Mid-Maryland Workforce Investment BoardDecember 14, 2016
WDB Membership Present:
Beaver, Denise
Bohnet, Kimberly
Brown, Wally
Butler, Karen
Giangrasso, Suzanne
Givens, Julie
Griffin, Gary
Larson, Andrew
Plump, Sharon
Thompson, Vernon
Walters, Christine
WDB Membership Absent:
Discepolo, Stephanie
Enrique, Meagan
Heflin, Lisa
Hipp, Cammy
Kendall, Jeanette
Kennedy, John
McClarty, Leonardo
Merkle, Karen
WDB Staff
Hill, Stephanie Rickell, DeniseTrout, Francine
Allen, Georgia
Basu, Mitra
Branham, MaryEllen
Day, Lloyd
Etukudo, Joy
Gibbs, Rashein
Haines, Tammy
Inman, Erin
Jackson, Matt
Lawson, Elexis
Little, Shelia
Maclarion, Chris
Melendez-Dendy, Lili
Powell, Heather
Sarratt, Jermira
Smith, Thomas
Springham, David
Wantz, Ashley
Wilford, Neil
- Call to Order– Wally Brown
Chairman Browncalled the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Introductions were made by all.
- Facility Introduction- Neil Wolford
Mr. Wolfordwelcomed the board and guest to the IBEW Local Training Center. He explained center offerings and extended an invitation for a center tour after the meeting. The center currently has 334 apprentices, 32 from Howard and Carroll County. - Approval of October 2016 Minutes
Motion made by: Christine Walters
Seconded by: Suzanne Giangrasso
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Plan Review/Update- Francine Trout
- GWIB reviewed and approved theMid-Maryland’s WIOA plan with minor revisions, which are due within 60 days. Francine also shared that DLLR was impressed with theArea’s partner collaboration.
- Mid-Maryland’s MOU draft is complete and will be submitted to the state for review by close of business today.
- One-Stop Operator- All areas are required to select a One-Stop Operator by July 1, 2017.
- Fran acknowledged the concerns the board voiced at the October 2016 meeting. The board will look for solutions that will cause minimal disruption to services and funding and that would comply with program requirements. Updates will be provided.
- Performance Negotiations Update- Francine Trout
- New performance standards have been negotiated.
- Center Updates/Announcements
- Due to newly negotiated performance standards, the Christmas treecharts will be unavailable until 2018.
- Francine and Denise will participate in a partner convening on December 15-16. The convening will focus on partner collaboration and is sponsored by DLLR and DHR.
- Kim Bohnet reported that the Maryland Association of Community Colleges recently became a part of initiative through the Maryland Department of Commerce to become a WorkSmartprogram. This initiative will offer Maryland businesses customized, relevant workforce training solutions through the community colleges. There are currently 16 community colleges involved. Businesses interested should contact Kathleen Hebbel at 410-916-9198 for more information.
- DLLR will release an RFP for Adult Ed services in January 2017. The board will be required to review the RFP to ensure that it aligns with its local plan.
- Members of DOL visited BERC for three days to analyze partner interaction and collaboration. As a part of this study, DOL visited 50 American Job Centers across the United States. Reports about these visits will be released in a year.
- Denise Beaver shared that both Howard and Carroll Counties were designated as a TechHire Communities. This Whitehouseinitiative focuses on building a pipeline of tech talent that will bring new jobs to the local economy and facilitate business growth, giving local residents a pathway into the middle class.
- The Kane Company suddenly closed in Columbia, MD with little notice. The Columbia Workforce Center held a job fair at the Laurel Regional Workforce Center to assist workers impacted by this closure.
- Apprenticeships
- The board was given a thorough overview of the apprenticeship program. Topics covered included: program entry requirements, salaries, types of apprenticeship programs and union verses non-union programs. A tour was given directly after the meeting and contact information was provided.
- Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM.
- Next meeting: February 15, 2017