(Medium and Small Sized Organization – Manufacturing and Construction)

Terms and Conditions of the Awards:

  • Scope of the Awards cover the following sectors:


Manufacturing (including energy)

  • The description and attachments should be clearly linked with the relevant question
  • In certain questions, guideline(s) in the form of note is given to help the applicant in providing specific information required. Also, in few questions a detailed explanation of technical term and the exact data required is given.
  • The application for the award is fora unit in Manufacturing sector. But, multiple units of single organization are eligible to apply for Awards. Whereas, in Construction sector the application for the award is for the organization and not for the individual project of the organization.
  • In case of any clarification, applicant should get their doubts clarified before applying. FICCI or QCI shall not be responsible for any lack of information in application once organization has applied for awards.
  • Any misrepresentation of facts will disqualify the organization from awards and any fees would be non-refundable.
  • The evaluation is a three-stage process as mentioned below:

Application evaluation

On site assessmentafter application evaluation

Jury selection by the presentation of qualifying unit/mine/organization after on-site assessment

  • The category of the applicant unit for Awards & Feeswill be determined by the category of the organization owning the unit as per the criteria defined below.
  • Application fee (Non-refundable and inclusive of GST @ 18%) for the award for each of the two sectors i.e. Construction & Manufacturing covers under the scope of awards is as follows :

Rs. 17,700/- for small sizedorganization (Organizationhaving both turnover & investment excluding working capital both less than Rs 100 crore)

Rs.35,400/- for medium sized organization (Organization having either turnover orinvestment excluding working capital between Rs 100 crore to Rs 500 crore.If any one of the parameter crosses the higher limit of Rs 500Crore thenthe organizationfalls in large sized organization)

P.S: Please share your unit/organization’s GST Number and state code while doing payment as it is mandatory in GST regime

  • Unit/Organization that qualify for on-site assessmentwillhave to bear the expenses of auditor(s)’ travelling and accommodation in addition to the fees mentioned above. Also, they have to pay an additional fee of Rs 11,800/- per man day to FICCI as the auditor fees for the on-site assessment of its unit/organization. Generally, two auditors will be deployed for one day audit of the unit/Organization.
  • In case any question is not applicable for your Organization/Unitthen please justify the reason(s) for the same
  • Wherever an organization is participating through unit level,only the individual unit level data should be shared for evaluation in the application for Question No. 6 and beyond in the form
  • Last date for receiving duly filled Application Form in FICCI Office is10thNovember 2017by close of business hour.
  • In case of any query, please contact:

Mr Samir Mathur

011 - 2348 7269 (Direct)

  • Application fees should be sent through Cheque/DD in favour of “Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)” payable at New Delhi to the below mentioned contact along with the application form
  • The duly filled application form could be sent through post to:

Mr Samir Mathur

Manufacturing Division

FICCI, Federation House

Tansen Marg

New Delhi – 110001

Application forthe Sixth Edition of FICCI Quality Systems ExcellenceAwards for Industry

1. / Name of the Applicant Unit/Organization
2. / Address
Pin Code:
For the organization participating in Construction sector, please furnish the below details also.
Name & Address of the organization’s Head Office :
3. / Details of the Highest-Ranking Official of the organization and of Alternate Contact Person
Highest ranking Official of the Organization Details:
Office (Tel):
Email: / Alternate Contact Person Details:
Office (Tel):
4. / Turnover or Sales of the Organization (last three years turnover in rupees)
Note: In case of individual unit/mine applying for the awards, please share the Turnover/Sales both unit/mineand for the Organization as of whole
5. / Investment of the Organization excluding working capital (last three years investmentin rupees)
Note: In case of individual unit/mine applying for the awards, please share the Investment excluding working capitalboth unit and for the Organization as of whole
6. / Main products produced/services offered by theapplicant unit/mine/organization
7. / Main Customersof the applicant unit/mine/organization
8. / Number of Employees in the applicant unit/mine/organization
Regular employeesin the unit/mine/organization:
Other than regular (Contractor/ Consultant etc) in the unit/mine/organization:
9. a) / Major sequence of conversion process involved in the applicant unit/mine (For example machining, welding, casting, forging, grinding, packaging, distillation, mining operation like drilling, blasting, excavation, hauling etc.)
Note: Attach process chart describing your conversion process
9. b) / Major equipment, facilities and technologies usedby applicant unit/mine/construction site
Note: Attach list separately for all the equipments other than major equipments
10.a) / Provide a short history of quality system development of your unit/mine/organization. Mention credentials/ certifications obtained from external agencies relevant for your industry. Brief the Quality System and certification adopted in the Construction & Infrastructure project
(For example,ISO 9001 & 14001, TS 16949, c-GMP, WHO-GMP, AS 9100, TQM, Six Sigma,OHSAS 18000 etc.)
Note: 1 – Attach Quality Manual as applicable (Do not attach Procedure Manual)
Note: 2 – Limit the above description within one page
10.b) / Explain the organisation structure for deployingqualitythroughout the organisation and the roles & responsibility of the QA/QC function?
Note: Attach the organisation structure and also provide a description of the roles and responsibilities of personnel towards producing quality products/services
10.c) / Explain the role of Managing Director/Business Head of organizationin quality management? Also, explain how do leaders understand and develop the underlying capabilities of the organization?
Note: Underlying capabilities – Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat
10.d) / Explain how does the unit/mine/organization develop and implement its quality policy, quality objectives
Note: Explain the process of establishing and implementing its quality policy, quality objectives and quality plan.
In addition, please attach the following:
i)quality policy
ii)quality objectives
10.e) / How do you ensure that quality risk management has been considered in your quality system?
Note: Quality risk management is a valuable component of an effective quality system. Provide an explanation of how you are identifying, assessing, mitigating and monitoring the risks associated with products/services, processes, regulations etc
10.f) / How do you identify areas of improvement from non-conformances observed in your products/services / processes?
Note: Attach alongwith description reporting system for non-conformances
10.g) / How do you assess the effectiveness of your current quality systemincluding details of monitoring through Audit(both internal and external)?
Note: Provide details of process/internal audit on Quality/Zero Defect Audits including types of action taken on deviations
10.h) / What are the initiatives you have taken to improve quality?
Note: Provide a short description of your quality improvement process and attach list of quality improvement projects
10.i) / How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your improvement initiatives?
Note: Include a description of your system of planning and monitoring the quality improvement projects
11.a) / Is there any mechanism to share customers and suppliers feedback in your Organisation/Unit/Mine? If yes, please provide the description of the same and explain how customer and supplier relationships are managed and enhanced.
Note: Includedescriptionsof theprocesses of capturingboth customers and suppliersfeedback. Description shall include the trends of feedback
11.b) / How do you select and evaluate your supplier?
Note: Attach adescription ofsupplier selection processand supplier evaluation criteria
11.c) / How do you monitor the quality of product(s) and service(s) of your sub suppliers?
Explanation: Sub suppliers are your Tier 2 suppliers or suppliers of your main supplier.
The quality performance of your final product/service may get affected due to your sub supplier poor quality of product(s)/service(s). So through this question we want to know whether you are monitoring the quality of product(s)/service(s) of your sub supplier and if so what are the various ways
11.d) / How do you assess the effectiveness of your customer related processes including customer complaints?
Note: Attach only the list of customer related processes along with a short description
12.a) / How do you plan the development of competence of your key group of personnel to improve quality of product and services
Note: Provide details of
i)determination of competencies at various levels
ii)Skill matrix
iii)training need analysis
iv)On job training / One point Lesson
v)Evaluation of effectiveness of training
12 b) / How are ensure the people involvement in “Operator Driven Improvement” Kaizen / Idea / Suggestion scheme etc.
Explain the people involvement and promotion to achieve next level of Quality
12.c) / How are you establishing effective communication on quality systems in your organisation/unit/mine?
Note: Explain your policies and practices on communication amongst different levels of personnel about quality related issues including the coverage of deployment in the unit/organization/mine level
13.a) / Are all process data captured and being analysed for improvement?
Explanation: The process of process data capturing Like Inspection, Measurement, Visual inspection, Functional testing etc.
Data analysis and used for Process Quality Improvement Like Pareto tool, Cause & Effect diagram etc.
13.b) / How do you plan and ensure effective inspection, testing and calibration activities?
Note: Provide only a short description of your programme including how you are monitoring the effectiveness of the programme
13.c) / How do you ensure that yourproducts/services complywithproduct/serviceliability, IPR, environment and other legal and statutory requirements?
Explanation: Compliance is a prevalent business concern for each business organization. There are ever increasing number of regulations that require organization to be vigilant and have a full understanding of the compliance requirement. It is important for the organizations to ensure that they can manage all compliance risks effectively. In this question, you have to explain how you are identifying the compliance requirement regularly, updating them and the kind of data you are collecting, storing etc. Apart from explaining the process you are also requesting to submit evidence of different compliance.
13. d) / What is the system of Product Recallin case there is a need for such recall/ controlling the non- conforming product? If there is no system of Recall in the Organization/unit/mine then please provide details of traceability system followed in your Organization/unit/mine.
Explanation:Productrecall/failure at Customer end is a request to return a product after the discovery of safety issues or product defects that might endanger the consumers or put the manufacturer/mining company at risk of legal action. The Product recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence which can cause significant cost to company.
Controlling the Non-Conforming Product procedure with 8D, Why-Why analysis and action closure.
Product Traceability data: - Explain the various steps taken by the unit/mine in case of a defect discovered at the customer/consumer end. Like Date of manufacturing, Operator coding etc.
13.e) / How do you ensure that all critical processes are identified, validated and controlled?
Note: Describe your method of identification of all important process variablesand related quality control measures, necessary data collection, monitoring and appropriate Like CTQ display, Quality Alert, Customer feedback etc.
13.f) / Do you have a change control system? Are changes being evaluated before implementation?
Note: Attach description of your change control system.
13.g) / How do you ensure your facilities and equipmentmaintenance are appropriate for consistently manufacturing quality products or providing quality services?
Note: Please include a description of your current maintenance practices including technological up gradation, automation etc.
13. h) / How do you asses the quality systems adopted by your contractor?
13.i) / How do you assess the performance of your channel trade partners?
Note:Distributor/Dealers are channel trade partners who act as a medium to ensure stock delivery/availability for the consumer across the geographies. The role of these entities is critical. Please provide a description of the assessment of the performance of the channel trade partners.
13.j) / Are you deploying the Quality by Design (QbD) concept in your design/ development and manufacturing/mining processes? If so, then please explain the process of deployment
Explanation:Quality by Design (QbD) is a scientific approach to ensure quality by developing a thorough understanding of the compatibility of the finished product to all of the components and processes involved in manufacturing that product. Instead of relying on finished product testing alone, QbD provides insides upstream through the development & Manufacturing processes. As a result, a quality issue can be efficiently analysed and its root cause can be quickly identified. Through this question you are requested to explain whether you are using any scientific approach of Quality by Design which may include identification of all critical attributes of product & process parameters as well as determining the extent to which any variation can impact the quality of finished product.
14. / Please provide the following information (For Power sector please provide information on adding parameters as given in Annexures in addition to the listed below parameters)
Financial Year 2015-16 / Financial Year 2014-15 / Financial Year 2013-14
A / For main products/services: % of output/service meeting specification at
A1 – Roll Throughput Yield (RTY%)
A2 - Final Inspection Yield
B / Scrap/Wastage %
(Main Product-wise)
C / Orders/Projects not delivered on time in % age
D / No. of customer returns as a % of No. of product delivered or No. of returns per projects completed (in case of Construction)
E / Number of customer complaintsas a % of No. of product delivered or No. of customer complaints as a % of No. of projects completed (in case of Construction)
15 / Are your capturing data for customer satisfaction? /  Yes
 No
If yes, provide the trend of customer satisfaction measurement over the last three years (provide the details with indices and attach calculation sheet for arriving the figures in all three Years)
16. / Are your capturing data for employee satisfaction? /  Yes
 No
If yes, provide the trend of employee satisfaction measurement over the last three years (provide the details with indices and attach calculation sheet for arriving the figures in all three Years)
17. / Are you capturing data for cost of poor quality? /  Yes
 No
18 / How are your promoting Quality culture in your organisation?
Explain – Participating in external Quality culture activities like. Quality Circle, Kaizen Drive, Best practice sharing conference, Government skill management program participation, Poka-Yokes initiatives etc.
19 / Recognition from External Bodies or Government Forums Like Manufacturing Today, ET Times, Safety Award, Industry body, Central/ State Government etc.

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