EDC Board Minutes
May 16th, 2017
Board Members Present: / Board Members Not Present:Ross Tomlin / Michele Bradley / Garry Bullard
Mike Bever / David Yamamoto
Ed Gallagher
Tammy Crossley
Suzanne Weber
Doug Olson
Staff Present: / Nan Devlin / Amy Blackburn / Laura Gruenewald
Public Present: / Joe Meyer
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by 12:55 pm by Chair Michele Bradley. With no new attendees, introductions carried over from Budget Committee meeting.
Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda
Shawna Sykes talked about TRAIN Oregon, there are over 2000 online courses available to upgrade their skills.
Consent Agenda
A motion to approve the minutes of the April 18th, 2017 meeting - with a change of date for Tourism Banquet from the 6th to the 5th – and the EDC, VTC and Revolving Loan Fund financial reports was made by Suzanne Weber and seconded by Ed Gallagher. The motion carried.
Old Business - none
New Business
Approval of Tourism Marketing and Promotion Grants
Director Devlin spoke about TPAC reviewed 17 submitted, 15 were eligible. They were scored and ranked and recommended nine businesses and organizations. Not all got their full amount requested.
Food Roots – signage and rebranding, advertising, wayfinding
Garibaldi Portside Bistro – web design, branding
North County Recreation District – winter music festival promotions
Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad – website design, photography, google analytics, online campaign in support of new branding.
Pacific City Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce – Help support Birding and Blues Festival
Pine Grove Community House – Marketing for off season, digital campaign for events
Sheltered Nook on the Tillamook Bay – Digital campaign for off season lodging
Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce – Photography
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership – series of videos
Tammy Crossley moved to approve the TPAC’s recommendations for funding of Promotion and Marketing Grants as presented, Mike Bever seconded. The motion carried.
Board Vacancies
Filling Ray Sieler’s existing vacancy – Steve Dutton has applied and was recommended by Ray. The board reached out to Angela Warren, committed elsewhere. David Butler might be interested but put off that no one has come in to talk with him about economic development. Mayor Weber also recommended Hampton Lumber. There was talk about making contacts with smaller businesses. They will address this again next meeting. Michele Bradley to reach out to Hampton and Stimson.
Revolving Loan Fund – Authority to process and fund
There was discussion about the process, verification that a loan approval committee meeting is set and who will be present/take packet to the meeting.
EDC Interim Director Report – no report at this time
VTC Director Report
Director Devlin reported on:
- VTC received Travel Oregon award for best visitor guide.
TAC Liaison Report - None
Board member comments –
- Suzanne Weber reported on construction progress. Second street plaza is coming along (one way going west), the path that the road is going to take, and starting sidewalks along Pacific Ave. The City is going with County on planning which will make it one stop permitting.
- Ed Gallagher reported on Wheeler – Botts Marsh project was almost fully funded by the state.
He gave a little insight on the project.
- Mike Bever – Update on attendance at temporary visitors center. They expected it to be down but only by 25%. They’re down by 75%. Not sure if it’s weather, construction or if people think it’s closed. They’re going to do some marketing. No plans to have pop up downtown this summer.
- Ross Tomlin – two weeks on the job, still getting his bearings straight and all’s going well
- Doug Olson – Reach the Beach coming up – 3,000 bikes.
More importantly, he wanted to discuss what’s come up with the EDC, the questions that Commissioner Baertlein presented on the IGA, and feels they’re at a pretty serious crossroad. After much discussion it was decided that the board needs to form sub-committee, meet and form answers to the questions, talk about/come up with economic development projects, etc. A subcommittee was formed to work towards coming up with a comprehensive meaningful answers as well as ideas for the EDC and come up response to the county.
Shawna Sykes commented on Clatsop County and the Director of their EDC/SBDC – recommended communicating with him. He does a pretty good job. The rest of the counties she covers have only the SBDC minus the EDC.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:06 pm by Chair Michele Bradley.