BIOLOGY 1- Class Policy

Units to be covered:

Cell Biology

Cell Transport

Cell Energy

Cell Reproduction



Grades are determined by total cumulative points throughout the semester. We don’t “start over” at the end of the nine-week grading period; therefore, you must consider the quarter grade only as a progress report.

90 – 100% = 1 (A)

80 -- 89% = 2 (B)

70 -- 79% = 3 (C)

60 -- 69% = 4 (D)

below 60% = 5 (F)

·  Unit test, quizzes and labs make up a majority of your grade (80%).

·  However, daily assignments also can significantly affect grades.

·  Grades will be accessible on the internet and at my desk at all times. (I will send a separate communication on how to access grades on the internet.)


1.  Show RESPECT for yourself, others, and the teacher at all times.

2.  Come to class PREPARED with all materials.

3.  All Greenway school rules apply: e.g. electronic devices.


For those students who chose to make poor choices regarding classroom rules the following consequences will be implemented-

1.  Warning

2.  Discussion with teacher.

3.  Phone call home.

4.  One hour detention

5.  Referral to administrative office.

Based on the seriousness of the behavior (see rule 1) the consequence may jump to #3 (parent phone call) or #5 (administrative office referral).

Daily assignments/ Homework:

Homework is due at the beginning of each period at which time I will personally collect. I will take off 20% for each day it is late. Daily work will not be accepted late.

Absences/ Missed Work/ Re-test:

Missed work is due within 2 days of your return to class. I will be available before and after school, as well as during EOP for missed test or re-test.

Overall Philosophy:

My expectation is that every student will learn the information presented in this class. I will continually check that everyone understands the information and that each student can apply this information. If I sense appropriate learning is not happening, I will make myself available before and after school at which time I will change the way I present the information until there is understanding by each student.

I believe students who make wise choices regarding behavior, class participation and assignment completion should be recognized and rewarded.

I have two additional goals:

·  To respect each student and show that I care.

·  To spark an interest in biology in each student through my enthusiasm for learning about life.

Mr. Feiring

Name of student: ______(please print)


I have received, read and understand the rules, procedures, requirements and expectations for Mr. Feiring’s Biology class for 2005-2006.

I agree to abide by these rules


Student Signature Date

My son/ daughter and I have completely read the Biology 1-2 class policies. We fully under stand rules, procedures, requirements and expectations of these policies


Parent Signature Date

If you communicate through e-mail and would like to be given grade updates or other information in this manner, please clearly print the email address that I can contact you and your spouse:

Mother‘s e-mail:______

Father’s e-mail:______

Other information that you wish me to know about your son or daughter:
