COLT Conference Chapter Scrapbook Event
Objective: To develop the ability of chapter reporters to efficiently organize and maintain a record of news clippings, pictures, and other material of historical value.
A. Rules and Regulations
1. Chapter scrapbooks are to be brought directly to the COLT Conference session attended by the chapter members.
2. The scrapbooks will be placed on display during the COLT Conference and should be picked up by the chapter at the close of the session that they attend.
B. Procedures
1. The scrapbook must be for the most recent year completed.
2. The scrapbook should be arranged in one of the following methods for arranging the materials:
a. Events arranged in a logical time sequence, i.e., April 1 through March 31.
b. Events arranged by each of the program of activities divisions.
C. Official Score Card
Scrapbook title page 5
Layout arrangement 10
Local news articles 15
FFA news releases other than from local chapter 10
Banquet programs, certificates, awards 5
Originality, arrangement, design 15
Quality of materials included 10
Photographs, including captions 10
Spelling, grammar 10
Neatness and legibility 10
Total 100
D. Awards Recognition
Scrapbooks meriting awards may be rated purple, blue, red or white. Plaques will be awarded to the top three chapter scrapbooks.