A.The name of the organization shall be the Business Administration Student Society (BASS).

B.BASS is constituted as a Student Union as defined in the Administrative Policies of the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS).


A.To establish and promote BASS as a strong, active and unified student union, as well as maintain

the status of being widely recognized as a reputable and prominent student body.

B.To fulfill this mission, we shall endeavour to:

1.Provide members with practical educational opportunities related to the study of Business Administration.

2.Create and maintain communication between the Business Administration Student Society, other student unions, the SFSS, the Faculty, business sector, and other University organizations in order to foster communications and build contacts to help students plan their careers.

3.Engage in activities to promote social good.

4.Enhance the Business students’ experiences at university by offering social and self-

enrichment activities. (BASS 06/25/96); CDSU (07/04/96)


A.Automatic membership in the Society shall be extended to all students in the Faculty of Business Administration who are:




B.All students enrolled in Business Administration courses in the current semester.


A.The Board of Advisors shall be composed of:

1.The Associate Dean of the Simon Fraser University Faculty of Business Administration

2.Two (2) former executives of the Business Administration Student Society

B.The Board of Advisors Shall:

1.Oversee the operations of the Business Administration Student Society

2.Convene with the President and Vice Presidents of the Business Administration Student Society at least once per semester

C.Powers of the Board of Advisors:

1.By 2/3 majority vote, the Board of Advisors may advise the Executive Council and/or General Council to remove the President based on, but not limited to:

a.Constitutional duties not fulfilled as per position description

2.All Board of Advisor positions have the right to one (1) vote.

3.No Board of Advisor positions may hold more than one (1) voting position.


The Executive Council shall carry out their duties to the best of their ability as directed by the General Council and mission of BASS.

A.The Executive Council shall be composed of the following elected positions (see Article VIII):


2.Vice President (VP) Internal Operations

3.Vice President (VP) External Operations

4.Vice President (VP) Marketing and Communications

5.Vice President (VP) Finance

B.Executive Council meetings:

1.Quorum is represented by a majority of the voting positions of the Executive Council.

2.Executive Council meetings may be called by the President at any time.

3.The President shall convene an Executive Council meeting if petitioned to do so by a quorum of Executive Council members.

4.Executive Council meetings must be convened:

5.At least once per week during the year (with the exception of exam periods)

6.At least once during the April break, August break, and December break

7.All Executive Council meetings shall be opened to all members of BASS unless specifically deemed in camera.

8.All Executive Council positions have the right to one (1) vote.

9.No Executive Council member shall hold more than one voting position.

C.Powers of Executive Council:

1.Executive Council is sufficient to approve any monetary expenditure between $50 and $250.

2.Executive Council must approve all proposed expenditures.

3.By 2/3 majority vote, the Executive Council may remove a Director and/or their respective committee member(s) based on, but not limited to:

a.Meetings not regularly attended

b.Constitutional duties not fulfilled as per position description

4.Executive Council may recommend to General Council with 2/3 member majority vote, the removal of an Executive Council member based on, but not limited to:

a.Meetings not regularly attended

b.Constitutional duties not fulfilled

5.Executive Council may by 2/3 member majority vote overturn any motions of the Director.

6.All interested candidates of an executive council position shall have the opportunity to meet with the outgoing President and corresponding VP to discuss the role and responsibilities of the position. In the event of the President’s absence, another Executive Council member shall sit in. This process will not influence the voting in the Elections.

7.All Executive Council positions have the right to one (1) vote.

8.No Executive Council member shall hold more than one voting position.

D.All members of Executive Council shall:

1.Convene at all general meetings, having ensured that an agenda has been prepared and that due notice has been given.

2.Ensure that the directives of this Constitution and decisions made by general meetings are carried out.

3.Obtain updates throughout their portfolios and report to the Executive and General Council meetings in a timely manner.

4.Produce accurate and timely documentation for Director of Administration.

5.Keep accurate written records of their activities and submit a continuity report, according to the requests of the President and/or Director of Administration, pertaining to their activities for their successors. Such reports shall be submitted upon request prior to the transition period.

6.Hold no other elected or appointed BASS position. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of a 2/3 member vote by the Executive Council to appoint an Executive to a Director, but not to another Executive position.

7.Do such other things as directed from time to time by General Council, Director, of the


8.Must make all efforts to attend all Executive and General Council meetings. Members who miss General Council meetings must notify the Administrative Director before the meeting with their reason. 3 or greater absences from Executive or General Council meetings without valid reason as accepted by the Executive may constitute sufficient grounds for removal from held position. Seasonal positions may be excused from meetings 3 weeks after the completion of respective event or project.11/15/08

9.Behave in a positive and professional manner when representing BASS.

10.Hold and post a minimum of one (1) office hours biweekly with the exception of exam periods, April, August and December.

E.President shall:

1.Chair all Executive Council, Presidents’ Council, and General Council meetings. Reserve the right to designate another VP to chair meetings.

2.Shall exercise due diligence at meetings and defer to the BASS Constitution and/or Robert’s Rule of Order where there exists a question of order or procedure.

3.Enforce due observation of this constitution and uphold the mission of BASS.

4.Coordinate the formulation and implementation of yearly objectives and strategies.

5.Supervise and direct the duties of Executive Council and Director.

6.Have the right to assign duties to all Executive Council and Director.

7.Be the spokesperson for BASS.

8.Be a signing officer.

9.Maintain relations and communications with key SFU Business and BASS contacts including:

a.The Dean and the Dean’s Office

b.The Board of Advisors

c.The Director of Undergraduate Programs and Undergraduate Programs Office

d.The Alumni Manager and Alumni Office

e.BASS Annual Sponsors

f.Business Club Presidents

11. Be responsible for managing Executive Council positions contained within his/her portfolio including:

a.VP Internal Operations

b.VP External Operations

c.VP Marketing and Communications

d.VP Finance

F.Vice-President Internal Operations shall:

1.Be responsible for the management of BASS during the President’s absence.

2.Be responsible for internal communication within BASS.

3.Communicate directly with the various Business clubs associated with BASS, and maintain communication with AIESEC, SIFE, YWiB, and Investment Club as well as provide assistance to, the various clubs upon request in the development, implementation and coordination of their programs/events.

4.Attend any meetings with the President, as advised by the President.

5.Plan Executive Council, and Director social activities.

6.Coordinate, along with the President, BASS retreats for the Executive Council and Directors.

7.Ensure that position contracts are filled, and along with the President, aid in succession

planning and the transition of all council members.

8.Keep the annual operations handbook.

9.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with the positions contained within

his/her portfolio including:

a.Director of Student Development

b.Director of On Campus Events

c.SFSS Business Representative

d.BASS Year Representatives

G.Vice-President External Operations shall:

1.Act as the official BASS liaison for other Canadian universities and commerce societies.

2.Oversee BASS external fundraising and liaising with SFU Business Clubs with regards to sponsorship.

3.Oversee all external communications and PR requirements of the society.

4.Represent and promote SFU Business Students in a responsible and professional manner.

5.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with Student Director positions contained within his/her portfolio including:

a.Director of External Events

b.Director of Corporate Relations

c.Jeux du Commerce (JDC) West Team Captain

H.Vice-President Marketing and Communications shall:

1.Be responsible for the coordination of marketing programs aimed at creating awareness for activities sponsored by BASS.

2.Make as his/her primary goal an increased awareness and participation level in BASS.

3.Publish a calendar of events to include all BASS and associated organizations’ events.

4.Oversee the use of all BASS promotional avenues at :

a.Simon Fraser University Burnaby

b.Simon Fraser University Surrey

5.Ensure that the BASS website is maintained with timely information, including but not

limited to:

a.Bring up-to-date before the first day of classes in September, January, and May

b.Ensure photos from all major BASS-related events are posted

c.Make BASS’ calendar of events available

d.Ensure a copy of the most updated constitution is available

e.Ensure that a copy of the current fiscal budget is available

f.Ensure copies of General Meeting Minutes and Executive Meeting Minutes is available

6.Ensure that Buzz articles regarding BASS activities are submitted in a timely manner

7.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with the positions listed within his/her portfolio including:




d.Marketing Committee

I.Vice-President Finance shall:

1.Act as the Treasurer for BASS.

2.Be responsible for all budgeting activities.

3.Formulate and present BASS budgets to the Council and liaise with SFSS at the beginning of each semester.

4.Publish and present income statements when required by the Society with no less than one per academic term.

5.Create cash flow statement projections for the year, and revise as necessary each semester.

6.Ensure all BASS internal controls and procedures, as well as SFSS procedures are being followed.

7.Ensure proper auditing procedures are followed.

8.Audit and approve all individual Director budgets.

9.Deposit funds immediately upon receipt to the BASS bank account.

10.Work together with all the other BASS executives to ensure that all funds are accounted for and properly administered.

11.Act as a signing officer.

12.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with Coordinator positions within his/her portfolio including:

a.Business Administration Merchandise

b.Buzz Newsletter

c.Event Chairs

d.Internal Auditor

J.There shall be a Board of Advisors who will receive updates twice a semester occurring in the first and last month about the progress of BASS. The Board of Advisors shall convene with the Executive Council at least once a semester. The position of Board of Advisors will be filled based on nominations made by the Executive Council.


A.The Student Directors shall be composed of following selected positions (unless otherwise noted) (see Article IX):

1.Director of Administration

2.Director of External Events

3.Director of Corporate Relations

4.Director of Student Development

5.Director of On-Campus Events

6.Jeux du Commerce (JDC) West Team Captain

B.Director of Administration Shall:

1.Organize room bookings and audio visual equipment requirements for all BASS Executive activities.

2.Be responsible for keeping minutes of meetings and forwarding to the SFSS.

3.Send announcements and compile meeting agendas.

4.Compile all documentation, including event planning and after-action plans.

5.Hold executives accountable, along with the President, and send reminders and warnings as required.

6.Be responsible for issuing written notification to Executive and Director Members who miss more than one Executive or General Council meeting per term without notification.

7.Oversee and coordinate elections in the spring semester with the Elections Coordination Committee.

8.Assist, in any manner possible, the President and other Vice-Presidents in their roles, as well as aid in the implementation and coordination of BASS events.

9.Be responsible for the supplies needed for BASS’ daily functions (i.e., buying office supplies).

10.Be responsible for all BASS student space including such items as decor and upkeep.

11.Be responsible for all BASS owned equipment and property.

12.Be responsible for maintaining and updating the BASS mailing lists.

13.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with Director positions within his/her portfolio including:

a.Elections Coordination Committee

C.Director of External Events Shall:

1.Establish a year-long plan for external events and activities within BASS.

2.Ensure there is a qualified Project Manager for each planned activity.

3.Oversee and support all Project Managers in their duties and responsibilities.

4.Ensure that Event Reports and documentation are completed in a timely manner and

acceptable for submission to the Administrative Director.

5.Act as the Chair of the Events Committee and be responsible for managing the various BASS events and meeting regularly with the Director positions within his/her portfolio including:

a.Banquet Chair

b.Snowball Chair

c.Fundraising Coordinator

D.Director of Corporate Relations Shall:

1.Be responsible for the coordination and completion of a corporate sponsorship package

2.Act as a representative of the External Relations Committee (ERC).

3.Act as Chair of the Corporate Relations Committee, and be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with Student Director positions contained within his/her portfolio including:

a.Corporate Relations Coordinators

E.Director of Student Development Shall:

1.Advocate for student issues and interests.

2.Actively seek out students’ interests and feedback through surveys and other such techniques.

3.Chair Open Forums at a minimum of once a semester.

4.Liaise with students and faculty to seek out issues within each concentration, including the Management Science concentration.

5.Advocate for democratic representation at Faculty committee meetings, such as the Appeals, Curriculum, and TD Canada Trust Teaching Awards committee.

6.Be responsible for the organizing and coordination of the various Business clubs associated

7.Coordinate with the Forum Representatives and ensure that BASS is well represented at SFSS meetings.

8.Be responsible for managing and meeting regularly with Directors positions within his/her portfolio including:

a.Frosh Chair

b.Business Mentorship Program