English I

Mr. Daniel ChavarriaConference Period: 1st

E-mail Address: Room:B 710

Course Description:

Students enrolled in English I will adhere to the following strands as stated in the English Language Arts and Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):READING – students will read and understand a wide variety of literary and informational texts; WRITING – students will compose a variety of written texts with a clear controlling idea, coherent organization, and sufficient detail; RESEARCH – students are expected to know how to locate a range of relevant sources and evaluate, synthesize and present ideas and information; LISTENING/SPEAKING – students listen and respond to the ideas of others while contributing their own ideas in conversations and in groups; andORAL/WRITTEN CONVENTIONS – students learn how to use the oral and written conventions of the English language in speaking and writing.In English I, students will engage in activities that build on their prior knowledge and skills in order to strengthen their reading, writing, and oral language skills.Students should read and write on a daily basis.
Students are also expected to pass English I-EOC as part of their graduation requirements.


  • Literature Book -LiteratureTexasTreasures:Course 4by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
  • Short stories and Poetry
  • *Drama –Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry, andRomeo and Julietby William Shakespeare
  • *Fiction: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, and A Separate Piece by John Knowles
  • SpringBoard
  • EOC Resources
    *Other novels and dramas may be read – if time permits

Materials for class: (Come to class prepared with materials)

1.1 Folder with brackets and pockets

2.1 Spiral Notebook or Composition Notebook

3.Pen (Blue or Black)

4. PLENTY of pencils DAILY
**During the course of the semester, other materials may be necessary when working on projects or assignments.You will be given sufficient notice to attain the materials.


Research Paper

  • Students will be required to complete one formal research paper worth two major and two daily grades.Topic, format, and procedure will be provided.


  • A variety of projects, both individual and group work, will be assigned for a major grade.
  • Student may be required to read additional books or materials outside of class/complete reading logs, and reaction paper worth major grades.
  • Examinations
  • Every examination will be counted as a major test grade (Quizzes are daily grades).
  • Exams will be written both traditional and essay exams.
  • Vocabulary tests will be counted as a major test grade.
  • Re-tests will be given according to grading policy (refer to Student Handbook).

Oral Presentations

  • Oral presentation will count as both a major or daily grade -depending on the assignment.


  • Each student must maintain a notebook.Notebooks may be checked at any time, and at least one will count for a major grade every 6 weeks.

Independent Practice and Homework

  • Homework will be given on a regular basis for a daily grade; failure to complete any assignment will result in a low average.


  • Compositions will be given on a regular basis
  • Teacher Observations will be counted as a daily grade.


  • Students will be expected to keep a journal on a daily basis for a daily grade.

Professional Qualities

  • Students may receive daily/major grades based on their professional qualities. This may include, but is not limited to, punctuality, respectfulness, completed assignments on time, and obeying the class rules.

Additional Policies:


Conduct that interferes with the ability to learn will not be tolerated.
Classroom Rules:
1.Follow instructions.
2.Use appropriate language, no foul language will be allowed.
3.Be respectfulto the teacher and fellow students.
4.Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
5.Remain in your assigned seat until given permission to do otherwise. You will be dismissed by the instructor.
6.Remain silent during independent work, tests, presentations, etc..
7.Complete all assignments, and turn them in on time.
8. Raise your hand to ask and/or answer questions.


The following consequences will apply to students who disobey the rules:


2ndoffense:Student-Teacher Conference

3rdoffense:Contact Parent

4thoffense:Parent-Teacher Referral

5thoffense:Disciplinary Referral

Severe infractions will result in the immediate removal of the students from the classroom with a disciplinary referral.


Daily grades such as class work, homework, and quizzes make up 50% of your total grade; major grades such as unit tests, compositions, oral presentations and other projects also account for 50% of your total grade.You receive a progress report the third week of each marking period.Report cards will be sent out every nine weeks.

A semester grade will be averaged after each marking period.The grade will be comprised of a comprehensive semester exam (20%) and the average of the prior nine weeks (80%).


All homework assignments will be turned in at the beginning of the period.

Late assignments will be deducted10 pointsfor each day it is late.

After two meeting days the work will not be accepted. –as stated in Student Handbook

Makeup Work

Daily work-When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the make-up work the day you return.Students have one day for makeup for each day absence. (Example: one day absent = one day for makeup, three days absent = 3 days for makeup)
Tests-If you are in class the day a test is announced, but absent when it is given, you will take the test on the day you return.
Re-teaching/Retesting shall occur in any area where a student has not demonstrated mastery.Re-teaching and retesting shall be required only for students not mastering concepts specific to identifiedTEKSwhich are policy.Daily work, quizzes, homework, still demonstrations, etc. do not require re-teaching if student did not earn a passing grade.Final semester exams do not require re-teaching or retesting.


The penalty for cheating is a zero on the work for all parties involved and may result in disciplinary action.
As a student of theLosFresnosConsolidatedIndependentSchool District, you are subject to the rules and regulations delineated in the Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct.

Attendance/Tardy Policy

School attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his/her education- to benefit from teacher led activities, to build each day’s learning on that of the previous day, and to grow as an individual.

In order to receive credit in a class, the student must attend at least 90% of the days the class is offered.If they attend fewer than 90% they will be referred to the attendance review committee to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and how the student can regain credit.Students not meeting the 90% ruleWILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT &MAYNOT BE PROMOTED.A student is tardy if not SITTING IN THEIR DESK in class when the tardy bell rings.Students will serve lunch detention for every three tardies.After school detention may be in place as follows:If a student misses a lunch detention, he/she must attend the assigned after school detention from4:15-6:00 p.m.Students who fail to attend the lunch detention or the after school detention will be assigned one day of In-School Suspension.If a student misses more than 45 minutes of a 90 minute class or more than 25 minutes of a 50 minute class, the student shall be counted absent.Class activities such as tests and written assignments cannot be made up until the absence or tardy is cleared through the attendance office.

Tutorial Policy

  • Tutoring is available every day from8:00to8:20 a.m. (At least one day’s notice is sufficient.)



In this class we will utilize social media and various computer programs and software. Please know that all communication between teacher and student will be professional and based solely on coursework and assignments. As per the Electronic Use Policy and the BYOD policy students will be disciplined for any inappropriate behavior. If you have further questions or concerns or do not wish to have your student utilize social media as a learning tool please contact me by phone or email.