West Virginia Center for Nursing
Board of Directors
Friday, January 15, 2016
Present:Pam Alderman; Cynthia Persily, Sheila Kyle
Absent: Amy Campbell, Cheryl Basham, Mary Beth Barr, Connie Cantrell
Staff: Laura Boone, Drema Pierson
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action- Call to Order
Minutes of November 13, 2015 / Approved
- Financials
- Strategic Priorities:
- Program Activity Update
- Scholarship Program Operations:
C.Nursing Workforce Shortage Data
D.WVCN Website
E.Expansion Capacity of Nursing Programs/Resources
F.WVCN Board of Directors
- Committee Reports-Deferred
- Executive Session
- Open Session Motions Pertaining to Executive Session
- Announcements
Expenses Sept 16 – Nov 18, 2015 were $428.68
- FY 2016 to date awards to 34 students totaling $72,000
- Program Guidelines: A plain language overview of the program and awards was reviewed and will be posted on the Center’s and the Financial Aid web sites.
- Award Cycles
- Service Obligation Tracking
The Student letter, employment verification form and Promissory Note were reviewed and approved.
- Online Application
Cumulative and nursing GPA will both be requested with possible weighting or average used. Schools will be able to go online and upload GPA and verify where students are in the program.
National Nursing Workforce Forum membership/Conference
The WV Center has been reinstated as a member and Drema said the member list serve has already been very beneficial. The annual conference is
April 27 – 29 in Fla.
Career Handbook Revisions
Drema has updated the salary and
Nursing program listings. Finalizing the Financial Aid section and will post to the web site.
Student Success Summit
Drema is working with the Education subcommittee of Future of Nursing WV to develop a tool kit to help counselors direct students interested in a Health Science Profession that could be introduced to this audience. The revised Career Handbook will be part of it and a series of short informational videos are being developed. The annual program will be July 27 & 28, sponsored by
WVHEPC in Morgantown.
Nurse Unity Day, February 17, 2016. The Center will sponsor and have a table.
Drema presented a graph depicting the Center’s collaboration with other nursing entities and a second graph identifying WV State Affiliations
RN/LPN Renewal Data Analysis
Data was given to Chris Davies with WVHECP. Drema will meet
With him January 15 @ 2:00pm to discuss.
Updated Workforce Survey
Reviewed and Drema will update
#4 Which specialties are hard to fill with a listing of RN positions. Jim
Kranz with WVHA has agreed to distribute to hospitals. Need to identify who will distribute survey to HH, Nursing Home and Public employers.
Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center
This group compiles workforce data for several states. Drema will investigate services and cost.
Website Posting Policy draft
Drema presented a draft policy outlining parameters and content for web postings.
Utilization Reports
Web site host will provide reports
Repository for Nursing Faculty Positions/Resumes
This can be added to web site.
Updates to Website:
Strategic Plan
Current law/rule
Board member bios and photos-to be provided
Clinical Scheduling Program
Drema presented a revised proposal to develop a user friendly
“booking” program that could be used state wide. The cost is $8,500.
Nursing Faculty Survey/Data
The RN Board collects some data and can provide reports at a cost. The Nursing Faculty Supply and Demand Survey was reviewed and will be announced at the next Deans and Directors meeting in the Spring.
Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors Update WVCN
The Governor’s Office has requested the final recommendations and indicated that appointments are forthcoming.
We have a recommendation for all but the RN Board Representative for BSN or Higher Program.
Organizational Chart/ Sub Committees
Last revised 4/17/15
Board Bylaws
Discussed and noted they are
Due for revision.
WVCN Advisory Council
The list is being updated to be current when sub committees are activated.
Contacts for Information Requests
Leads for identified nurse partnerships are included in the updated Advisory list with contact information.
Decision Process for policy endorsement
Drema shared two decision trees showing the process used to help determine decision making for external policy endorsement.
Legislative Oversight
Commission on Education Accountability report
Drema gave the report on Monday, January 11, 2016.
Future Board Meetings 2016: 9:30 – 11:00 am, Presidents Conference Room HEPC Offices, 9th Floor
March 18, May 20, July 15, September 16 and November 18. / Expenses approved
Drema will work with Brian and
the Financial Aid Office to align
the Nursing Scholarship Program
with other state scholarship
programs best practices.
Drema will process the $500
membership fee when invoiced.
Drema will register for the April
Conference and provide
information to board members.
Drema will process application and
And attend.
Put data in a useable format for
Update #4 of survey
Board members will provide
Updated bios and photos.
Approved to proceed.
Drema will assemble a user group
from the nursing program instructors
who use the current system to
review and help design
as developed.
The WV RN Board of Examiners
Meets on February 2, 2016 and
Will provide a recommendation
Recommendations will be
Submitted to the Governor’s Office.
Drema and Laura will review and update tracking changes for board member review.
Information and future
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