Job title / Head of Department
Reports to / SMT
Direct reports / Subject Teachers

Job purpose

The main purpose of this role is to lead and manage the chosen department, ensuring that excellent standards are maintained through the department and that the department continues to excel and progress.

Duties and responsibilities

·  Manage and motivate department staff to enable pupils to receive an education of a high standard in the subject, in a positive, encouraging and effective environment.

·  Ensure that the subject continues to develop, keeping up to date with changes in the curriculum and encouraging a wide variety of activities which support the subject.

·  Supervise the teaching of the subject throughout the school, making sure that it is the appropriate level for the year group and ability of the students within the class.

·  Ensure current examination syllabi are being taught in their entirety, keeping up to date with any changes.

·  Oversee the smooth running of the department, holding weekly minuted department meetings to set the standards and monitor progress against targets, providing relevant information to the department in a timely manner and being the initial point of contact for all department staff.

·  Foster development of individuals within the department – identifying suitable CPD opportunities and sharing best practice.

·  Ensure that all assessments & internal examinations for the department are set and marked appropriately. Moderation is to take place after assessments.

·  Ensure all assessment data (including predicted grades) is submitted on time after each assessment period.

·  Ensure that tracking of pupil progress in all year groups is taking place, in order to secure best possible outcomes. HoD’s are required to submit post assessment evaluations, highlighting any issues regarding pupil progress, plans should then be put in place to address these issues if need be. HoDs will liaise with Head of Teaching and Learning in this regard.

·  Attend monthly meetings with Head T&L

·  Ensure that all essential resource material is available for use as required and continuously update the available resources to students with useful and innovative content. This can be done through keeping the VLE up to date.

·  To write and regularly update content and schemes of work to be included in Student Booklets and Open days.

·  To regularly review the content on the department’s webpages.

·  Attend meetings and interviews as requested by Senior Management Team.

·  Liaise with the Head of Teaching and Learning to organise the teaching and assessment within the department.

Added Specific responsibilities

Responsible for all staff and students within the department.

Responsible for subject-related clubs and extra-curricular activities.

Responsible for attending Parents’ Evenings and Subject Fairs

Working conditions

Mandatory attendance to both the Christmas Carol Concert and Sports and Speech Day.

Physical requirements


Safeguarding and Child Protection

The post-holder’s responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young persons for whom they are responsible, or with whom they come into contact, will be to adhere to and ensure compliance with the School’s Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy at all times. If in the course of carrying out the duties of the post the post-holder becomes aware of any actual or potential risks to the safety or welfare of the children in the School they must report any concerns to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead or to the Headmaster.

Other duties and requirements

Please note this job description outlines the main duties and responsibilities of the position and is defined for the benefit of both the post holder and Buckswood School in understanding the prime functions of the post. It should not be regarded as exclusive nor exhaustive as there may be other duties and requirements associate with and covered by the post.

Approved by: / Mike Shaw
Date approved: / 7th August 2017
Reviewed: / 1st September 2017

This job description should be reviewed annually and updated as often as necessary.

Head of Department – specific added responsibilities

Department : Art

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Art Exhibition – focus week
2 / Film and editing day
3 / Provide decorations for school events such as Christmas ball
4 / Feeder school event
5 / Open Day taster session

Department : Business

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Potato challenge
2 / Grape picking and vineyard
3 / Business fair
4 / Enterprise event GSCE – focus week
5 / Enterprise event Senior – focus week
6 / Feeder School event
7 / Open day taster session

Department : Economics

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Stock trading competition
2 / Focus week
3 / Feeder school event
4 / Open day taster session

Department : ESOL

General responsibilities:
Assess placement tests and liaise with admissions in a timely manner
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / IE trips cultural and historical
2 / Focus week

Department : English

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Debating
2 / English and culture week – focus week
3 / War poetry week
4 / Feeder school event
5 / Open day taster session

Department : Geography

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Trips
2 / Orienteering event for juniors
3 / Photo competition
4 / Open day taster session

Department : History/RE

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Hands on history
2 / Castle competition
3 / Open day taster session

Department : Languages

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Young Dragons challenge
2 / International Day
3 / Christmas Market
4 / Feeder school event (dragon visit to primary school)
5 / Focus week

Department : Maths

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Maths Challenge
2 / Puzzle Day
3 / Chess tournament
4 / Focus week

Department : Music

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Hastings Music Festival
2 / Burns Night
3 / Christmas events (carols, carol service, oap carols, balls)
4 / Speech and sports day

Department : Science/IT

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Royal society biathlon
2 / Focus week
3 / Feeder school event
4 / Open day taster session

Department : Games

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / Team photos and match reports
2 / House matches
3 / Staff matches
4 / Horse riding festival
5 / Rugby festival
6 / Junior sport fun day
7 / Speech and sports day competitions

Department : Learning Support

Date/Week / Task/project

Department : Extra Curricular

General responsibilities:
Recording and promoting achievements in department i.e. producing posters with test results, exam passes

Ensuring all classrooms in the department are attractive places to learn and promote subject to students and visitors with examples of work, key terms, pictures of trips etc

Be in charge of department banner and presentation of department for school events such as Open Days, Speech and Sports Days

Research and take part in an external competition or event and notify and take photos and supply to

Date/Week / Task/project
1 / RSA
2 / Wednesday club activities
3 / LAT
4 / Work experience programmes


Head of Sixth Form

Uni fair
UCAS preparation
Careers fair
Subject fair (transition)
Revision course
Pre uni course
Open evening
Open days

Head of GCSE

Subject fair (transition)
Open evening
Revision course
Open days

Head of Junior school Open evenings, forms 1,2,3. Open days.

Publication of annual Buckswood Young Writers.

Preparation of Carol Service readers.

UK marketing support at local external events and fairs.

Dispatcher: school transport.

Form 1 trip to Italy.

Form 2 trip to Prague.

Young Writers Club. Junior School conker fight. Great Easter Egg Hunt. Pancake Day celebrations.

Writer, annual junior school drama production.

Burns Night in association with the Headmaster.

Organiser of the junior school families' annual Hastings Pantomime trip.

Co-ordinator of the junior school’s participation in external writing competitons.