Intervention Summary

Task Analysis, Activity Analysis, & Modification (TAAAM) – Short Form

Name of activity: Making Wax Candles

Type of modality: Aromatherapy

Type of play / Solitary
Interaction pattern / Extra-Individual
# of participants required / 1
Equipment/supplies / wax flakes, pre-waxed candle wicks, fragrance oils, container for candle, glass container, pot, tape, stove, scissors, nontoxic crayon, chopstick or skewer, metal spoon, oven mitt
Facilities required/environment / Need stove top, and decent amount of table space
Precautions / This activity uses the stove top, be aware of clients who tend to act out or touch a lot of things. Activity requires patience, waiting for wax to melt and dry. Glass containers are used, they tend to be a little bit heavy.
Activity Instructions
(what the therapist needs to do to facilitate the activity)
1.  1. Therapist to initiate activity with client
2.  Therapist to instruct client to gather all supplies needed
3.  Therapist to instruct client to place items on the table/workspace
4.  Instruct client to place the candle wick in chosen container for candle
5.  Instruct client to maneuver the wick and skewer/chopstick so it is sticking up straight, folding a small amount over the skewer/chopstick
6.  Instruct the client to measure out candle flakes needed
7.  Instruct client to fill the pot halfway with water
8.  Instruct client to put pot on stovetop
9.  Instruct client to turn stovetop on medium heat
10.  Instruct client to stir wax occasionally
11.  Instruct client to put crayon color of choice, and fragrance oils into the wax
12.  Instruct client to put on oven mitt
13.  Instruct client to turn off stovetop
14.  Instruct client to pour wax into chosen container for candle
15.  Instruct client to let candle sit for 3-4 hours
16.  Instruct client to remove skewer/chopstick from wick
Task Analysis
(what the client needs to do to perform the activity)
1.  Gather supplies (wax flakes, pre-waxed candle wicks, fragrance oils, container for candle, glass container, pot, tape, stove, scissors, nontoxic crayon, chopstick or skewer, metal spoon, oven mitt)
2.  Place all items on the table
3.  Place container for candle in front of you
4.  Pick up the pre-waxed candle wick
5.  Place the wick in the container, with the metal piece flat against the bottom
6.  Pick up skewer or chopstick
7.  Lay the skewer or chopstick over the top of the container so it cuts the container in half, evenly
8.  Grab the top of the wick
9.  Fold about ½ an inch over the chopstick or skewer, so that it stays in place hanging over chopstick/skewer
10.  Pick up wax flakes
11.  Measure how much wax you will need (usually, fill container that will hold the candle with wax twice and that will be sufficient)
12.  Place the (now measured) wax into a glass container
13.  Pick up pot
14.  Walk to faucet
15.  Turn on water
16.  Fill pot halfway with water
17.  Turn off water
18.  Walk over to stove top
19.  Place pot on stove top
20.  Turn stove on medium
21.  Walk to table
22.  Pick up glass container with wax flakes
23.  Walk back to stove top
24.  Place glass container into pot
25.  Stir wax occasionally as it begins to melt
26.  Walk back to table
27.  Pick up crayon
28.  Pick up scissors
29.  Cut 1/8 of the crayon off
30.  Pick up the small piece of crayon
31.  Walk back over to stove
32.  Drop crayon piece into the pot of wax
33.  Pick up spoon
34.  Keep stirring the wax until it is fully melted
35.  Turn off the stove
36.  Pick up scented oils
37.  Place about sixteen drops in the candle wax
38.  Pick up spoon
39.  Stir candle wax so that it is well mixed
40.  Put down spoon
41.  Pick up oven mitt
42.  Place on hand
43.  Pick up glass container from pot
44.  Walk back to table where container with the wick is
45.  Pour the melt wax into the container until it is about ¾ full
46.  Place glass container on table
47.  Allow candle to sit for 3-4 hours at room temperature
48.  Remove chopsticks or skewers from top of container
Activity Analysis
(inherent skills within the activity)
Category / Skills
Primary body position / Standing
Parts of the body required / Neck, Trunk, Upper extremities, Lower extremities,
Directionality / Left/right, up/down, around, over/under, person/object, object/object
Physical skills / Active range of motion: neck/head, upper extremities, trunk, lower extremities, dynamic standing, static standing, bending, bilateral integration, carrying in the arms and hands, crossing midline, fine motor coordination, palmer grasp, scissor grasp, radial-digital grasp, 3-jaw chuck grasp, pincer grasp, gross muscle coordination, lifting, manipulating, motor control, moving around using equipment, muscle strength, picking up, pulling, putting down objects, reaching, releasing, speed, standing, turning or twisting hands or arms, visual-motor integration. Walking short distances
Cognitive skills / Arousal/alertness, alternating attention, divided attention, selective attention, sharing attention, sustaining attention, calculation, cognitive flexibility, concentration, decision making, initiation, intellectual knowledge, short-term memory, orientation of person, place, time, and topographical, organization and planning, simple and complex problem solving, reading, recognition of numbers, size, and shape/form, sequencing, spatial operations, strategy, and time management
Sensory abilities / Olfactory, tactile, visual function
Communication/language skills / Reception to spoken language, written language, body language, and signs and symbols, expression of spoken language, producing body language
Social and interpersonal skills / Starting, sustaining and ending a conversation, handling criticism, heterogeneity, homogeneity, interpersonal interactions, maintaining social space, physical contact, relating with persons in authority, and behavior, forming and terminating relationships, self-expression, showing respect and warmth, showing tolerance
Self-care skills / Caring for skin, teeth, hair, nails, etc., dressing, hygiene
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Growth and development, hope/optimism, inner strength, joy, positive emotions of escalation, de-escalation, and well-being, sense of competence/mastery, sense of connection and belonging, freedom/autonomy, and identity, anger, emotional pain, fear, frustration, and guilt
(to meet the therapeutic needs of the client)
How could you simplify the activity? / 1.  Have therapist deal with stirring the pot, so client does not deal with heat
2.  Premeasure wax out, so patient does not have to measure wax
3.  Have therapist do the activity with client, take turns doing different steps
4.  Have two or three clients do activity together, able to problem solve together, do task together
5.  Client can sit during activity when at table preparing things
6.  Use containers and pots with handles, easier grip for some clients
7.  Use containers and pots that are relevantly light in weight
How could you make the activity more complex? / 1.  Have client make more than one candle during the activity
2.  Have client make all different color/scented candles
3.  Therapist to only help out if client asks, sit back and watch
4.  Have certain time frame client needs to do activity by, speed up activity
5.  Use heavier containers and pots during activity
Any Additional Comments