr Awford will follow this up with the County Council.
9. Planning matters:
9.1 Planning applications: Planning applications for consideration:
17/00198/FUL – Springfield House, Main Road, Tirley
Single storey extension. RESOLVED: No comment. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
16/01466/FUL - Meadow View, Main Road, Tirley
Two storey rear extension. Conversion of garage to utility room and family room. Addition of pitched roof. Rear dormer. Extension of dormer to front of house. RESOLVED: The Council acknowledge the changes made to the application. The Council expects planning officers to consider the Council’s observations around foothpath amenity and neighbouring light issues, as previously submitted. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
9.2 Acknowledge of planning decisions: None.
9.3 Enforcement issues: An issue had been raised regarding caravans at Haw Bridge. The caravans have been removed.
10. Minibus report
10.1 To note report and agree any actions and expenditure: Please see attached report from Cllr Adey.
RESOLVED: It was agreed to add Mr Brown as a named driver to the insurance policy. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
10.2 Update on management arrangements of the minibus
Cllr Adey has written to the Borough Council asking to end the delegation and for the notice and grant repayment to be waived.
No comments have been received for the charity advert. This will be placed in the WoSN, if agreement is received by the Borough Council.
(Cllr Awford left the meeting at this juncture)
11. Finance
11.1 Budget update: Balances as at 1st March 2017; Minibus account - £21,927.58, Treasurers account - £11,887.77 and Reserves - £1,963.17. No issues were raised.
11.2 Make payments, sign cheques: RESOLVED: The following expenditure was approved. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
Date / Detail / Amount £ / Chq.No./MethodPayments made since last meeting
Minibus Account
10.1.17 / BT / DD / 98.97
30.1.17 / Allstar / DD / 78.25
1.3.17 / Allstar / DD / 83.61
31.1.17 / Greyhill / 425.81 / 277
5.3.17 / Greyhill / 517.74 / 278
5.3.17 / T Brown / 89.00 / 279
Treasurers Account
15.2.17 / Green Energy / 24.47 / DD
5.3.17 / Roses Theatre / 50.00 / 193
15.3.17 / Green Energy / 24.47 / DD
Payments to be made
Minibus Account
T Adey / 69.99 / 280
J Nulty / 29.97 / 281
C Jones / 10.80 / 282
Treasurers Account
Glasdon UK Ltd / 519.31 / 194
HMRC PAYE Q4 / 104.80 / 195
Tirley Village Hall / 24.00 / 196
K Noble / 50.78 / 197
12. Representation on the Village Hall Committee: The Committee constitution is being updated.
RESOLVED: Until the constitution is supplied to the Council, a representative will not attend the meetings. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
13. Maintenance of Jubilee Wood
Mr Bristow has agreed to take the lead on the maintenance works and the monthly tidy up mornings are being advertised in the WoSN.
RESOLVED: Cllr King will write up a risk assessment and a short safety brief to be provided to all participants. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
14. Correspondence and consultations:
a. St Michael & All Angels PCC – Request for grant towards maintenance of churchyard. RESOLVED: A donation of £200.00 is agreed. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
b. Tewkesbury Borough Council – Town and Parish Council seminar – 28th March. Cllr King agreed to attend.
c. Gloucestershire Police – Police and crime plan launch – 30th March. No councillors are available to attend.
d. Galliford Try Communications – Proposed base station installation adjacent B4213 and The Old Pitch. The installation of a 15m base station is being proposed. RESOLVED: The Council will suggest the site at the top of Harley Lane, which is highway owned land. The Clerk will draft a response. The Council will also ask for confirmation that it will benefit the local community. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
15. Pension staging date update
The Council’s staging date has now passed. The Clerk has completed all the necessary paperwork and submitted the declaration of compliance. As the only employee, the Clerk has declined to pay into a pension through the Parish Council. However, the Council would have to provide a pension if an employee requested it.
That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
16. Complaint
Resolved: The response was agreed. Record of Voting: All in favour.
The meeting was closed at 9.26 pm.
Signature (Chairman)…………………………………………………………………………..
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