Minutes of the Meeting of Bridgham Parish Council held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 30thJanuary2018 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Mr M Dickenson, Mr T Fitch, Mrs J Hinesand Mrs J Lowe
Also Mr R Kybird (District Councillor) and 3 members of the public
Apologies for absence:Mr B Evans
Declarations of Interest on items on the agenda:None
To consider Dispensations: None
To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on29th November 2017. Minutes agreed and signed.
Public Participation: A resident was concerned about the notice board which was sited at the end of her front garden, it had fallen over and the resident did not want it put back on her land. Mr Fitch explained thatthe plan is to do a quick repair and put the agenda elsewhere whilst the repair was being organised. It was discussed that planning permission would be needed to re site the notice board in the residents garden, the clerk to look into it. The agenda will be sited at the bus shelter.
The resident was also concerned about the lamp replacement and it shining into her house.
Representatives of the village hall committee thanked the council for the repairs and replacement equipment in the playground. The representatives were concerned about the damp problem in the hall, they had repainted the wall and the damp had caused problems within 10 weeks of the wall being painted; Mr Kybird to have a look at the damp problem.
The repairs to the roof were discussed, the council are waiting for Anglian Water to complete their work, scaffold cannot be erected whilst Anglian Water are working. The window at the back of the hall will need to be looked at as it has mould inside the sealed unit.
Mr Kybird reported
Breckland Lottery launched, which is local funding. To go on the Brecklandwebsite to register as a community organisation, to sell lottery tickets and receive 50%. 20% is spent on admin and 10% goes into a District pot for projects.
The inspector has announced the timetable for the local plan.
A mobile phone app is available, you order at your local shop and pick up from any local shop that participates in the scheme. It is £10 a month for shops to be part of the scheme.
Broadband- phase one role out to be completed by 2018, Bridgham is part of phase 1.
R Kybird gave his apologies for the next meeting.
To consider any matters arising from the minutes (for information only). All items on the agenda
Accounts to be presented for approval of payment in accordance with the budget:
Insurance £495.24
Village Hall hire£40.00
The payments were agreed
To consider maintenance of the Village Hall: the repairs to the roof have to wait until Anglia Water have completed their work.
The damp in the village hall was discussed, Mr Kybird to look at it.
To consider purchasing a new notice board; discussed previously
To consider strimming the playing field: the clerk has met a representative of Norse at the playing field and is still waiting for the quote. The contract has increased by 11%, first increase in quite a while.
The charities have agreed to pay £351/£352 for a bench for the playing field and would like a plaque recognising their donation, the council agreed; the Clerk to produce a letter requesting the money.
Tesco funding was discussed, the clerk to look into the funding.
To consider insurance renewal: discussed previously and agreed.
To consider planning applications and decisionsreceived after this agenda was produced: None
To consider litter picking: an email has been received, reporting on the state of the verges and the rubbish strewn over them, asking the parish council to undertake a litter picking event with other community organisations. Breckland have litter picking equipment available to pick up at various sites. The clerk to check the parish councils insurance to see if the council is insured for a litter picking event.
To receive and consider correspondence:
A resident has asked the council to discuss flashing speed signs; the council has looked into them before. The clerk reported on the cost, £2,000-3,000 per sign and the amount of help needed to operate the signs and move from site to site is prohibitive. The council agreed there is no issue at the moment.
Any further Reports/items for the next agenda – for information only (not for discussion)The quiet lane signs have been removed from this end of Roudham,Mr Fitch to check
Mrs Hines reported that the Bridgham stone had been moved from the parish boundary and was in the wrong place; Mr Dickenson to check where the parish boundary is.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 28th February 2018 at 7.30 p.m,
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.52