NCDPI – AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information

Resource Title: Timeline of Key Historical Events of Our Community
Subject Area/Grade Level (s): Social Studies/3 / Time Frame 1-2 hours
Common Core/Essential Standard Addressed:
3.H.1 Understand how events, individuals and ideas have influenced the history of local and regional communities.
3.H.1.1 Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and regions over time.
Additional Standards Addressed:
4.RI.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
4.W.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
4.W.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources.
Brief Description of Lesson/Task/Activity: After the teacher has read books and internet articles to students regarding key historical events that occurred in NC and in their own area of the state and that have affected the local community, region, and state, higher level students will be asked to research more deeply these events and collaboratively create a timeline of these events (in NC).
Type of Differentiation for AIGs (include all that apply): Enrichment x Extension x Acceleration
Adaptations for AIGs: Content x Process x Product
Explanation of How Resource is Appropriate for AIGs: This task is appropriate for a higher level student because while the student continues to work with the Essential Standard for his grade level, he will also use fourth grade objectives for reading informational text and writing. He will need to work collaboratively with his fellow higher level classmates to analyze which events are important and should be included on the timeline. Then he will need to help create a timeline with pictures and words to describe the key events. He will also need to cite his sources. Students will then analyze events to rank them according to influence/impact that they have made on our lives today.
Needed Resources/Materials:
Below are books which may be helpful:

•  North Carolina: A History by William S. Powell

•  North Carolina in the American Revolution by Hugh F. Rankin

Below are websites which may be helpful:





•  Rubric was created in:
•  Dates in Elaborate section from:
TEACHER NOTES: The teacher should find books/internet articles that she will be able read to students describing key historical events that affected the local community, region, and state.

NCDPI AIG Curriculum Resource Outline

Questions to engage:
1. What historical event has happened in the US that still affects us today? How does it affect us? Could another event change the effects of that event? What event do you think that would be?
2. Do you know of an event that has happened locally that has affected us? How?
3. What would our nation/local area be like if this event had not happened? Do you think the event and the effects of the event were positive or negative? Why?
4. If you had been around during that historical event and you had been able to have influence, what would you have done differently? Why? How would you have accomplished what you think should have happened?
After the whole class has learned about how historical events have affected the local community, the region, our state, and the United States, the higher level students will collaborate to create one timeline of the important key events that helped to establish NC as we know it today. The students will place events in chronological order, they will label or title each date with the key event, they will write details under each title to describe the event and its importance, and they will find pictures to go along with most events. Students will cite sources for all information that they find and all pictures/images used. Next, students will pick one area of influential events (commerce, arts, political, government, etc.), and then they will pick out 5 of the major events that happened in that area. The students will work together to discuss the 5 events and rank them according to the most influential/impactful to our world today. They will write the events from 1-5, one being the most influential/impactful and 5 being the least. They will write justifications for their rankings. They will also work together to present the timeline to the class.
Below are key events and many of these should appear on the timelines:
•  In the 1580s, the British established two colonies in North Carolina, both of which failed. In the 1600s permanent settlers from Virginia began to move to North Carolina, and it eventually became part of a British colony known as "Carolina."
•  Many people believe that in 1775 North Carolina became the first colony to declare independence from Great Britain. After the American Revolution, North Carolina became the twelfth state of the Union. In 1861, North Carolina seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy in the Civil War. In 1865, North Carolina troops surrendered, leaving the state to be brought back into the Union in 1868.
•  1705Bath, the first town in North Carolina, is built.
•  1776February 27:The Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridgeis the first battle of the American Revolution to be fought in North Carolina.
April 12: North Carolina becomes the first state to vote in favor of independence.
•  1789 November 21: North Carolina becomes the 12th state of the United States of America.
December 11: The University of North Carolina is chartered, becoming the first public school in the United States.
•  1794The capital of North Carolina, which had previously been located in New Bern, is moved to Raleigh.
•  1804The "Walton War" is fought between residents of Georgia and North Carolina.
•  1840The first public schools open in North Carolina, based on a plan that had been drafted in 1817.The newState Capitolis completed.
•  1861-1865The United States Civil War. Some 40,000 North Carolinians are killed over the course of the war.
•  1865March 19-21: TheBattle of Bentonvillebecomes the bloodiest battle fought in North Carolina. The Confederates are defeated by Union troops.
April 26: A large number of Confederates surrender atBennett Place, outside of Durham, North Carolina.
May 6: The last Confederate troops in North Carolina surrender.
April 15:Andrew Johnsonbecomes the 17th president of the United States.
The teacher will assess students by using the attachment (rubric) for creating a timeline.
TEACHER NOTES: The teacher can tweak the rubric if she wishes to do so.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project