Creekside High School

Syllabus for the Blended H.O.P.E. Curriculum

CoachStanton – RM 210


HOPE Course: This course is required for graduation and will have an End of Course (EOC) exam at the end of the year. This course will also meet your requirement for an online course for graduation. ESE & ELL accommodations will be addressed within the classroom.”

Course Description:

This course will help students realize the importance of making smart choices when it comes to fitness, nutrition, relationships, drugs and other important aspects in the lives of an adolescent. Also, this course will consist of participating in fitness activities and sports.

HOPE Course online websites: Click on McGraw Hill

You will need to know your username and password

Class Supplies: Pencil / Pen, Spiral Notebook, ear buds/headphones to plug into computer


Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays: Track (laps) or Activity

Monday & Wednesday (sometimes on Friday): Lab (online textbook), Room 210


What is Health?

Identifying Health Risks

Decision Making

Goal Setting: Personal Goals

Recognizing Misleading Claims

Self Esteem

Expressing Anger in Healthy Ways


Mental Health

Healthy Peer Relationships

Preventing Violence

Food and Nutrition

Movement & Coordination – Muscular/Skeletal Systems

Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems and Your Health

Exercise and Lifelong Fitness: the Importance of Physical Activity

Fitness: Assessing flexibility, strength and endurance

Goal Setting for Fitness

Physical Activity and Safety

Drugs (Alcohol, Tobacco, etc.)

STI’s, STD’s and AIDS

Communicable, Chronic Disease & Disabilities

A Healthy Community / Environment including Public Health

Class Rules:

Come prepared and on time for class.

Respect everyone’s right to learn.

Respect school and personal property.

Be respectful! 

No food, drinks, gum, hats, cell phones, or iPods allowed in the classroom.

Come to school each day with a positive attitude!

HOPE Supplemental Requirements: Students will also be using an online textbook. This website, login and username will be given to them in class and sent home.

Class Expectations:
Students will be given five minutes to change before class and five before class ends.
- All students will remain in the weight room until they are dismissed.
- Any injuries or emergencies must be reported to the teacher during the class period so the proper action can be taken.

- A student well enough to be in school is generally well enough to be dressed and participating in class. Any exception to this will be handled on an individual basis.
- Medical Excuses: Any student who may not be able to participate for an extended period of time for medical reasons is required to have an excuse from a doctor. This excuse needs to be descriptive letting me know what the student can and cannot do.
- Attendance: Students need to be in class to complete the required class work. Being late for class and or leaving early from class will also lower grade. If a student is absent, they will have the opportunity to make up the missed work in class or by doing a weight training / fitness article review.

Dress Code:

Uniforms available online or on campus, students can also wear plain gray t-shirt and plain red shorts with no logos or writing on them in replace of the Creekside PE uniform. Uniforms are available for $25 a set, $10 shirt, $15 shorts. T-shirt, shorts or sweatpants are required. Athletic shoes must be worn….. No flip flops, boots, Sperry’s, slides, slippers!

There will be showers available for students to use after class. (5 minutes)

Grading Scale:

A 90-100B 80-89C 70-79D 60-69

Tests / Projects / Quizzes = 50%

Classwork / Dress Out/Activity Participation= 50%

Dress Out / Activity Participation points

-5ptsNo Dress Out (this includes flips flops), No Activity

-3pts Dress Out Properly, Partial Participation

-2ptsPartial Dress Out, Full Participation

-0ptsDress Out and Participate Properly

Locker Rooms:

Every student SHOULD purchase a locker for $5.00.

Students will have 5 minutes to dress out and 5 minutes to dress back in.

Respect yourself, others, and school property.

Students must lock up belongings; you are responsible for lost or stolen items.

This course is nearly all digital. This means that your student will be required to work on a computer, tablet or other forms of technology at school and at home. I use a website Connect Ed which all coursework, quizzes and tests, notes, lectures, etc. will be posted as well as their course work through the link page on the Creekside Webpage.

If you are ever curious what we are working on, have your student show you by logging in. Students should be actively logging onto these sites to receive information and complete coursework.