Greetings from the brothers of the Zeta Lambda chapter at Marshall University.
1998-99 was a busy season for Zeta Lambda. In addition to our annual service projects such as providing pizza and water at band camp, and being in charge of uniforms, we also hosted the second annual Marshall University Tri-State Marching Band Festival, which attracted 21 high school bands from around the area.
At the festival brothers performed many important tasks, such as announcing and judging the festival. Brothers also presented awards and ran scores. As a fundraiser, we sold band CDs, T-shirts, and programs. This was a major source of funding for our chapter this year. We were glad of these resources when we were put in charge of the fall band banquet.
Our football team did especially well this year, defeating Toledo to become the MAC champion for the second straight year. The Herd also traveled to Detroit to the Motor City bowl, defeating Louisville for the first bowl victory for Marshall.
We had several opportunities to travel this year to meet other chapters, including the University of South Carolina, Miami University, Toledo, and our brother chapter, Ohio University. We greatly enjoyed these opportunities to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood with other schools around the nation.
This spring, we inducted a class of ten actives and one honorary, the largest class in the history of our chapter, bringing our numbers to 20. It was quite a challenge to put such a large class through when there were only 9 brothers in our chapter before the class. A huge service project that our new class helped us with was re-organizing and moving Marshall's entire music library.
Sadly, we were bereaved in January when we lost a brother, David Cavender, in a car accident over Christmas break. This was a very hard time for our chapter. We will love and miss Dave very much. He was a very active brother. We ask that you keep Dave's friends, family, and the Zeta Lambda chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in your prayers.
We were happy to have Brandon Parsons and other brothers from Kent to come to our third degree, as well as faculty brothers who attended the degree. We had four people attend the block at Kent State, and have eight at this year's District Convention, a record for our chapter.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Fowler, Zeta Lambda, Marshall University
Had four people attend the block at Kent State.
Organized and moved Marshall University's entire music library