General Course Content
SUR 3323 Visualization of Spatial Information
Our weekly process: We will get into a standard process in this course.
1. Watch video lectures. Access the links on the course website that feed an assigned HW.
2. Take the lecture quizzes in ELearning. Each quiz is about 5 questions from the lecture content.
3. Download the HW from the course website.
4. Do the Homework, and submit your solution, usually a *.dwg file, as an upload in the Assignment tool of ELearning.
Each HW has a due date. Note all these dates on your personal calendar. Submit before that time. Late Homework will be reviewed but points may not be given.
5. Note the dates and times of our Midterm exam and Final exam. Place those dates also on your personal calendar.
HWs are due Sun. 11:30PM For due dates, check the ELearning Assignment and Assessment Tools.
Tut. / Content / HW Content1 / Explore ACAD, draw lines, circles / #1 Time drill
2 / Templates, toolbars, UCS, pgon, units, list, text / #2 First lot
3 / Osnap, dist, area, offset, stretch, break, plot / #3 10 acre six sided polygon
4 / Dock toolbars, layers, boundary, road cls, pavt, trim, properties, extend, RW, lot lines, buildings / #4 Straight line subdivision, boundary, street cl, RW, lots, buildings, lot data
5 / Arcs, circles, curves, plines, fillet, spline, area of pline / #5 Curved subdivision, lake, areas
6 / More draw/modify techniques, ray,xline, lengthen, multiline, explode, hatch, polygon, arrays / #6 Flower garden
7 / Paper/Model space, moving objects, opening prop box, options, hatch associatively, extend with fillet, model space, layout tab, paper space, viewports, plot paper space. / #7 Paper space drawing with 3 viewports into model space of a previous drawing.
8 / Sheet sizes, templates, blocks, create template, create viewport in paper space, insert drawing as block, explode, vclip / #8 Two Drawings –(1) make and use a paper space template with notes, (2) make a block library of notes, insert in model space.
9 / Block libraries (model space), create attributes, insert blocks, extract attributes. / #9 Subdivision with monument blocks and attributes inserted, extracted.
10a / Intro to solid modeling, UCSICON, views, make 3D box, 3DO
10b / Subtract wedge from box, add cylinder, Boolean operators, union, subtract, intersect, cone, extrude, revolve solid, fillet or chamfer / #10 Concept car
11a / Orthographic drawings, miter lines, projections to construct views, pitch,
11b / Dimensioning, styles, add dimensions to ortho. / #11 Dimensioned Orthographic House
12 / 3D Surface Models – TIN, ruled, etc. / No HW
14 / LD1 – Subdivision, Swampville, Steve Brickley / #12 Swampville
16 / LD2 – Metes and Bounds, Charlie Brecken / #13 Metes and Bounds
17 / LD3 – Topo Survey, Zach Williams / #14 Topo Survey
18 / LD4 – Lot Survey,Marigold Estates, Steve Brickley / #15 Lot Survey
FINAL EXAM: Topics 1-18
Tues of finals week, 7-9PM.